Keyword Index


  • Abandokht and the story of Samak-e Ayyar A Comparative Study of Ishtar-Anahita Character in Iranian and Mesopotamian Myths with Aban Dokht in the Story of Samak-e Ayyar [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 265-288]
  • Abbas Maroufi "Narrative Time" and its Relationship with the Element of "Suspension" in the Novel of "the Year of the Riots" by Abbas Maroufi based on Gerard Genette's theory [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 135-159]
  • Abbas Maroufi Study of the Components of Fictional Modernism in Three Novels of Abbas Maroufi "Symphonye Mordegan, Sale Balva; Tamaman Makhsos" [Volume 26, Issue 92, 2022, Pages 195-222]
  • Abbreviations The Effect ofAbbreviation as a Note- taking Aid On The Reproduction/Reconstruction of Class Lectures [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2000, Pages 120-144]
  • Abd Al-Sabar Analyzing Sign-Semantic Schema in the Discourse of “In the Waves of the Sand” and “Abd al-Sabar” Poems [Volume 25, Issue 89, 2021, Pages 167-189]
  • Abd Al-Wahhab Al-Bayati The Comparative Study of the Linguistic Representation of Shafiei Kadkani and Abd al-Wahhab al-Bayati to Hallaj's Tragedy from the Perspective of Ideational Metafunction [Volume 26, Issue 93, 2022, Pages 209-232]
  • Abdolhossein Sanatizadeh Kermani Explaining the Status and Function of the Anti-Discourse in the Historical Novel Damgostaran or Enteghamkhahan-e Mazdak [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 125-154]
  • Abdolrahman-e Jami A Critical Comparison of Jami’s Anecdotes in Baharestan and Minimalist Stories [Volume 20, Issue 68, 2016, Pages 117-142]
  • Abdullah Qutbshah Olfati Savoji and Rawaih Gulshan Qutbshahi [(Articles in Press)]
  • Abdul-Qādir Bidel Dehlavi The motif of Bubble and its network images in Ghazals of Abdul-Qādir Bidel [Volume 18, Issue 62, 2014, Pages 81-123]
  • Abdul Qadir Gilani Abdul Qadir Gilani's life and works and to evaluate and comparing all Hagiographies written about him until the tenth century AH [Volume 22, Issue 75, 2018, Pages 7-40]
  • Abgir wa Se Mahi Transformational Analysis of (Abqir wa Se Mahi)’s Anecdote in Masnavi [(Articles in Press)]
  • AboosaeedAbolkheyr The Image of Qosheyri in Asrar al-Towhid (Methodological and Content Analysis) [Volume 16, Issue 54, 2012, Pages 89-108]
  • Absolute metaphor A comparison between mystical metaphors and Rhetorical Metaphors according to Hans Blumenberg’s notion of Absolute metaphor [(Articles in Press)]
  • Absurdity The Elements of Absurdity in Bahrām Sadeqī’s Malakut [Volume 24, Issue 86, 2020, Pages 7-28]
  • Abu Hanifah Eskafi “Dirham Stealing By Sword’’ In a Couplet of Abu Hanifah Eskafi [Volume 19, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 149-163]
  • Abul ‘Alā Ma'arry Common Mythic Motif between Woman Angels Born in Fruit in the "Risālah al-Ghofrān" and Orange Girls in "Doxtar-e Nārenj o Toranj" Story [Volume 18, Issue 60, 2014, Pages 73-103]
  • Abumoslemname The myth of water in folktales based on the Abu Moslem Name and the Geran e Habashi [(Articles in Press)]
  • Abu Muslimnameh Investigating the Instances and Levels of Narration in Long Folk Tales with an Emphasis on Abu Muslimnameh [Volume 26, Issue 92, 2022, Pages 169-194]
  • Abu Torab Khosravi Postmodernist characteristics in the works of Abu Torab Khosravi and Bijan Najdi [(Articles in Press)]
  • A Corpse on the Pavement Comparative analysis of “Dolls retail“by Sadeq Chubak and “A Corpse on the Pavement’’ by Saadallah Wannous [Volume 19, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 123-146]
  • Actantial Model A Study of the Female Actants in the Selected Stories of Four Satirists of Children Literature Using Greimas's Model [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 153-182]
  • Action model Analysis of the Narrative Structure of the Story of Bahram and Gol-andam Based on Greimas Theory [Volume 18, Issue 61, 2014, Pages 83-105]
  • Active anti-discourse Explaining the Status and Function of the Anti-Discourse in the Historical Novel Damgostaran or Enteghamkhahan-e Mazdak [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 125-154]
  • Adequate tricks Aesthetic Structure of Irony in Hafez’s Ghazals [Volume 23, Issue 82, 2019, Pages 191-222]
  • Adjective A Reduction of Derivational and Inflectional Morphemes [Volume 12, Issue 38, 2008, Pages 55-66]
  • Adjective An Investigation of Demonstrative, Interrogative, and Exclamatory Adjectives in Persian Literary Texts [Volume 21, Issue 74, 2017, Pages 99-122]
  • Aestbetic analysis Aesthetic Analysis of Phonetic Structure in Ahmad Azizi's Poetry in Terms of "Revelation Shoes" [Volume 14, Issue 44, 2010, Pages 101-127]
  • Aestheticism A study of unusual aesthetic symbols in Persian Literature [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2008, Pages 49-81]
  • Aesthetics of irony Aesthetic Structure of Irony in Hafez’s Ghazals [Volume 23, Issue 82, 2019, Pages 191-222]
  • Aesthetics of poetry Artistic and Aesthetic Functions of "Tanazo" in Poetry [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 235-252]
  • Affective criticism Affective Fallacy in Historiography A Critical Look at Shahab Al-Dyn Nasavi’s Sirat-e Jalal Al-Dyn and Nafsat Al-Masdovr [Volume 20, Issue 67, 2016, Pages 7-35]
  • Agent The Effect of Transformation on Changing the Role of Characters in a Selection of Folk Tales [Volume 27, Issue 97, 2023, Pages 41-70]
  • Agha Shahid Ali Ghalib Dehlavi’s Ghazals Beyond the Orient [Volume 20, Issue 68, 2016, Pages 143-165]
  • Aghraz Al-Seyasah Correction Some Distortions and Falsifications in Aghraz Al-Seyasah by Emphasizing on Meshkat᾿s Transcript [Volume 26, Issue 92, 2022, Pages 143-168]
  • Agree-base Approach Control in Persian [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2005, Pages 70-108]
  • Agree-base Approach Control in Persian [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 105-126]
  • Ahamd Showghi A Comparative Study of Fiction Elements in Ahamd Showghi’sBabol-Hekayat and Parvin E’etesami’s Stories [Volume 19, Issue 66, 2015, Pages 91-114]
  • Ahl-e-Ghargh Ecocriticism of Moniro Ravanipour's Ahl-e-Ghargh [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 233-260]
  • Ahle Ghargh Critique and Analysis of Moniru Ravanipour’s Ecological Story “Ahle Ghargh” with a Look at the Discourse of Power [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 7-33]
  • Ahl-e Gharq Analysis of the Structure of Ahl-e Gharq [Volume 18, Issue 60, 2014, Pages 7-23]
  • Ahmad al-Ghazzali's Bahr Al-Haghayegh Functional Investigating of the Mystical Experiences in the Revelatory Discourse of Bahar-al-Haghigah by Ahmad Ghazzali Based on the Ideational Metafunction [Volume 23, Issue 79, 2019, Pages 214-191]
  • Ahmad azizi .Revelation Shoes Aesthetic Analysis of Phonetic Structure in Ahmad Azizi's Poetry in Terms of "Revelation Shoes" [Volume 14, Issue 44, 2010, Pages 101-127]
  • Ahmadmahamood Self-Actualization and Ideal Self in the Novel "The Fig Tree of Temples" from Horney's Perspective [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 241-264]
  • AhmadMahmoud Reflection of popular rituals and beliefs in the southern fictional school [(Articles in Press)]
  • Ahmad Mahmoud A Study of the Novel Zero Degree Orbit in light of Gerard Genette's Narrative Discourse [Volume 24, Issue 86, 2020, Pages 81-101]
  • Ahmad Shah Reflection of Power Criticism in the Poems by ShahabNeyrizi (Content Analysis from the Qajar Period from the Perspective of New Historicism) [Volume 17, Issue 55, 2013, Pages 103-124]
  • Ahmad Shakeri Analysis of Novel of “Naked against the Wind” by Ahmad Shakeri Based on the Greimas Actantial Theory [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 253-278]
  • Ahmad Shamloo The Intertextual and Intratextual Analyses of Shamloo’s Committed Poems of the Twenties and Thirties [Volume 20, Issue 69, 2016, Pages 67-97]
  • Ahmad Shamloo Analysing Ahmad Shamloo & Muhammad Al-Maghut’s personality Based on the Lüscher Colour Test [Volume 23, Issue 81, 2019, Pages 197-226]
  • Ahmad Shamloo Components of an ideal society in contemporary Iranian poetry (with a case study of selected poems of Malek Alshoara Bahar and Ahmad Shamloo) [(Articles in Press)]
  • Ahmad Shamloo Representation of Social Agents in the Satiric Discourse of Ahmad Shamloo Based on Van Leeuwen Pattern [Volume 27, Issue 97, 2023, Pages 367-404]
  • Ahmad Shamlu An Anslysis on Nationalistic Speech in the Poems of Ahmad Shamlu (Based on the Speech Analysis Theory of a Laclau and Mouffe) [Volume 22, Issue 75, 2018, Pages 175-206]
  • Ahrari Comparative Study of Mystic Thoughts of Khajeh Ahmad Kasani in Naqshbandiah Dynasty [Volume 26, Issue 91, 2022, Pages 7-32]
  • Aijaz Ahmad Ghalib Dehlavi’s Ghazals Beyond the Orient [Volume 20, Issue 68, 2016, Pages 143-165]
  • Aimful love An Investigation of Love in the World of Epic: A case of Shahnameh [Volume 20, Issue 70, 2016, Pages 29-45]
  • Ain al-Quzat Systematicity in the Metaphorical Conceptualization of Knowledge based on Visual Perceptions in Ain al-Quzat Hamedani’s Tamhidat va Nameh-ha: A Cognitive Approach [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 257-282]
  • Ain al-Quzat Hamedani Systematicity in the Metaphorical Conceptualization of Knowledge based on Visual Perceptions in Ain al-Quzat Hamedani’s Tamhidat va Nameh-ha: A Cognitive Approach [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 257-282]
  • Akhar e Shahname Analysis of speech acts based on john Searle`s opinions in the three poem of Mahdi Akhavansales (Akhare shahnameh, zemestan and az in avesta). [(Articles in Press)]
  • Akhavan Analyzing the Effect of Narcissism in the Poems of Mehdi Akhavan Sales [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 305-336]
  • Akhavansales Analysis of speech acts based on john Searle`s opinions in the three poem of Mahdi Akhavansales (Akhare shahnameh, zemestan and az in avesta). [(Articles in Press)]
  • Akhavan Saleth The Influence of Foreign Works on Akhavan’s Poetry [Volume 21, Issue 73, 2017, Pages 79-102]
  • Ala'edin Mohammad The Role of Ala'eddin Mohammad in Rumi's Life and Its Hidden Reflection in Mathnavi [Volume 17, Issue 58, 2013, Pages 135-151]
  • Alam-ara-ye Abbasi Investigating the influence of power on Safavid period prose based on the sociology of language based on the book Alam Arai Abbasi [(Articles in Press)]
  • Ala ud-Daula Simnani An Analytical-Descriptive Study of Color and Light in Ala ud-Daula Simnani's View [Volume 24, Issue 85, 2020, Pages 139-166]
  • Alef Literary and Artistic Use of the Letter "A" in the Poems of Khorasani Style Poets [Volume 23, Issue 79, 2019, Pages 76-55]
  • Alexander's journey Comparison of the semantic levels of ascension of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the Journey of Alexander [Volume 22, Issue 76, 2018, Pages 266-241]
  • Ali Ashraf Darvishian An examination of the fictional elements in the novel "Salhā-ye Abri [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2008, Pages 82-106]
  • Ali-Ashraf Darvishian An Investigation of the Pace of the Story Time in the Narrative of “Cloudy Years” Novel by Ali-Ashraf Darvishian [Volume 26, Issue 92, 2022, Pages 111-142]
  • Ali Kbodaee Postmodern Ontology in an Iranian Wdter's Short Story [Volume 14, Issue 44, 2010, Pages 29-42]
  • Ali mohammad Afghani A Comparative Study of Orientational Conceptual Metaphors in Novels Shohar-e Ahoo Khanoom by Afghani and Never Let Me Go by Ishiguro [Volume 27, Issue 98, 2023, Pages 183-204]
  • Alināmeh Comparison between Alināmeh and Shāhnāmeh [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2012, Pages 163-182]
  • Alizadeh Archetype of Woman in Alizadeh's Works [Volume 20, Issue 69, 2016, Pages 181-204]
  • Allegory Some Literary devices in the Poetry of Saeb Tabrizi and John Donne [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2007, Pages 109-128]
  • Allegory A Survey on Allegory and its Types in Maghalat-e Shams [Volume 21, Issue 73, 2017, Pages 103-127]
  • Allegory Genealogy and Analyses of "The Little Black Fish Symbols" [Volume 23, Issue 80, 2019, Pages 202-175]
  • Allegory Artistic and Educational Functions of Allegory [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 323-352]
  • Allegory Imagery Techniques in the Prose of Mystical Preaching in the 5th Century [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 117-150]
  • Allegory language Allegorical Language; Empathetic Language(Logical Analysis of the Course of Allegorical Language to Empathetic Language in Mysticism Based on Masnavi) [(Articles in Press)]
  • Alphabetic symbolism An Investigation of Wise & Mystical Thoughts Reflected through Alphabetic Symbolism in Iranian Mystics’ Poetry [Volume 19, Issue 65, 2015, Pages 53-78]
  • Ambiguities An Analysis of Some Ambiguities of Jahangosha-ye Juwayni’s History [Volume 25, Issue 87, 2021, Pages 224-246]
  • American/ English culture Iranian and American/ Englisn Cultural Differences [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2007, Pages 86-98]
  • American school Comparative analysis of “Dolls retail“by Sadeq Chubak and “A Corpse on the Pavement’’ by Saadallah Wannous [Volume 19, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 123-146]
  • American school Comparative Literature in Iran: Emergence and Challenges [Volume 12, Issue 38, 2008, Pages 9-28]
  • American school The Connection between Literature and Music in “Dead Symphony” by Abbas Maroufi [Volume 25, Issue 87, 2021, Pages 168-192]
  • Aminuddin Safi Bahram and Golandam; A Narrative of the Process of Individualization [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 91-116]
  • Amir Arsalān Study of Historical and Ideological Theme in Amir Arsalān Story [Volume 23, Issue 82, 2019, Pages 61-88]
  • Amir Arsalan Namdar Comparative Study of Text and Image in the Lithographed Manuscript of Amir Arsalan Namdar with Cultural Identity [(Articles in Press)]
  • Amphibology Hidden Proportional Amphibology in the Poems of Hafiz [Volume 19, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 31-53]
  • Amphibology of proportion Analysis of the Amphibology of Proportion and its Semantic Fields in Masnavi [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 80-55]
  • Anahita A Comparative Study of Ishtar-Anahita Character in Iranian and Mesopotamian Myths with Aban Dokht in the Story of Samak-e Ayyar [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 265-288]
  • Analysis An Analytic Reflection on the Relation between Ambiguity and Rationality in Ghazals by Hafez [Volume 17, Issue 55, 2013, Pages 125-142]
  • Analysis An Investigation of Demonstrative, Interrogative, and Exclamatory Adjectives in Persian Literary Texts [Volume 21, Issue 74, 2017, Pages 99-122]
  • Analysis of poetry Inquiry-Based Paradigm in the Interpretation of Poetry [Volume 21, Issue 71, 2017, Pages 49-77]
  • Andre Burton Aesthetics of Surrealist Elements In the works of "Nadia" by Andre Burton and "Three Drops of Blood" by Sadegh Hedayat [(Articles in Press)]
  • Anecdote The study of the time element effects in the underplotted anecdotes of Marzban-Nameh [Volume 22, Issue 76, 2018, Pages 240-215]
  • Anecdote Typology of Anecdotes During 8th to 10th Century AD (Plus Introducing Two Manuscripts) [Volume 25, Issue 88, 2021, Pages 88-112]
  • Anecdotes World Messages of Reflecting Violence against Women in Attar Neyshabouri's elahy nameh Stories [(Articles in Press)]
  • Anecdotes The Character Shift of Mystical Anecdotes According to Nineteen Mystical Text. [(Articles in Press)]
  • Angel Comparative Analysis of Transit through Heavens, its Mythological Foundations and Astrological Indications(in the treatises of ascension towards heavens (Me’raj Nameh), the worshippers’ path (Seir-ul-Ebad) and the Divine Comedy [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2007, Pages 22-43]
  • Animal Stories Genealogy and Analyses of "The Little Black Fish Symbols" [Volume 23, Issue 80, 2019, Pages 202-175]
  • Animal symbols of the ego Animal Symbols of the Ego in the Mystical Works of Sanāi, Attār and Rumi [Volume 18, Issue 62, 2014, Pages 147-173]
  • Animus's archetype Analyzing Various Aspects of the Animus Archetype in Iranian Legends (Based on the Book Dictionary of the Legends of the Iranian People) [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 196-173]
  • Anis al-Nas The Influence Persian and Arabic Sources on Shoja' in Chapter Two of Anis al-Nas [Volume 18, Issue 61, 2014, Pages 135-167]
  • Anis at-Talibin Comparative Study between Baha’ al-Din Naqshband Bukhari’s Two Books of Anis at-Talibin and Maqamat [Volume 26, Issue 93, 2022, Pages 35-64]
  • Annexed verses of Shahnameh A New Study on the Number of Shahnameh’s Verses Another Answer to the Reason for the Difference between the Known Number and the Actual Quantity of Shahnameh [Volume 26, Issue 91, 2022, Pages 89-123]
  • Antagonism A Grandiose Sense of Self-importance: A Study on the Phenomenon of Antagonism and the Discourse of Cultural Otherness in Comparative Arabic Studies between Persian and Arabic Literature [Volume 26, Issue 91, 2022, Pages 125-152]
  • Anthropology The nature of revelation from Mawlana 's view point [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2008, Pages 177-194]
  • Antithesis A Formalistic Criticism on sohrab Sepehri's "ta enteha - ye hozur" Poem [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2006, Pages 61-75]
  • Anxiety The Relationship Between Preplanning Time For Task Performance And The Anxiety Level Of Iranian Efl Learners [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2006, Pages 36-51]
  • Apollonian The Apollonian and Dionysian Psychological Types in Iranian Mythology and Mysticism [Volume 21, Issue 72, 2017, Pages 7-34]
  • Arabic Historical Evolution of Metonymy in Persian and Arabic Literature until the 7th Century [Volume 12, Issue 38, 2008, Pages 67-90]
  • Arabic dictionary Hafez's Master's Perspective: The Fault of Creation's Pen [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 183-210]
  • Arabic language Arabic Linguistic Patterns in Sa’adi’s Works [Volume 23, Issue 80, 2019, Pages 174-145]
  • Arabic Poems Haj Molla Hadi Sabzevari and Arabic Poems In Explaining the Spiritual Rhymed Couplets of Molana [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2008, Pages 142-176]
  • Arabic Poems Intrinsic Intertextuality of Sa'adi's Poetry in Common Contents of His Persian and Arabic Poems [Volume 24, Issue 86, 2020, Pages 191-213]
  • Arabic sources Origins of Bahārestān Stories by Jami [Volume 16, Issue 52, 2012, Pages 161-184]
  • Arabic verses Rectifying Some Arabic Verses of the Odes of Rashid-al-Din Vatvat's Works According to the Archaic Manuscripts Available [Volume 13, Issue 40, 2009, Pages 117-125]
  • Arab nationalism Iranian and Arab Nationalism in Persian Stories of the Iran-Iraq War [Volume 27, Issue 98, 2023, Pages 137-182]
  • Arash Kamangir The Imagination of "Arash Kamangir" (Arash Bowman) Story Written by Siavash Kasrai, Relying on the Concept of "Fear of the Time" from the Perspective of the Gilbert Durand [Volume 26, Issue 91, 2022, Pages 33-60]
  • Arash the archer The connection between the kingdom of Zab e Tahmaseb and the myth of Arash the archer [(Articles in Press)]
  • Archeology The Archeology of Power Struggle in Shahnameh and Iliad (Relying on the Fereydun and the Priam Myths) [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 181-120]
  • Archetype An Investigation of Shahnameh’s Four Heroic Periods based on Archetype Theory [Volume 19, Issue 65, 2015, Pages 161-189]
  • Archetype Totemism in the stories of Shahname [Volume 11, Issue 34, 2007, Pages 85-113]
  • Archetype Archetypal Analysis of the Story of the “King and Little Servant” [Volume 14, Issue 45, 2010, Pages 87-104]
  • Archetype Archetype of Woman in Alizadeh's Works [Volume 20, Issue 69, 2016, Pages 181-204]
  • Archetype Readout of the Ghazaliyate Shams from the Perspective "self" Archetype in Jung's Thought [Volume 21, Issue 74, 2017, Pages 147-166]
  • Archetype A ''Wise Old Man'' Archetype Criticism in Maqāmāt Hamidi [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 98-81]
  • Archetype Investigating and Analyzing the Symbols in Haft Khan-e Rostam [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 211-234]
  • Archetype Bahram and Golandam; A Narrative of the Process of Individualization [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 91-116]
  • Archetype The Collective Unconscious Mind and the Role of its Themes and Images in the Richness of the Literary Work (Relying on the Comparison of the Theme of "Patience against Calamity" in "Kelidar" and "Da") [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 151-192]
  • Archetype The myth of water in folktales based on the Abu Moslem Name and the Geran e Habashi [(Articles in Press)]
  • Archetype A Reflection on the Process of Individuality in Shafi'i Kadkani's Poems [Volume 27, Issue 98, 2023, Pages 35-72]
  • Architecture Poetry Art or an Artistic Poet; taking a close look at the relationship between art and literature in Nezami's poems [Volume 13, Issue 40, 2009, Pages 63-78]
  • Architextuality Transtextuality in the Novel The Red Manes Mare by Mahmoud Dowlatabadi [Volume 24, Issue 85, 2020, Pages 261-284]
  • Ardavirafname The study of goals and structural specifications in the five spiritual Travel books [Volume 22, Issue 76, 2018, Pages 60-33]
  • Aristotle Ghodamebne Jafar and the Significance of his Notions and Works in the Interpretation and Iranian-Islamic [Volume 12, Issue 38, 2008, Pages 113-129]
  • Aristotle Reading the Tragic Events of Beyhagi's History Based on the Characteristics of the Aristotelian and Brecht Theater [Volume 23, Issue 81, 2019, Pages 101-134]
  • Arrogance Analyzing the Effect of Narcissism in the Poems of Mehdi Akhavan Sales [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 305-336]
  • Artemis Banu gosasb nameh and Artemis myth [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2007, Pages 108-121]
  • Artistic Look The Nature of Sufism and Its Language from the Point of View of Rumi in Masnavi [Volume 23, Issue 79, 2019, Pages 102-77]
  • Artist’s Novel The Typology of the Novel A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and You’re No Stranger Here [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 155-179]
  • Ascension Comparison of the semantic levels of ascension of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the Journey of Alexander [Volume 22, Issue 76, 2018, Pages 266-241]
  • Asghar Elahi A Study of Narration Temporality in Salmargi Novel based on Gerard Genette’s Theory [Volume 18, Issue 60, 2014, Pages 125-144]
  • Asghar Elahi Psychological Critique of the character in the novel of Salmargi based on Karen Horney’s theory [Volume 18, Issue 62, 2014, Pages 175-193]
  • Ashghalduni(Dustbin) An Analysis of the Basic Textual Contrastsin the Literary and Cinematic Discourse The Case Study: A Comparison between the Story Ashghalduni (Dustbin) and the Adapted Movie Dayereh-ye Mina [Volume 22, Issue 75, 2018, Pages 85-104]
  • Ashura From Interlecture to Intertextuality: Narratalogy of Ashura Heritage in the Fiction of Mahmud Dowlatabadi [Volume 19, Issue 65, 2015, Pages 101-119]
  • Ashura Ashura distortion in contemporary fiction (review of the works of Sadegh Hedayat and Mahmoud Dolatabadi) [(Articles in Press)]
  • Asrar al-Tawhid Study of Functions of Propp's Theory in Asrar-al-Tawhid Tales [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 257-296]
  • Asrar al-Tawhid From Rhetorical Methods to Social and Human Relations: Based on Asrar al-Tawhid of Abū-Sa'īd Abul-Khayr [Volume 24, Issue 85, 2020, Pages 37-68]
  • Asrar al-Towhid The Image of Qosheyri in Asrar al-Towhid (Methodological and Content Analysis) [Volume 16, Issue 54, 2012, Pages 89-108]
  • Associative Collocation An Overview of Collocations in Saeb Tabrizi's Sonnets [Volume 27, Issue 98, 2023, Pages 205-234]
  • Astrological indications Comparative Analysis of Transit through Heavens, its Mythological Foundations and Astrological Indications(in the treatises of ascension towards heavens (Me’raj Nameh), the worshippers’ path (Seir-ul-Ebad) and the Divine Comedy [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2007, Pages 22-43]
  • Ata Malek Juwayni A study of the sources and references for the hadiths included in Tarikh-e Jahan-Gusha-yc Juwayni [Volume 12, Issue 35, 2008, Pages 7-26]
  • Ata Malek Juwayni An Analysis of Some Ambiguities of Jahangosha-ye Juwayni’s History [Volume 25, Issue 87, 2021, Pages 224-246]
  • Ata-Malik Juwayni The Methods of Application of Qur’anic Verses and Hadith in Jahangosha History [Volume 20, Issue 69, 2016, Pages 153-180]
  • Athir Umani Phonetic Layer Stylistics of Kamal-al-Din Ismail and Athir Umani’s Poems Based on Layer Stylistics [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 297-334]
  • A Thousand Rooms of Dream and Suppression Sociological Criticism of A Thousand Rooms of Dream and Suppression [Volume 16, Issue 52, 2012, Pages 7-36]
  • Atiqi Majalis Review of Reflections of Magical Realism in the Tales of Tabrizi Ancient Gatherings "Atīqī Tabrīzī Majālis" [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 145-170]
  • AtiqRahimi Sociological Criticism of A Thousand Rooms of Dream and Suppression [Volume 16, Issue 52, 2012, Pages 7-36]
  • Attar Analyzing the Types of Complaint Poems in Attar's Poetry [Volume 25, Issue 89, 2021, Pages 33-58]
  • Attar The Application of Jung's Personality Psychoanalysis in Attar and Rumi's Poetry Relying on the Two Categories of Joiner and Separation [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 349-376]
  • Attar World Messages of Reflecting Violence against Women in Attar Neyshabouri's elahy nameh Stories [(Articles in Press)]
  • Attār Animal Symbols of the Ego in the Mystical Works of Sanāi, Attār and Rumi [Volume 18, Issue 62, 2014, Pages 147-173]
  • Attār Some of the Symmetrical Patterns in Attār's Works [Volume 26, Issue 92, 2022, Pages 7-29]
  • Attār The Saint of Faithfulness: Attār’s Odyssean Pious Woman [Volume 28, Issue 100, 2024, Pages 133-144]
  • Attar Neishabouri The Study and Analysis of Verbal Thoughts of Attar Neishabouri (Looking at his Masnavi) [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 211-239]
  • Attar Neyshaboori Analysis of Narrative Structure of Attar’s Poetic Works (Elahi-nameh, Mantiq al-Tayr, and Musibat-nameh) [Volume 16, Issue 54, 2012, Pages 5-30]
  • Attar’s Masnavi Intertextuality in Attar’s Masnavi with Sanāʾī’s Hadīqat al-Haqīqah [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 113-134]
  • Attar's Poetic Works Soul and Related Symbols in Attar Neyshabouri's Poem [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 223-256]
  • Attitude and worldview Analysis and study of the factors of formation of court metaphors in Nezami's khamsa based on cognitive metaphor [(Articles in Press)]
  • Audience Selection of Intratextual Audience for Poems in Constitutional Period (Based on personal experience of poets) [Volume 15, Issue 50, 2011, Pages 107-131]
  • Audiences Recognition of the Concept of "Speech" in Rumi's Masnavi, Relying on Contemporary Linguistics [Volume 23, Issue 79, 2019, Pages 126-103]
  • Audio love An Investigation of Love in the World of Epic: A case of Shahnameh [Volume 20, Issue 70, 2016, Pages 29-45]
  • Authorial-based Hermeneutics in the Writings of Shams-e Tabrizi [Volume 18, Issue 61, 2014, Pages 41-61]
  • Authoritarian An Analysis of the Position of Religion in the Novel Missing Soluch of Mahmoud Dolatabadi Based on the theoriy of Erich Fromm [(Articles in Press)]
  • Authoritarianism Excellence of Human Character in the Poems of Simin Behbahani Based on the Theory of Erich Fromm [Volume 26, Issue 91, 2022, Pages 235-261]
  • Automated Language Processing An overview of Machine Translation (MT) [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 60-70]
  • Awakening the hero ‎within Analysis of Archetypal Characters in Moniru Ravanpoor’s Novel of Kooly Kenare Atash Based on the Theory of Awakening the Hero Within [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 335-362]
  • Awakening the People Characteristics of Historiography in the History of Bayhaqi (Belief in Punishment and Protection of Reason, Prudence, and Tolerance in Iranshahr) [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 337-361]
  • Ayn al-Quzat Common Mystical Thoughts of Mani and Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani [Volume 25, Issue 87, 2021, Pages 298-315]
  • Ayyāri Tradition The Decline in the Character of Ayyār in the Story of Hossein Kurd-e Shabestari [Volume 24, Issue 85, 2020, Pages 113-138]
  • Azar Goshasp Rakhsh and Azar Goshasp [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2009, Pages 41-48]
  • Azerbaijani Turkish Multilingualism and poetry: A cognitive analysis of Shahriar’s poems [(Articles in Press)]
  • Az in Avesta Analysis of speech acts based on john Searle`s opinions in the three poem of Mahdi Akhavansales (Akhare shahnameh, zemestan and az in avesta). [(Articles in Press)]


  • Ba’ath Iranian and Arab Nationalism in Persian Stories of the Iran-Iraq War [Volume 27, Issue 98, 2023, Pages 137-182]
  • Babol-Hekayat A Comparative Study of Fiction Elements in Ahamd Showghi’sBabol-Hekayat and Parvin E’etesami’s Stories [Volume 19, Issue 66, 2015, Pages 91-114]
  • Bādbādak-Bāz The Sociological Analysis of Characters in the Novel Bādbādak-Bāz [Volume 18, Issue 60, 2014, Pages 144-173]
  • Badri dynasty Introducing the "Dar al-Salaam" Diwan poetry of Sheikh Abdul Razzaq Naqshbandi along with its structural and content analysis [(Articles in Press)]
  • Bagh Telo Critical Analysis of the Novel the Stumble Garden Based on Fairclough’s Theory [(Articles in Press)]
  • Baha' al-Din Naqshband Bukhari Comparative Study between Baha’ al-Din Naqshband Bukhari’s Two Books of Anis at-Talibin and Maqamat [Volume 26, Issue 93, 2022, Pages 35-64]
  • Bahan Forsy A Study of Situational Irony in Bahan Forsie’s Story [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 285-308]
  • Bahārestān Origins of Bahārestān Stories by Jami [Volume 16, Issue 52, 2012, Pages 161-184]
  • Baha Walad Experiencing Maze (Taste) and Namaze (Untaste) [Volume 25, Issue 88, 2021, Pages 296-318]
  • Bahjat Al Anvar and translation of summary Almfakhr and Qlayd-Jawahiri and ghusyh merits and HB beholder in the translation of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Abdul Qadir Gilani's life and works and to evaluate and comparing all Hagiographies written about him until the tenth century AH [Volume 22, Issue 75, 2018, Pages 7-40]
  • Bahmanbeigi The Representation of Social Actors in Dar Boyer- Ahmad within Van Leeuwen's Framework (A CDA Approach) [Volume 23, Issue 82, 2019, Pages 139-166]
  • Bahman Beigi Backgrounds and Manifestations of Romanticism in “My Bukhara, My Tribe” [Volume 15, Issue 50, 2011, Pages 37-52]
  • Bahman Sholehvar The Analysis of Naturalistic Elements in Novel of Safar-e Shab by Bahman Sholehvar [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 187-210]
  • Bahram and Golandam Bahram and Golandam; A Narrative of the Process of Individualization [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 91-116]
  • Bahram and Gol-andam Analysis of the Narrative Structure of the Story of Bahram and Gol-andam Based on Greimas Theory [Volume 18, Issue 61, 2014, Pages 83-105]
  • Bahrame gour Archetypal Decoding of Nezami’s Haft Peikar According to Bahram’s Travel to Gain “Great Mother” [Volume 26, Issue 91, 2022, Pages 315-341]
  • Bahram Sadeghi The Mythological Analysis of Yakolia va Tanhaei ‘Ou and Malakout with Focus on the Effect of 28 Mordad Coup on Recreating the Myth [Volume 18, Issue 60, 2014, Pages 25-50]
  • Bahrām Sadeqī The Elements of Absurdity in Bahrām Sadeqī’s Malakut [Volume 24, Issue 86, 2020, Pages 7-28]
  • Bahrolferasah Obeidollah Khishagi Ghosouri: Unknown expert on Hafez [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2008, Pages 85-101]
  • Bakhtin Attar’s Mantegh-al-teir and Dialogism [Volume 14, Issue 46, 2010, Pages 19-46]
  • Bakhtin Bakhtinian Polyphony and Heteroglossia and Their Presentation in the Novel Sangesabor [Volume 21, Issue 74, 2017, Pages 31-52]
  • Bakhtin The Novel of War in Iran from the Perspective of the "Other" Presence Based on Bakhtin's Votes [Volume 23, Issue 79, 2019, Pages 54-31]
  • Bakhtin Polyphony in the novel The Daughter of the Peasant, you lost the work to Azin using the approach of dialogue [(Articles in Press)]
  • Balami’s History An Intertextual Analysis of the Story of “The Jewish King who killed the Christians because of prejudice’’ from Masnavi [Volume 20, Issue 68, 2016, Pages 167-189]
  • Banu gosasb Banu gosasb nameh and Artemis myth [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2007, Pages 108-121]
  • Banu gosasb nameh Banu gosasb nameh and Artemis myth [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2007, Pages 108-121]
  • Barthes An Analysis of Narrative Elements Used in Jami's poem Yusouf and Zoleikha [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 33-58]
  • Barthes Semiotics of the Clothing System in Molavi's Masnavi [Volume 27, Issue 98, 2023, Pages 107-136]
  • Bashobeiroo A study of fiction "Ba shobeiroo" by Mamud Dolat Abadi [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2008, Pages 102-116]
  • Basil Bunting Basil Bunting and the Challenges of Literary Translation from Persian into English: A Case of Rūdhakī [Volume 28, Issue 100, 2024, Pages 61-90]
  • Bayhaqi's History The Analysis of the Story of the Execution of Hasank the Vizir Using New Historicism [Volume 24, Issue 85, 2020, Pages 205-230]
  • Bayhaqi’s History The Custom of Gift-Giving in Iran with Reference to Shahnameh and Bayhaqi’s History [Volume 24, Issue 85, 2020, Pages 167-204]
  • Beggar Psychological Analysis of Characters of Three Storeis from Gholam Hosein Sâedi (Beggar, Distitutes, and Garbage can) According to Karen Horney's theory [Volume 19, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 55-88]
  • Beh Azin Polyphony in the novel The Daughter of the Peasant, you lost the work to Azin using the approach of dialogue [(Articles in Press)]
  • Beihaghi History A Political Analysis of Body Language in ‘Beihaghi History’ [Volume 19, Issue 65, 2015, Pages 79-99]
  • Being An Analysis of the Structural Conceptual Metaphor of "Being" in Biddle Dehlavi's Sonnets [Volume 26, Issue 92, 2022, Pages 253-283]
  • Be jay Two Terms in Shahnameh [Volume 20, Issue 67, 2016, Pages 37-49]
  • Belief in resurrection Characteristics of Historiography in the History of Bayhaqi (Belief in Punishment and Protection of Reason, Prudence, and Tolerance in Iranshahr) [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 337-361]
  • Beloved Chameleon Analysis of the Narrative Structure of the Novel Beloved Chameleon [Volume 18, Issue 59, 2014, Pages 85-100]
  • Benjamin Heteropoesia: Basil Bunting’s Translation of Obayd Zākānī’s Mush-o Gorbeh [(Articles in Press)]
  • Beowulf A Comparative Analysis of Fiction and Epic Features in Shahnameh and Beowulf [Volume 21, Issue 73, 2017, Pages 7-28]
  • Beyhaghi History Analysis and Review of "Discourse-driven Structures" in Abolfazl Baygahi's Narrative of Hassanak Vazir's Story [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 93-124]
  • Beyhaghi’s History Reading the Tragic Events of Beyhagi's History Based on the Characteristics of the Aristotelian and Brecht Theater [Volume 23, Issue 81, 2019, Pages 101-134]
  • Beyhaqi “Dirham Stealing By Sword’’ In a Couplet of Abu Hanifah Eskafi [Volume 19, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 149-163]
  • Beyhaqi’s History Bayhaqi's History: A Lost Book or an Unfulfilled Wish (A theory about the extent and content of Beyhaghi’s History) [Volume 19, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 33-54]
  • BFLA Bilingual First Language Acquisition: One System or Two? [Volume 2, 7.8, 1998 & 1999, Pages 13-36]
  • Biddel Dehlavi An Analysis of the Structural Conceptual Metaphor of "Being" in Biddle Dehlavi's Sonnets [Volume 26, Issue 92, 2022, Pages 253-283]
  • Bidel Dehlavi The Concept of “Non-existence” in the Works by Bidel Dehlavi and Comparison with the Thoughts of Ibn Arabi [Volume 16, Issue 54, 2012, Pages 31-64]
  • Bijan Bijari Metafiction, a Postmodernism Method: Case Study of Tamashaye Yek Royaye Tabah Shode (Watching a Wrecked Dream) Novel by Bijan Bijari [Volume 25, Issue 89, 2021, Pages 191-215]
  • Bijan Najdi Intertextuality and the Contemporization of Epic in “The Night of Sohrãb's Killing’’ by Bijan Najdi [Volume 19, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 147-160]
  • Bijan Najdi Feministic criticism of Bijan Najdi's stories [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2007, Pages 7-23]
  • Bijan Najdi Analysis of Narrative Structure in Bijan Najdi's Stories Based on Poetics of Modernism (with Emphasis on Charles May and Susan Ferguson's Theories) [Volume 20, Issue 70, 2016, Pages 143-168]
  • Bijan Najdi Postmodernist characteristics in the works of Abu Torab Khosravi and Bijan Najdi [(Articles in Press)]
  • Bildungsroman The Typology of the Novel A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and You’re No Stranger Here [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 155-179]
  • Bilingualism Why Do Languages Die, and Haw? [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2006, Pages 83-106]
  • Blind Owl Recognition of origin of ethereal atmosphere women in Sadeq Hedayats the Blind Owl According to the discoveries of “Ray’s place where the drums are beaten at fixed intervals” [Volume 22, Issue 75, 2018, Pages 41-60]
  • Blumenberg A comparison between mystical metaphors and Rhetorical Metaphors according to Hans Blumenberg’s notion of Absolute metaphor [(Articles in Press)]
  • Body language A Political Analysis of Body Language in ‘Beihaghi History’ [Volume 19, Issue 65, 2015, Pages 79-99]
  • Book of Arda Viraf The function of Narrative Point of View and Semes in the Formation of Ideological Discourse of Ancient Theological Texts in Iran Based on Roger Fowler’s Literary Theories [(Articles in Press)]
  • Boostan Change in Structures of Coinage from the 10th to 13th Century based on Shahnameh and Boostan [Volume 17, Issue 55, 2013, Pages 65-88]
  • Borzunama An Investigation of the Myth of Fertility in Borzunama [Volume 20, Issue 67, 2016, Pages 127-145]
  • Bound and limitation Bound and limitation in Saadi's lyrics, the criteria for assessing the artistic rhetoric of Persian rhetoric [Volume 22, Issue 76, 2018, Pages 142-115]
  • Brecht Reading the Tragic Events of Beyhagi's History Based on the Characteristics of the Aristotelian and Brecht Theater [Volume 23, Issue 81, 2019, Pages 101-134]
  • Brevity Methods and Functions for Brevity in Bahrampour Omran’s Karikalemator [Volume 25, Issue 89, 2021, Pages 137-165]
  • Buostan of Saádi Boustan of Saádi and Transtextuality of Genette: A Research on Saadi’s Boustan with Genette’s Approach of Transtextuality from the Perspective of Comparative Literature [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 172-149]
  • Bustan Narrative Functions of Dialog in Sa'di's Bustan [Volume 20, Issue 70, 2016, Pages 47-71]
  • Bustan Reading the First Chapter of Sa’di's Bustan by Legitimation in Governmental Discourse Approach [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 193-222]
  • Bustan Correction of Twenty-Six Verses from Saadi's Bustan Corrected by Dr. Gholam Hossein Yousefi [Volume 27, Issue 98, 2023, Pages 325-360]
  • Butterfly Sunset Novel A Critical Discourse Analysis of "Gnder Representation" in Bakhtiar Ali's Novel: "Butterfly Sunset" [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 189-211]


  • Calligramme Visual (Concrete) Poetry at a Analytical, Critical and Comparative Glance [Volume 21, Issue 72, 2017, Pages 183-206]
  • Capitalism A Look at Georges Lokacs' Ideas on Marxist Criticism [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2007, Pages 122-136]
  • Carnival Chubak and the other Bakhtini [(Articles in Press)]
  • Castling Description of the term "Shah Rokh"(Castling) in a verse by Hafez Review [(Articles in Press)]
  • Cat and Mouse Analyzing the Function of Sheikh Bahai’s Cat and Mouse Based on Vladimir Propp’s Theory [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 283-318]
  • Central Core of Codes Semiotic Analysis of a Ghazal by Hafez [(Articles in Press)]
  • Champion A ''Wise Old Man'' Archetype Criticism in Maqāmāt Hamidi [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 98-81]
  • Change in attitudes A Critical Discourse Analysis of Holy Defense Poetry for children according to van Leeuwen’s approach (2008) [Volume 19, Issue 65, 2015, Pages 121-160]
  • Character of Ayyār The Decline in the Character of Ayyār in the Story of Hossein Kurd-e Shabestari [Volume 24, Issue 85, 2020, Pages 113-138]
  • Character shifts The Character Shift of Mystical Anecdotes According to Nineteen Mystical Text. [(Articles in Press)]
  • Chardh Narrative Chardh Narrative [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2009, Pages 49-64]
  • Charles May Analysis of Narrative Structure in Bijan Najdi's Stories Based on Poetics of Modernism (with Emphasis on Charles May and Susan Ferguson's Theories) [Volume 20, Issue 70, 2016, Pages 143-168]
  • Charles Sanders Peirce The Semiotics of Rumi’s Literal Attitudes in Shams-e Tabrizi Divan [Volume 20, Issue 67, 2016, Pages 147-178]
  • Chess Description of the term "Shah Rokh"(Castling) in a verse by Hafez Review [(Articles in Press)]
  • Child Reading and Intellectual Comparison of Siyasat-Nameh and Qaboos-Nameh based on the P4C Theory [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 69-96]
  • Children Poetry A Critical Discourse Analysis of Holy Defense Poetry for children according to van Leeuwen’s approach (2008) [Volume 19, Issue 65, 2015, Pages 121-160]
  • Children’s Literature A Study of the Female Actants in the Selected Stories of Four Satirists of Children Literature Using Greimas's Model [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 153-182]
  • Choice theory A Comparative Study of the Narrative of “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” and the Story of the Birds in Manteq-Al-Tair, Based on the Glaser’s Choice Theory [Volume 23, Issue 81, 2019, Pages 7-38]
  • Christine and Keed Discrepancy between Era and Writing: A Critical look at “Christine and Keed’’ [Volume 19, Issue 65, 2015, Pages 23-52]
  • Chubak Bakhtinian Polyphony and Heteroglossia and Their Presentation in the Novel Sangesabor [Volume 21, Issue 74, 2017, Pages 31-52]
  • Chubak Chubak and the other Bakhtini [(Articles in Press)]
  • City Tehran in the Mirror of Novel: Sociological Thinking about Representation of Tehran in Persian Novels [Volume 25, Issue 89, 2021, Pages 7-32]
  • Class Conscience A Look at Georges Lokacs' Ideas on Marxist Criticism [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2007, Pages 122-136]
  • Classical Persian texts Different Readings of Classical Persian Texts According to New Historicism [Volume 19, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 161-180]
  • Classification of Poems Investigating and Analyzing the Linguistic Structure and Classification of Khaghani's Short Poems [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 171-196]
  • Class Lectures The Effect ofAbbreviation as a Note- taking Aid On The Reproduction/Reconstruction of Class Lectures [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2000, Pages 120-144]
  • Claude Bremond The Effect of Transformation on Changing the Role of Characters in a Selection of Folk Tales [Volume 27, Issue 97, 2023, Pages 41-70]
  • Clerambault's syndrome Metafictional Experimentation in Enduring Love [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2006, Pages 5-31]
  • Closed Horizon From the Horizon in Nietzsche's Notion to the Horizon in Gadamer's Notion to Thinking in Tales of Masnavi [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 149-171]
  • Cloudy Years An Investigation of the Pace of the Story Time in the Narrative of “Cloudy Years” Novel by Ali-Ashraf Darvishian [Volume 26, Issue 92, 2022, Pages 111-142]
  • Cognitive linguistics Orientational Metaphor at the Beginning of the Shahnameh [Volume 23, Issue 82, 2019, Pages 7-34]
  • Cognitive linguistics The Study of the Representation of Conceptual Metaphors in “Siyavash” Story of Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh: A Cognitive Approach [Volume 26, Issue 92, 2022, Pages 313-337]
  • Cognitive linguistics A Study of the Areas of Origin and Destination of the Metaphors of Surrealist novels from a Cognitive Linguistic Perspective Based on Koveces's Theories [Volume 26, Issue 93, 2022, Pages 233-284]
  • Cognitive linguistics A Study of the Narrative Construction of the Tarikh Jahangooshay-e- Jowayni based on Text World Theory [Volume 27, Issue 98, 2023, Pages 9-34]
  • Cognitive linguistics A Comparative Study of Orientational Conceptual Metaphors in Novels Shohar-e Ahoo Khanoom by Afghani and Never Let Me Go by Ishiguro [Volume 27, Issue 98, 2023, Pages 183-204]
  • Cognitive Poetic theory reading two poems by Shsfiei Kadkani with cognitive poetic approach [(Articles in Press)]
  • Colinguality Allegorical Language; Empathetic Language(Logical Analysis of the Course of Allegorical Language to Empathetic Language in Mysticism Based on Masnavi) [(Articles in Press)]
  • Collective Conscience A Look at Georges Lokacs' Ideas on Marxist Criticism [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2007, Pages 122-136]
  • Collective Unconscious Mind The Collective Unconscious Mind and the Role of its Themes and Images in the Richness of the Literary Work (Relying on the Comparison of the Theme of "Patience against Calamity" in "Kelidar" and "Da") [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 151-192]
  • Collocations An Overview of Collocations in Saeb Tabrizi's Sonnets [Volume 27, Issue 98, 2023, Pages 205-234]
  • Color A Reflection on the Semantic Function of Color in Rumi’s Lyrics [Volume 21, Issue 71, 2017, Pages 99-129]
  • Color An Analytical-Descriptive Study of Color and Light in Ala ud-Daula Simnani's View [Volume 24, Issue 85, 2020, Pages 139-166]
  • Colour Analysing Ahmad Shamloo & Muhammad Al-Maghut’s personality Based on the Lüscher Colour Test [Volume 23, Issue 81, 2019, Pages 197-226]
  • Combination Process A Comparative Analysis of Ṣāʾeb Tabrizi’s Poems and Kamāl Al-dīn Behzād’s Miniatures in Light of Jakobson’s Theory of Metaphoric and Metonymic Poles [Volume 24, Issue 86, 2020, Pages 285-311]
  • Committed poem The Intertextual and Intratextual Analyses of Shamloo’s Committed Poems of the Twenties and Thirties [Volume 20, Issue 69, 2016, Pages 67-97]
  • Communication triangle Classification of Metafictional Features: Focusing on Short Circuit and Exposing the Literary Technique [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 246-219]
  • Comparative A Clear Past and a Dark Future [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2007, Pages 7-21]
  • Comparative Literature Comparative analysis of “Dolls retail“by Sadeq Chubak and “A Corpse on the Pavement’’ by Saadallah Wannous [Volume 19, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 123-146]
  • Comparative Literature From Interlecture to Intertextuality: Narratalogy of Ashura Heritage in the Fiction of Mahmud Dowlatabadi [Volume 19, Issue 65, 2015, Pages 101-119]
  • Comparative Literature Comparative Literature in Iran: Emergence and Challenges [Volume 12, Issue 38, 2008, Pages 9-28]
  • Comparative Literature A Comparative Analysis of Fiction and Epic Features in Shahnameh and Beowulf [Volume 21, Issue 73, 2017, Pages 7-28]
  • Comparative Literature Boustan of Saádi and Transtextuality of Genette: A Research on Saadi’s Boustan with Genette’s Approach of Transtextuality from the Perspective of Comparative Literature [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 172-149]
  • Comparative Literature A Comparative Study of the Narrative of “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” and the Story of the Birds in Manteq-Al-Tair, Based on the Glaser’s Choice Theory [Volume 23, Issue 81, 2019, Pages 7-38]
  • Comparative Literature The Connection between Literature and Music in “Dead Symphony” by Abbas Maroufi [Volume 25, Issue 87, 2021, Pages 168-192]
  • Comparative Literature A Comparative Study of “Shohare Ahoo Khanoom” and “Sister Carrie” Novels based on the Literary Creativity [Volume 26, Issue 93, 2022, Pages 123-147]
  • Comparative Literature A Grandiose Sense of Self-importance: A Study on the Phenomenon of Antagonism and the Discourse of Cultural Otherness in Comparative Arabic Studies between Persian and Arabic Literature [Volume 26, Issue 91, 2022, Pages 125-152]
  • Comparative Literature Comparative inter-theoretical reading of two novels "Please Close the Door" and “City of Glass" [(Articles in Press)]
  • Comparative Literature A Comparative Study of the Story of the black cloth king of Haft Peikar of Nezami and the Story of Daqhooghi of Masnavi of Molavi [(Articles in Press)]
  • Comparative Literature Poetry of Epiphany: James Wright and Sohrab Sepehri [Volume 28, Issue 100, 2024, Pages 113-132]
  • Comparative Literature Heteropoesia: Basil Bunting’s Translation of Obayd Zākānī’s Mush-o Gorbeh [(Articles in Press)]
  • Comparing A Comparison of Ghasemi Gonabadi’s Khosrow and Shirin with Nezami’s Khosrow and Shirin [Volume 20, Issue 70, 2016, Pages 91-116]
  • Comparison Stylistic Comparison and Analysis of Linguistic, Rhetorical and Content Elements of Ballade and a Letter of Khaghani [Volume 25, Issue 89, 2021, Pages 307-331]
  • Complain elevating Manifestation of the Rite: "Complain Elevating" in Persian Literature [Volume 21, Issue 72, 2017, Pages 63-85]
  • Complaint poems Analyzing the Types of Complaint Poems in Attar's Poetry [Volume 25, Issue 89, 2021, Pages 33-58]
  • Complete poetical uores Rectifying Some Arabic Verses of the Odes of Rashid-al-Din Vatvat's Works According to the Archaic Manuscripts Available [Volume 13, Issue 40, 2009, Pages 117-125]
  • Compounds Stratifying the Compound Words [Volume 14, Issue 46, 2010, Pages 71-94]
  • Compound word The Structure of the Vâže-atf (Dvandva) and its Distinction from the Syntactic Phrase Based on Several Persian Literary Texts [Volume 26, Issue 92, 2022, Pages 87-109]
  • Comprehension reading The Impact of Interaction on Reading Comprehension [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 66-86]
  • Conceit Some Literary devices in the Poetry of Saeb Tabrizi and John Donne [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2007, Pages 109-128]
  • Concepts and legends of Iran Analyzing Various Aspects of the Animus Archetype in Iranian Legends (Based on the Book Dictionary of the Legends of the Iranian People) [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 196-173]
  • Conceptual Mappings reading two poems by Shsfiei Kadkani with cognitive poetic approach [(Articles in Press)]
  • Conceptual metaphor Analysis of Anger in Rumi's Masnavi Relying on Lakoff's Conceptual Metaphor Theory [Volume 25, Issue 88, 2021, Pages 60-85]
  • Conceptual metaphor A Cognitive Analysis of Heart Metaphors in Merṣād Al-ʻEbād [Volume 24, Issue 86, 2020, Pages 263-284]
  • Conceptual metaphor Orientational Metaphor at the Beginning of the Shahnameh [Volume 23, Issue 82, 2019, Pages 7-34]
  • Conceptual metaphor The Study of the Representation of Conceptual Metaphors in “Siyavash” Story of Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh: A Cognitive Approach [Volume 26, Issue 92, 2022, Pages 313-337]
  • Conceptual metaphor Comparative Analysis of Conceptual Metaphors in the Poems of Forough Farrokhzad and Ghadah Al-Samman Based on the Conceptual Domain of Love [Volume 25, Issue 89, 2021, Pages 273-305]
  • Conceptual metaphor Conceptual Metaphor of Love in the Tarighatnameh of Emad Faqih Kermani [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 91-122]
  • Conceptual metaphor Systematicity in the Metaphorical Conceptualization of Knowledge based on Visual Perceptions in Ain al-Quzat Hamedani’s Tamhidat va Nameh-ha: A Cognitive Approach [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 257-282]
  • Conceptual metaphor Conceptual Metaphors of Anger in Khaghani’s Divan [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 35-64]
  • Conceptual metaphor The concept of "knowledge" in the works of Sheikh Ahmad Jam Namghi based on the concept of conceptual metaphor [(Articles in Press)]
  • Conceptual metaphor A Comparative Study of Orientational Conceptual Metaphors in Novels Shohar-e Ahoo Khanoom by Afghani and Never Let Me Go by Ishiguro [Volume 27, Issue 98, 2023, Pages 183-204]
  • Conceptual metaphors Conceptual metaphors of love in Mowlavi’s Masnavi [Volume 22, Issue 76, 2018, Pages 114-87]
  • Confessional question The Eloquent Functions of Rhetorical Question and Confessional Question in the Second Book of Masnavi-ye-Manvi [(Articles in Press)]
  • Congruency Some of the Symmetrical Patterns in Attār's Works [Volume 26, Issue 92, 2022, Pages 7-29]
  • Constitutional Poetry Components of Modernism in Mirzadeh Eshghi's Poetry based on the Strategy of Grounded Theory [Volume 26, Issue 93, 2022, Pages 7-33]
  • Constitutionism Components of Modenism in Taqi Rafàt’s Poetry [Volume 23, Issue 80, 2019, Pages 112-85]
  • Contemporary History of Iran Study and Analysis of Literary Memoirs in the Works of Nima Yushij [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 41-66]
  • Contemporary Persian fiction Discrepancy between Era and Writing: A Critical look at “Christine and Keed’’ [Volume 19, Issue 65, 2015, Pages 23-52]
  • Contemporary Persian literature The Elements of Absurdity in Bahrām Sadeqī’s Malakut [Volume 24, Issue 86, 2020, Pages 7-28]
  • Contemporary Persian poetry Themes of the Quranic Story of the Prophet Joseph in Contemporary Persian Poetry [Volume 14, Issue 46, 2010, Pages 95-122]
  • Contemporary poetry Metamorphosis of Logic of Conversation in Kaiser Aminpour poetry: From Idealism to Introversion [Volume 19, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 165-188]
  • Contemporary poetry A Study of Modernism’s Principles and Elements in Lahouti’s Poetry and Thought [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 301-334]
  • Contemporary poetry Source of Symbols Inspiration in Tahereh Safarzadeh’s Poetry [Volume 26, Issue 91, 2022, Pages 203-234]
  • Contemporary poetry Components of an ideal society in contemporary Iranian poetry (with a case study of selected poems of Malek Alshoara Bahar and Ahmad Shamloo) [(Articles in Press)]
  • Contemporary poetry Investigating and Analyzing Nima Yooshij’s Two New Collections “Navāy-e Kārvān" and "Sad Sāl-e Degar" based on His Theories on Poetry [Volume 27, Issue 97, 2023, Pages 337-366]
  • Content Designation View A Contrastive Study of English, Persian and Turkish: Cross Over Effects at LF [Volume 5, Issue 16, 2002, Pages 1-12]
  • Content.Social realities A Look at Georges Lokacs' Ideas on Marxist Criticism [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2007, Pages 122-136]
  • Context Top-Down and/or Bottom-Up Processing in Iranian EFL Learners'''' Listening Comprehension at Pre-Intermediate Level [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2007, Pages 65-85]
  • Contextualized Vocabulary Learning HOW TO TEACH VOCABULARY: READING TO LEARN, LEARNING TO READ [Volume 7, Issue 20, 2004, Pages 75-99]
  • Contradiction The Comprehensive Review of Using the Conflicting Verbs in Sa’di’s Sonnets [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 137-174]
  • Contradiction Method Muhtasib Become Shikh and Forgot His Deviation (Hafez’s Contradiction Method with Muhtasib King) [Volume 25, Issue 87, 2021, Pages 274-296]
  • Contrapuntal Metamorphosis of Logic of Conversation in Kaiser Aminpour poetry: From Idealism to Introversion [Volume 19, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 165-188]
  • Contrastive Contrastive Rhetoric: A study of Introduction and Thesis Statement in the American English and Persian Expository Essays [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2006, Pages 52-69]
  • Contrastive Information A Study of the Information Structure of Wh-Questions in Modern Persian [Volume 20, Issue 67, 2016, Pages 51-83]
  • Control constructions Control in Persian [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2005, Pages 70-108]
  • Control constructions Control in Persian [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 105-126]
  • Conventional system Code Analysis of the Short Story “Merry Go Round” by Sepideh Shamloo [Volume 26, Issue 93, 2022, Pages 179-207]
  • Conversation Intertextuality and the Contemporization of Epic in “The Night of Sohrãb's Killing’’ by Bijan Najdi [Volume 19, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 147-160]
  • Coordinating phrase The Structure of the Vâže-atf (Dvandva) and its Distinction from the Syntactic Phrase Based on Several Persian Literary Texts [Volume 26, Issue 92, 2022, Pages 87-109]
  • Correction Two Terms in Shahnameh [Volume 20, Issue 67, 2016, Pages 37-49]
  • Correction Correction of Twenty-Six Verses from Saadi's Bustan Corrected by Dr. Gholam Hossein Yousefi [Volume 27, Issue 98, 2023, Pages 325-360]
  • Covert expressing Analysis and Review of "Discourse-driven Structures" in Abolfazl Baygahi's Narrative of Hassanak Vazir's Story [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 93-124]
  • Creation’s Pen Hafez's Master's Perspective: The Fault of Creation's Pen [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 183-210]
  • Creative Imitation Omidi Tehrani, Modernist Archaist (A Study of Life and Poetry of One of the Unknown but Influential Poets of the Tenth Century) [Volume 26, Issue 91, 2022, Pages 263-288]
  • Critical analysis Bayhaqi's History: A Lost Book or an Unfulfilled Wish (A theory about the extent and content of Beyhaghi’s History) [Volume 19, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 33-54]
  • Critical analysis A Critical Analysis of the Poetic Style of the Restoration Period [Volume 20, Issue 68, 2016, Pages 7-39]
  • Critical Analysis of Fairclough's Discourse Critical Analysis of the Novel the Stumble Garden Based on Fairclough’s Theory [(Articles in Press)]
  • Critical Comparison A Critical Comparison of Jami’s Anecdotes in Baharestan and Minimalist Stories [Volume 20, Issue 68, 2016, Pages 117-142]
  • Critical Discourse The Exclusion and its Components in Al-e Ahmad's "Nefrin-e Zamin" based on Van Leeuwen's Theory [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 255-280]
  • Critical Discourse Analysis Critical Discourse Analysis of the Novel Fish Sleep at Night Based on Norman Fairclough's Theory [Volume 24, Issue 85, 2020, Pages 285-314]
  • Critical Discourse Analysis Research on the Vocabulary Related to the Social Issues in Khamse of Nezami Based on Fairclough’s Critical Discourse Analysis Approach [Volume 23, Issue 80, 2019, Pages 60-33]
  • Critical Discourse Analysis The Representation of Social Actors in Dar Boyer- Ahmad within Van Leeuwen's Framework (A CDA Approach) [Volume 23, Issue 82, 2019, Pages 139-166]
  • Critical Discourse Analysis A Critical Discourse Analysis of "Gnder Representation" in Bakhtiar Ali's Novel: "Butterfly Sunset" [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 189-211]
  • Critical Discourse Analysis Analysis of the Descriptive Lingual Level of Travel Diaries of Hajj Sayyah based on Fairclough’s (Critical Discourse Analysis) Pattern [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 87-111]
  • Critical Discourse Analysis Analysis of the Critical Discourse of Power in Nezami's Khosrow and Shirin [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 173-201]
  • Critical Discourse Analysis of Fairclough The Critical Stylistics of Shams Kasmaei's Poetry [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 7-33]
  • Critical Stylistic A Critical Stylistic Analysis of the Story I Will Turn off The Lights [Volume 24, Issue 86, 2020, Pages 79-55]
  • Critical Stylistics The Critical Stylistics of Shams Kasmaei's Poetry [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 7-33]
  • Criticism A Critical Approach to English Translations of Imam Ali's Instructions to Malik al-Ashtar [Volume 7, Issue 20, 2004, Pages 1-20]
  • Critique Semantic Study of the Two Words "Jonagh" and "Jona" in Shāhnāmeh [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 124-99]
  • Cross Over Effect A Contrastive Study of English, Persian and Turkish: Cross Over Effects at LF [Volume 5, Issue 16, 2002, Pages 1-12]
  • Crusades Study of Historical and Ideological Theme in Amir Arsalān Story [Volume 23, Issue 82, 2019, Pages 61-88]
  • Cultural Diplomacy Discourse Analysis of Teaching Persian Language and Literature: A Model For the Expansion of Cultural Diplomacy [Volume 25, Issue 87, 2021, Pages 64-86]
  • Cultural Identity An Investigation of Western Cultures’ Presence in the Language and Expression of some Contemporary Iranian Novelists (Case Study: Six Novels of the 80s) [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 31-57]
  • Cultural Identity Comparative Study of Text and Image in the Lithographed Manuscript of Amir Arsalan Namdar with Cultural Identity [(Articles in Press)]
  • Cultural setting Obstacles To Literary Translation: Challenges and [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2005, Pages 103-128]
  • Culture Review of the Youth Subcultures in the Story of Zal and Rodabeh [Volume 23, Issue 82, 2019, Pages 167-190]


  • Da The Collective Unconscious Mind and the Role of its Themes and Images in the Richness of the Literary Work (Relying on the Comparison of the Theme of "Patience against Calamity" in "Kelidar" and "Da") [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 151-192]
  • Daa A Comparative Study of “Title” in Resistance Literature with a Focus on the Novels of “Daa’’, and “Omm–e Sa΄d’’ [Volume 20, Issue 68, 2016, Pages 93-115]
  • Damgostaran Explaining the Status and Function of the Anti-Discourse in the Historical Novel Damgostaran or Enteghamkhahan-e Mazdak [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 125-154]
  • Daqhooghi A Comparative Study of the Story of the black cloth king of Haft Peikar of Nezami and the Story of Daqhooghi of Masnavi of Molavi [(Articles in Press)]
  • Dar Boyer- Ahmad The Representation of Social Actors in Dar Boyer- Ahmad within Van Leeuwen's Framework (A CDA Approach) [Volume 23, Issue 82, 2019, Pages 139-166]
  • Dar es Salaam Introducing the "Dar al-Salaam" Diwan poetry of Sheikh Abdul Razzaq Naqshbandi along with its structural and content analysis [(Articles in Press)]
  • Dark Blue He Sealed the Tomb in Red and Dark Blue (An Analysis of a Verse from the Forood Story) [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 243-264]
  • Dasein Linking the Eastern and Western Sea The Dialogue of "Hakime Onsi" with Hafiz and Heidegger [Volume 14, Issue 44, 2010, Pages 129-159]
  • David Lodge An Analysis of some Contemporary Persian Novels’ Titles based on David Lodge’s Theory [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 59-86]
  • Dayereh-ye Mina.   An Analysis of the Basic Textual Contrastsin the Literary and Cinematic Discourse The Case Study: A Comparison between the Story Ashghalduni (Dustbin) and the Adapted Movie Dayereh-ye Mina [Volume 22, Issue 75, 2018, Pages 85-104]
  • Dead Symphony The Connection between Literature and Music in “Dead Symphony” by Abbas Maroufi [Volume 25, Issue 87, 2021, Pages 168-192]
  • Deception&rdquo Some Notes on the Explanation and Correction of Kelileh o Demneh by Master Minovi [(Articles in Press)]
  • Decontextualized Vocabulary Learning HOW TO TEACH VOCABULARY: READING TO LEARN, LEARNING TO READ [Volume 7, Issue 20, 2004, Pages 75-99]
  • Deep-Structure A Contrastive Study of English, Persian and Turkish: Cross Over Effects at LF [Volume 5, Issue 16, 2002, Pages 1-12]
  • Defamiliarization The Paradox of Poetry in Azerbaijani Style [Volume 18, Issue 61, 2014, Pages 107-135]
  • Defamiliarization A Formalistic Criticism on sohrab Sepehri's "ta enteha - ye hozur" Poem [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2006, Pages 61-75]
  • Defamiliarization Instances of Formalistic "Subject" in Persian Short Stories [Volume 21, Issue 72, 2017, Pages 87-116]
  • Defamiliarization A Survey of Defamiliarization in the Works of Mehdi Akhavan Sales [Volume 23, Issue 79, 2019, Pages 190-159]
  • Deferment of "Ego" Deferment of "Ego" in Mohammad Reza Kateb's Narration [Volume 21, Issue 73, 2017, Pages 53-78]
  • Delay Immaturity of Hessam al-Din; The Main Reason Behind the Delay of the Second Book of Masnavi [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 67-90]
  • Deletion Artistic and Aesthetic Functions of "Tanazo" in Poetry [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 235-252]
  • Delgosha's Daftar Persian Identity Aspects in Delgosha's System of Poems based on Shahnameh's Ferdowsi Re-creations [Volume 25, Issue 89, 2021, Pages 87-114]
  • Demystification The Myth of the Early Kings in the Persian Historical Texts [Volume 20, Issue 69, 2016, Pages 35-65]
  • Derivational View A Contrastive Study of English, Persian and Turkish: Cross Over Effects at LF [Volume 5, Issue 16, 2002, Pages 1-12]
  • Derivational words Examining the Relationship between Derivative Structures and Language Typology in Bilingualism [Volume 14, Issue 44, 2010, Pages 63-81]
  • Descent march Investigating What a "Place of Safety" is in Mysticism [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 319-346]
  • Description An Analysis of Narrative Elements Used in Jami's poem Yusouf and Zoleikha [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 33-58]
  • Description Analysis of the Descriptive Lingual Level of Travel Diaries of Hajj Sayyah based on Fairclough’s (Critical Discourse Analysis) Pattern [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 87-111]
  • Desire A Psychoanalytic Approach to Hooshang Golshiri’s “My Little Chapel” [Volume 28, Issue 100, 2024, Pages 167-187]
  • Determiner Phrase (DP) Determiner Phrase in Persian [Volume 14, Issue 45, 2010, Pages 129-157]
  • Dialogue Display of Characters (Dramatic Characterization) in Savushun [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2012, Pages 33-52]
  • Dialogue Narrative Functions of Dialog in Sa'di's Bustan [Volume 20, Issue 70, 2016, Pages 47-71]
  • Dialogue An Analysis of Structural and Narrative Techniques of "Dream of Tibet" Novel [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 71-100]
  • Dictionaries A Study on Some Verses Attributed to Rudaki based on a Few Old Sources [Volume 25, Issue 87, 2021, Pages 194-222]
  • Didactic stories Narrative Functions of Dialog in Sa'di's Bustan [Volume 20, Issue 70, 2016, Pages 47-71]
  • Difference Theory The Study of Gender Differences in the Use of Linguistic Forms in the Speech of Iranian Men and Women: A Comparative Study of Persian and English [Volume 7, Issue 20, 2004, Pages 135-152]
  • Dionysian The Apollonian and Dionysian Psychological Types in Iranian Mythology and Mysticism [Volume 21, Issue 72, 2017, Pages 7-34]
  • Directional metaphor Orientational Metaphor at the Beginning of the Shahnameh [Volume 23, Issue 82, 2019, Pages 7-34]
  • Dirham Stealing “Dirham Stealing By Sword’’ In a Couplet of Abu Hanifah Eskafi [Volume 19, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 149-163]
  • Disagreement&rdquo Some Notes on the Explanation and Correction of Kelileh o Demneh by Master Minovi [(Articles in Press)]
  • Disbelief Study of Historical and Ideological Theme in Amir Arsalān Story [Volume 23, Issue 82, 2019, Pages 61-88]
  • Discourse Different Readings of Classical Persian Texts According to New Historicism [Volume 19, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 161-180]
  • Discourse A Critical Discourse Analysis of Holy Defense Poetry for children according to van Leeuwen’s approach (2008) [Volume 19, Issue 65, 2015, Pages 121-160]
  • Discourse Narratology of Marzbān-NāmehAnecdotes in Three Levels of Story, Discourse, and Narration with Emphasis on the Anecdote Called Dādmeh and Dāstān [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2012, Pages 75-96]
  • Discourse Reread of Ravandi’s Narration about the History of El-Selcuk Based on Foucault Panopticism Plan [Volume 20, Issue 70, 2016, Pages 7-27]
  • Discourse Discourse Ambits of Hypocritical Lover in Hadiqat al-Haqiqa by Sanai Based on Laclau and Mouffe's Discourse Analysis Theory [Volume 25, Issue 88, 2021, Pages 248-265]
  • Discourse Mohammad Ghazali’s Letters from the Perspective of New Historicism [Volume 25, Issue 89, 2021, Pages 115-135]
  • Discourse The Analysis of the Story of the Execution of Hasank the Vizir Using New Historicism [Volume 24, Issue 85, 2020, Pages 205-230]
  • Discourse The Critical Analysis of Verb Position in Power Discourse in Panegyric Poem [Volume 26, Issue 93, 2022, Pages 65-95]
  • Discourse Polyphony in the novel The Daughter of the Peasant, you lost the work to Azin using the approach of dialogue [(Articles in Press)]
  • Discourse Critical Analysis Reading the First Chapter of Sa’di's Bustan by Legitimation in Governmental Discourse Approach [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 193-222]
  • Discourse-driven Components Analysis and Review of "Discourse-driven Structures" in Abolfazl Baygahi's Narrative of Hassanak Vazir's Story [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 93-124]
  • Discourse of Revelation Functional Investigating of the Mystical Experiences in the Revelatory Discourse of Bahar-al-Haghigah by Ahmad Ghazzali Based on the Ideational Metafunction [Volume 23, Issue 79, 2019, Pages 214-191]
  • Discourse order Discursive Antagonism of Intellectual Discourse and Political Discourse in Determining the Components of Fictional Literature after the Islamic Revolution Based on the Literature of War / Holy Defense [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 39-70]
  • Discursive antagonism Discursive Antagonism of Intellectual Discourse and Political Discourse in Determining the Components of Fictional Literature after the Islamic Revolution Based on the Literature of War / Holy Defense [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 39-70]
  • Distitutes Psychological Analysis of Characters of Three Storeis from Gholam Hosein Sâedi (Beggar, Distitutes, and Garbage can) According to Karen Horney's theory [Volume 19, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 55-88]
  • Distortion Ashura distortion in contemporary fiction (review of the works of Sadegh Hedayat and Mahmoud Dolatabadi) [(Articles in Press)]
  • Divine comedy of Dante The study of goals and structural specifications in the five spiritual Travel books [Volume 22, Issue 76, 2018, Pages 60-33]
  • Dolatabadi A Critique of the Social-Cultural Position of Women in Keyler's Novel [Volume 26, Issue 92, 2022, Pages 285-312]
  • Dolatabadi The Study and Comparison of Pastoral Elements in the Works of Mahmoud Dolatabadi and Gabriel Garcia Marquez [Volume 27, Issue 97, 2023, Pages 237-270]
  • Dolat Abadi Mahmud A study of fiction "Ba shobeiroo" by Mamud Dolat Abadi [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2008, Pages 102-116]
  • Dolls retail Comparative analysis of “Dolls retail“by Sadeq Chubak and “A Corpse on the Pavement’’ by Saadallah Wannous [Volume 19, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 123-146]
  • Dominance Theory The Study of Gender Differences in the Use of Linguistic Forms in the Speech of Iranian Men and Women: A Comparative Study of Persian and English [Volume 7, Issue 20, 2004, Pages 135-152]
  • Dowlatabadi Analytic Investigation of the Rhythm and speed of Narration in the Novel of "The Empty Place of Salouch" [Volume 14, Issue 45, 2010, Pages 37-63]
  • Doxtar-e Nārenj o Toranj story Common Mythic Motif between Woman Angels Born in Fruit in the "Risālah al-Ghofrān" and Orange Girls in "Doxtar-e Nārenj o Toranj" Story [Volume 18, Issue 60, 2014, Pages 73-103]
  • Drama Reading the Tragic Events of Beyhagi's History Based on the Characteristics of the Aristotelian and Brecht Theater [Volume 23, Issue 81, 2019, Pages 101-134]
  • Dream of Tibet An Analysis of Structural and Narrative Techniques of "Dream of Tibet" Novel [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 71-100]
  • DS A Contrastive Study of English, Persian and Turkish: Cross Over Effects at LF [Volume 5, Issue 16, 2002, Pages 1-12]
  • DSL approach Study of Female Speech Patterns in the Textual Context of Shiva Arastouei's Novels "Khof" and "Neyna" based on the DSL Approach [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 289-317]
  • Dutifulness (function) A Morphological Inquiry into Ibn-e-Hessam Khosfi Birjandi’s Khavarannameh Based on Propp’s Theory [Volume 21, Issue 72, 2017, Pages 143-182]
  • Dysfunction The Study and Analysis of Verbal Thoughts of Attar Neishabouri (Looking at his Masnavi) [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 211-239]


  • Early Kings The Myth of the Early Kings in the Persian Historical Texts [Volume 20, Issue 69, 2016, Pages 35-65]
  • Ecocriticism Ecocriticism of Moniro Ravanipour's Ahl-e-Ghargh [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 233-260]
  • Ecological Criticism Critique and Analysis of Moniru Ravanipour’s Ecological Story “Ahle Ghargh” with a Look at the Discourse of Power [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 7-33]
  • Education Artistic and Educational Functions of Allegory [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 323-352]
  • Educational Literature Artistic and Educational Functions of Allegory [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 323-352]
  • Ego Analysis of Literary and Historical Dimensions of Nasavi’s Nafthado Almasdur with Phenomenological Approach [Volume 23, Issue 82, 2019, Pages 115-138]
  • Eighties An Investigation of Western Cultures’ Presence in the Language and Expression of some Contemporary Iranian Novelists (Case Study: Six Novels of the 80s) [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 31-57]
  • Elegy Vaghe'e and Moqbel Esfahani [Volume 18, Issue 62, 2014, Pages 41-57]
  • Elements of cohesion The Analysis of Text cohesion elements in Nafthat al-Masdoor Based on Halliday and Hasans Theory [Volume 19, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 7-31]
  • Elements of Lyrics An Investigation into the Elements of Lyrics in the Poem of Homay and Homayoun by Khaju Kermani [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 261-292]
  • Elements of story Structure of the story in Qasas ul-Anbiya of Kisa'i (Stories of the Prophets) [Volume 19, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 55-81]
  • Elyās Study of Historical and Ideological Theme in Amir Arsalān Story [Volume 23, Issue 82, 2019, Pages 61-88]
  • Emad Faqih Kermani Conceptual Metaphor of Love in the Tarighatnameh of Emad Faqih Kermani [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 91-122]
  • Embellishment&rdquo Some Notes on the Explanation and Correction of Kelileh o Demneh by Master Minovi [(Articles in Press)]
  • Emotional Language The Nature of Sufism and Its Language from the Point of View of Rumi in Masnavi [Volume 23, Issue 79, 2019, Pages 102-77]
  • Emotional Schema Analyzing Sign-Semantic Schema in the Discourse of “In the Waves of the Sand” and “Abd al-Sabar” Poems [Volume 25, Issue 89, 2021, Pages 167-189]
  • Emotions Conceptual Metaphors of Anger in Khaghani’s Divan [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 35-64]
  • Empathy language Allegorical Language; Empathetic Language(Logical Analysis of the Course of Allegorical Language to Empathetic Language in Mysticism Based on Masnavi) [(Articles in Press)]
  • English The Study of Gender Differences in the Use of Linguistic Forms in the Speech of Iranian Men and Women: A Comparative Study of Persian and English [Volume 7, Issue 20, 2004, Pages 135-152]
  • English language teachers (EL T) On The Relationship between Inferential and Referential test type:The Case of EFL Learners [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2004, Pages 89-119]
  • Enneagram A Psychological Analysis of the Personality Type of King in Masnavi’s Story of ‘King and Maid’ Based on the Model of Enneagram [Volume 21, Issue 71, 2017, Pages 169-192]
  • Enneagram Psychological Analysis of Character in the Short Story "The Pear Tree" by Goli Taraghi Based on Enneagram Theory [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 377-405]
  • Environment Ecocriticism of Moniro Ravanipour's Ahl-e-Ghargh [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 233-260]
  • Epic Intertextuality and the Contemporization of Epic in “The Night of Sohrãb's Killing’’ by Bijan Najdi [Volume 19, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 147-160]
  • Epic An Investigation of the Myth of Fertility in Borzunama [Volume 20, Issue 67, 2016, Pages 127-145]
  • Epic The Summary of the Comparison between the story of Siavosh, in Shahnameh and the epic of Iliad and the story of Helen [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2007, Pages 129-148]
  • Epic Examining the Status and personality trait of women in Garshasbnameh [Volume 12, Issue 38, 2008, Pages 29-53]
  • Epic The Status of Kaviani Flag in Shahnameh of Ferdowsi [Volume 17, Issue 55, 2013, Pages 5-20]
  • Epic Shahnameh in Vassaf's History [Volume 20, Issue 70, 2016, Pages 117-141]
  • Epic A Comparative Analysis of Fiction and Epic Features in Shahnameh and Beowulf [Volume 21, Issue 73, 2017, Pages 7-28]
  • Epic Review of the Similarities of the Sprite and the Sorceress in the Post-Shahnama Epics [Volume 21, Issue 74, 2017, Pages 7-30]
  • Epic Examining the Epic Language and Tone in Farrokhi Sistani's Poems [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 197-231]
  • Epic Analysis of Superheroes in Shahnameh (Based on Semantic Contradictions in the Structures of the Gilbert-era Imagination System) [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 35-67]
  • Epic The Position and Evil Role of the Wolf in Ferdowsi's Shahnameh [Volume 26, Issue 91, 2022, Pages 61-87]
  • Epic Mythical Critique of the Hero's Journey in "Sam Nameh" Poem According to Campbell's Theory [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 65-90]
  • Epic content The Role of the Hero in Creating Epic Content in Ferdowsi's "Rustam and Esfandiar" Story [Volume 26, Issue 93, 2022, Pages 149-178]
  • Epic hero The Role of the Hero in Creating Epic Content in Ferdowsi's "Rustam and Esfandiar" Story [Volume 26, Issue 93, 2022, Pages 149-178]
  • Epic. Historical period An Investigation of Love in the World of Epic: A case of Shahnameh [Volume 20, Issue 70, 2016, Pages 29-45]
  • Epistemic Look The Nature of Sufism and Its Language from the Point of View of Rumi in Masnavi [Volume 23, Issue 79, 2019, Pages 102-77]
  • Epistemologicl approaches An Extensive Investigation of the Scientific and Philosophical Nature of Literature [Volume 13, Issue 40, 2009, Pages 9-22]
  • Eqtebās Intertextuality in Attar’s Masnavi with Sanāʾī’s Hadīqat al-Haqīqah [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 113-134]
  • Era and Writing Discrepancy between Era and Writing: A Critical look at “Christine and Keed’’ [Volume 19, Issue 65, 2015, Pages 23-52]
  • Erich Fromm Excellence of Human Character in the Poems of Simin Behbahani Based on the Theory of Erich Fromm [Volume 26, Issue 91, 2022, Pages 235-261]
  • Erich Fromm An Analysis of the Position of Religion in the Novel Missing Soluch of Mahmoud Dolatabadi Based on the theoriy of Erich Fromm [(Articles in Press)]
  • Er of Plato The study of goals and structural specifications in the five spiritual Travel books [Volume 22, Issue 76, 2018, Pages 60-33]
  • Esfandiar Another View to Esfandiar's Invulnerability in Shahnameh [Volume 21, Issue 71, 2017, Pages 7-28]
  • Esfandiar The Role of the Hero in Creating Epic Content in Ferdowsi's "Rustam and Esfandiar" Story [Volume 26, Issue 93, 2022, Pages 149-178]
  • Esfandyar The Study of Rostam's character based on the story of “Rostam and Esfandyar’’ in Shâhnâmeh and theory of “self - actualization’’ by Abraham Maslow [Volume 19, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 83-109]
  • Eshfagh Investigation of the Function of Tarajji and Eshfagh in Persian Language and Rhetoric Using the Language of Hafez [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 363-394]
  • Eskandarnameh Women’s Town in the Sāmnameh and Its Footprints in Persian Literature [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 211-242]
  • Esmāʿil Faṣiḥ A Sociological Reading of EsmāʿIl FaṣIḥ’s Winter 62 Using Genetic Structuralism [Volume 24, Issue 86, 2020, Pages 241-262]
  • Esotericism Contemplating and Contrasting Naser Khosrow’s Rhetorical Poem with New –Platonic and Nabavi Wisdom [Volume 23, Issue 81, 2019, Pages 135-164]
  • Essay writing Study and Analysis of Literary Memoirs in the Works of Nima Yushij [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 41-66]
  • Estes The Meanings of Two Dream Symbols in Simin Daneshvar's Novel JAZIREYE SARGARDANI Based on Clarissa Pinkola Estes Views [(Articles in Press)]
  • Esteshhad Insertion of Persian Poetry in Prose Texts (Relying on 8th-Century Prose Texts) [Volume 27, Issue 98, 2023, Pages 265-296]
  • Ethics The Influence Persian and Arabic Sources on Shoja' in Chapter Two of Anis al-Nas [Volume 18, Issue 61, 2014, Pages 135-167]
  • Ethics Reading and Intellectual Comparison of Siyasat-Nameh and Qaboos-Nameh based on the P4C Theory [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 69-96]
  • Ethnic The Influence Persian and Arabic Sources on Shoja' in Chapter Two of Anis al-Nas [Volume 18, Issue 61, 2014, Pages 135-167]
  • Evaluation An Evaluation of Language Subtests of the Entrance Examinations at the Ph.D. Level [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2005, Pages 47-69]
  • Evaluation An Investigation into the Effect of Peer Group Responses on EFL Writing Achievement [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2006, Pages 22-42]
  • Exemplum.R A Survey on Allegory and its Types in Maghalat-e Shams [Volume 21, Issue 73, 2017, Pages 103-127]
  • Existentialism Analysis of Saedi’s Gedā (‘Beggar’), Based on the Principles and Features of Existentialism [Volume 18, Issue 60, 2014, Pages 105-124]
  • Existentialism The characters of Postmodernist Novel: Powerful effect of Existentialism [Volume 11, Issue 34, 2007, Pages 68-84]
  • Existentialism A Glance at the Existential Concerns of Azādārān-e Bayal through the Existential Psychology Approach [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 54-31]
  • Existentialism Existentialist Features in Mostafa Mastoor's Stories [Volume 27, Issue 97, 2023, Pages 99-128]
  • Explicit Learning HOW TO TEACH VOCABULARY: READING TO LEARN, LEARNING TO READ [Volume 7, Issue 20, 2004, Pages 75-99]
  • Expository Contrastive Rhetoric: A study of Introduction and Thesis Statement in the American English and Persian Expository Essays [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2006, Pages 52-69]


  • Fable A Survey on Allegory and its Types in Maghalat-e Shams [Volume 21, Issue 73, 2017, Pages 103-127]
  • Fable Genealogy and Analyses of "The Little Black Fish Symbols" [Volume 23, Issue 80, 2019, Pages 202-175]
  • Fairclough Research on the Vocabulary Related to the Social Issues in Khamse of Nezami Based on Fairclough’s Critical Discourse Analysis Approach [Volume 23, Issue 80, 2019, Pages 60-33]
  • Fairclough Analysis of the Critical Discourse of Power in Nezami's Khosrow and Shirin [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 173-201]
  • Fairy Tales The Function of the Symbol in Hadiqah's Tales, Masnavi’s Stories and Fairy Tales [Volume 25, Issue 89, 2021, Pages 217-241]
  • False narratives The Israelites (Isra'iliyyat) in the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and its Reflection in Persian Literature [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 165-186]
  • Fantastic literature Fantastic Literature and Obeid Zakani [Volume 12, Issue 35, 2008, Pages 54-83]
  • Farhad Hassanzadeh The Analysis of the Basics of Gerard Genette’s Intertextuality in Farhad Hassanzadeh's The Bambak Ship’s Scorpions for Young Adults [Volume 25, Issue 88, 2021, Pages 142-168]
  • Fariba Wafi An Analysis of Structural and Narrative Techniques of "Dream of Tibet" Novel [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 71-100]
  • Farid-al-din Attar Neyshabouri Soul and Related Symbols in Attar Neyshabouri's Poem [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 223-256]
  • Farkhandeh Aghaei Examining the Main Components of Traditional and Modern Womens’ Personality in the Works of Zoya Pirzad and Farkhondeh Aghaei [Volume 25, Issue 88, 2021, Pages 170-191]
  • Farrokhi Quatrain of the Epigraph and Preface of Farrokhi Yazdi’s Work Published in the Newspaper “Tufan” [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 335-374]
  • Farrokhi Sistani Examining the Epic Language and Tone in Farrokhi Sistani's Poems [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 197-231]
  • Fars Mystics Fars's Hagiographies from the 4th to the 8th Century A.H. [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 7-33]
  • Farzand-Nameh Parody in the Tradition of Farzand-Nameh-Newisi with Emphasis on Sheikh Al-Maqamerin’s Nasihat-Nameh [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 121-143]
  • Fascism Post-World War II Italian Literature [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2008, Pages 117-141]
  • Father and son confrontation Comparative Analysis of Father and Son's Confrontation in Iranian and Greek Tragedies (Rostam and Esfandiar, Rostam and Sohrab and Oedipus Shahriar) [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 125-142]
  • Favor The Concept of "Absorption" and Its Manifestations in the Mystical and Literary Texts (Based on the Theory of Definition) [Volume 24, Issue 86, 2020, Pages 215-240]
  • Fazel Nazari Mystic Symbolism in the Fazel Nazari’s Poetic [(Articles in Press)]
  • Fear and anxiety Freudian Reading of the “Cold Sooran” Novel [Volume 23, Issue 80, 2019, Pages 84-61]
  • Feminine Criteria The Process of Application of Female-Language Criteria in Two Selected Books, The Last Sunday and Shina’s Daughter, Looking at Sarah Mills' Linguistic Approach [Volume 25, Issue 89, 2021, Pages 59-85]
  • Feminine speech Study of Female Speech Patterns in the Textual Context of Shiva Arastouei's Novels "Khof" and "Neyna" based on the DSL Approach [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 289-317]
  • Feminism Feministic criticism of Bijan Najdi's stories [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2007, Pages 7-23]
  • Feminism FEMINISM, LANGUAGE, AND RELIGION [Volume 6, Issue 18, 2003, Pages 1-21]
  • Feminism Critical Discourse Analysis of the Novel Fish Sleep at Night Based on Norman Fairclough's Theory [Volume 24, Issue 85, 2020, Pages 285-314]
  • Feministic Criticism Feministic criticism of Bijan Najdi's stories [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2007, Pages 7-23]
  • Feminist narration An Analysis of Structural and Narrative Techniques of "Dream of Tibet" Novel [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 71-100]
  • Ferdowsi The Meaning and Interpretation of the "Vulture's Feather" in the Shahnameh [Volume 18, Issue 61, 2014, Pages 7-20]
  • Ferdowsi The Configuration of “Time” in the Story of “Siavash” [Volume 18, Issue 61, 2014, Pages 21-40]
  • Ferdowsi the narrations provided by Tha’alababi and Ferdowsi [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2007, Pages 89-108]
  • Ferdowsi Another View to Esfandiar's Invulnerability in Shahnameh [Volume 21, Issue 71, 2017, Pages 7-28]
  • Ferdowsi Semantic Study of the Two Words "Jonagh" and "Jona" in Shāhnāmeh [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 124-99]
  • Ferdowsi An Analysis of the Simile's Stylistic Functions in Shahnameh's First Volume [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 121-152]
  • Ferdowsi Translations and Imitations of the Shahnameh in Turkish Lands [Volume 28, Issue 100, 2024, Pages 9-40]
  • Ferdowsi Broken Lyres: Epic, Performance, and History in Mehdi Akhavān Sāles’ “Ākhar-e Shāhnāmeh” [Volume 28, Issue 100, 2024, Pages 91-112]
  • Ferdowsi' Interaction and confrontation between politics and religion in Ferdowsi's Shahnameh [(Articles in Press)]
  • Ferdowsi's Shahname The Position and Evil Role of the Wolf in Ferdowsi's Shahnameh [Volume 26, Issue 91, 2022, Pages 61-87]
  • Ferdowsi`s Shāhnāme Study of effects of Ferdowsi's Shāhnāme on Shāhkār of Rahim Moini-e Kermānshāhi based on transtextualite theory [Volume 18, Issue 62, 2014, Pages 7-38]
  • Ferdowsi'؛ s Shahnameh Ferdowsi's Shahnameh on the scahes of criticism in diffetent sources [(Articles in Press)]
  • Ferdowsi's Shahnameh Investigating and Analyzing the Symbols in Haft Khan-e Rostam [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 211-234]
  • Ferdowsi's Shahnameh Orientational Metaphor at the Beginning of the Shahnameh [Volume 23, Issue 82, 2019, Pages 7-34]
  • Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh A Research on Letters in Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh [Volume 15, Issue 50, 2011, Pages 133-157]
  • Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh The Investigation of Morning Ceremonies in Shahnameh as Semiotic Codes [Volume 21, Issue 72, 2017, Pages 117-141]
  • Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh The Study of the Representation of Conceptual Metaphors in “Siyavash” Story of Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh: A Cognitive Approach [Volume 26, Issue 92, 2022, Pages 313-337]
  • Fereydoun Ferdowsi's Shahnameh on the scahes of criticism in diffetent sources [(Articles in Press)]
  • Fertility An Investigation of the Myth of Fertility in Borzunama [Volume 20, Issue 67, 2016, Pages 127-145]
  • Fiction Backgrounds and Manifestations of Romanticism in “My Bukhara, My Tribe” [Volume 15, Issue 50, 2011, Pages 37-52]
  • Fiction A Glance at the Existential Concerns of Azādārān-e Bayal through the Existential Psychology Approach [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 54-31]
  • Fiction The Fictional elements of Written-memories in the Sacred Defence with Emphasis on the Daughter of Sheena [Volume 22, Issue 76, 2018, Pages 214-191]
  • Fiction The Typology of the Novel A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and You’re No Stranger Here [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 155-179]
  • Fictional literature after the Islamic Revolution Discursive Antagonism of Intellectual Discourse and Political Discourse in Determining the Components of Fictional Literature after the Islamic Revolution Based on the Literature of War / Holy Defense [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 39-70]
  • Fictional literature of war /Holy Defense Discursive Antagonism of Intellectual Discourse and Political Discourse in Determining the Components of Fictional Literature after the Islamic Revolution Based on the Literature of War / Holy Defense [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 39-70]
  • Fiction Literature A study of fiction "Ba shobeiroo" by Mamud Dolat Abadi [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2008, Pages 102-116]
  • Fiction writting Psychological Critique of the character in the novel of Salmargi based on Karen Horney’s theory [Volume 18, Issue 62, 2014, Pages 175-193]
  • Field theory A hermeneutic analysis of the symbols of Nima Yoshij's poem [(Articles in Press)]
  • Firdawsi Sir William Jones and the Shahnameh [Volume 28, Issue 100, 2024, Pages 41-60]
  • Fitzgerald The Cult of Khayyām Rubā iyāt [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2007, Pages 52-78]
  • Fixing and Demons Muhtasib Become Shikh and Forgot His Deviation (Hafez’s Contradiction Method with Muhtasib King) [Volume 25, Issue 87, 2021, Pages 274-296]
  • Flash back A Clear Past and a Dark Future [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2007, Pages 7-21]
  • Flaunt Analyzing the Effect of Narcissism in the Poems of Mehdi Akhavan Sales [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 305-336]
  • Flow The Analysis of Psychological Functions of “Mystical Love” in Masnavi-ye-Ma’navi Using the Positivist Approach of Martin Seligman [Volume 24, Issue 85, 2020, Pages 69-112]
  • Focalization A Survey in Narrative Style in “Tarikh-e Beyhaghi” (Sympson’s Model) [Volume 23, Issue 80, 2019, Pages 144-113]
  • Focus A Study of the Information Structure of Wh-Questions in Modern Persian [Volume 20, Issue 67, 2016, Pages 51-83]
  • Focusing Multi-Layered Position and Structure of Focalization Relationships in the Story; A Case Study of Three Short Stories of Viria, Survivor, and Sleep [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 203-228]
  • Folklore The Decline in the Character of Ayyār in the Story of Hossein Kurd-e Shabestari [Volume 24, Issue 85, 2020, Pages 113-138]
  • Folktale Classifying and Analyzing the Motifs of the Poem of Homay and Homayon by Khajoye Kermani [Volume 25, Issue 87, 2021, Pages 8-32]
  • Form A Look at Georges Lokacs' Ideas on Marxist Criticism [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2007, Pages 122-136]
  • Formalism "Mehrab" In the frame of form [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2008, Pages 76-84]
  • Formalism Archaism in Shamloo’s Poetry [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2012, Pages 97-130]
  • Formalism A Structural Investigation of Plot in the Anecdotes of Marzban-Namah [Volume 20, Issue 69, 2016, Pages 129-152]
  • Formalism Instances of Formalistic "Subject" in Persian Short Stories [Volume 21, Issue 72, 2017, Pages 87-116]
  • Formalism A Survey of Defamiliarization in the Works of Mehdi Akhavan Sales [Volume 23, Issue 79, 2019, Pages 190-159]
  • Formalistic criticism A Formalistic Criticism on sohrab Sepehri's "ta enteha - ye hozur" Poem [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2006, Pages 61-75]
  • Forough Farrokhzad Sociology of Literature; Application of Sociological Imagination Pattern in Forough Farrokhzad's Poetry Analysis [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 33-66]
  • Forough Farrokhzad An Analysis of Religious Implications in Forough Farrokhzad’s Poetry in Light of Peirce’s Semiotic Theory [Volume 24, Issue 86, 2020, Pages 163-190]
  • Forough Farrokhzad Comparative Analysis of Conceptual Metaphors in the Poems of Forough Farrokhzad and Ghadah Al-Samman Based on the Conceptual Domain of Love [Volume 25, Issue 89, 2021, Pages 273-305]
  • Forugh Farokhzad Rhetorical Analysis of Polysemy Elements in Forugh Farokhzad’s Poetry [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 148-125]
  • Forugh Farokhzad Domestication Strategies in the Poem "Let Us Believe in the Beginning of the Cold Season" Based on Lotman's Theory [Volume 27, Issue 97, 2023, Pages 203-236]
  • Foucault Reread of Ravandi’s Narration about the History of El-Selcuk Based on Foucault Panopticism Plan [Volume 20, Issue 70, 2016, Pages 7-27]
  • Foucault Review of power and knowledge (criminology and punish) in some Persian prose texts by Foucault [Volume 22, Issue 75, 2018, Pages 129-151]
  • Foucault Critique and Analysis of Moniru Ravanipour’s Ecological Story “Ahle Ghargh” with a Look at the Discourse of Power [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 7-33]
  • Foucault The Archeology of Power Struggle in Shahnameh and Iliad (Relying on the Fereydun and the Priam Myths) [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 181-120]
  • Foundation&rdquo Some Notes on the Explanation and Correction of Kelileh o Demneh by Master Minovi [(Articles in Press)]
  • Fozouli Baghdadi Analysis of Fozouli Baghdadi`s Thought Style in Rend va Zahed Epistle [Volume 18, Issue 60, 2014, Pages 51-71]
  • Fravashi Ideas Theory and Allegorical literature With com parative study of Zoroaster, Plato, Rumi and Jung's thoughts [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2007, Pages 39-61]
  • Freedom The Scope of Man's Free Will [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2005, Pages 1-17]
  • Freedom Quatrain of the Epigraph and Preface of Farrokhi Yazdi’s Work Published in the Newspaper “Tufan” [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 335-374]
  • Freedom Existentialist Features in Mostafa Mastoor's Stories [Volume 27, Issue 97, 2023, Pages 99-128]
  • Freedom of the soul Common Mystical Thoughts of Mani and Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani [Volume 25, Issue 87, 2021, Pages 298-315]
  • Free variation Interlanguage and Free Variation: A Case Study [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2006, Pages 71-110]
  • French school Comparative Literature in Iran: Emergence and Challenges [Volume 12, Issue 38, 2008, Pages 9-28]
  • Frequency A Study of the Distinction between Narrative and Textual Time in the Anecdotes of Sa'di’s Golestan [Volume 19, Issue 66, 2015, Pages 65-90]
  • Freud Psychology of Myth and Story; New Approach in Literary Criticism [Volume 19, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 7-29]
  • Freud Freudian reading of the course of neurosis to psychosis in surreal fictions [(Articles in Press)]
  • Friend The Influence Persian and Arabic Sources on Shoja' in Chapter Two of Anis al-Nas [Volume 18, Issue 61, 2014, Pages 135-167]
  • Froid’d psychoanalysis Freudian Reading of the “Cold Sooran” Novel [Volume 23, Issue 80, 2019, Pages 84-61]
  • Function The Requirement of Developing Research Methods in Persian Literature [Volume 14, Issue 44, 2010, Pages 43-61]
  • Function A Structural Investigation of Plot in the Anecdotes of Marzban-Namah [Volume 20, Issue 69, 2016, Pages 129-152]
  • Function Narrative Functions of Dialog in Sa'di's Bustan [Volume 20, Issue 70, 2016, Pages 47-71]
  • Function The Morphology of Mahan Mesry's Legend Based on the Theory of Vladimir Prop [Volume 20, Issue 70, 2016, Pages 73-89]
  • Function Study of Functions of Propp's Theory in Asrar-al-Tawhid Tales [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 257-296]
  • Function Analyzing the Function of Sheikh Bahai’s Cat and Mouse Based on Vladimir Propp’s Theory [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 283-318]
  • Functional Approach Linguistic Functions of "Verb" in Lyrical Poems of "Mozneb Badayouni" Based on the Ideational Metafunction in Halliday's Functional Approach [Volume 27, Issue 98, 2023, Pages 73-106]
  • Functional Linguistics Pathology of Language Rhetoric Based on Functional Theory in Jamalzadeh's Story "Yeki Bud Yeki Nabud" (Once Upon a Time) [Volume 27, Issue 98, 2023, Pages 235-264]
  • Fusion of Horizon From the Horizon in Nietzsche's Notion to the Horizon in Gadamer's Notion to Thinking in Tales of Masnavi [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 149-171]


  • Gadamer From the Horizon in Nietzsche's Notion to the Horizon in Gadamer's Notion to Thinking in Tales of Masnavi [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 149-171]
  • Garcia Marquez The Study and Comparison of Pastoral Elements in the Works of Mahmoud Dolatabadi and Gabriel Garcia Marquez [Volume 27, Issue 97, 2023, Pages 237-270]
  • Garshasb Examining the Status and personality trait of women in Garshasbnameh [Volume 12, Issue 38, 2008, Pages 29-53]
  • Garshasbnameh Examining the Status and personality trait of women in Garshasbnameh [Volume 12, Issue 38, 2008, Pages 29-53]
  • Gasemi A Comparison of Ghasemi Gonabadi’s Khosrow and Shirin with Nezami’s Khosrow and Shirin [Volume 20, Issue 70, 2016, Pages 91-116]
  • Gazali Mohammad Ghazali’s Letters from the Perspective of New Historicism [Volume 25, Issue 89, 2021, Pages 115-135]
  • GB A Contrastive Study of English, Persian and Turkish: Cross Over Effects at LF [Volume 5, Issue 16, 2002, Pages 1-12]
  • Gérard Genette An Analytical Study of Narrative Pace in the Novels ‘Missing Soluch’ and ‘Season of Migration to the North’ Using Gérard Genette’s Narratology Theory [Volume 19, Issue 66, 2015, Pages 37-64]
  • Gedā (‘Beggar’) story Analysis of Saedi’s Gedā (‘Beggar’), Based on the Principles and Features of Existentialism [Volume 18, Issue 60, 2014, Pages 105-124]
  • Gender A Post-colonial Reading of the Novel of ‘‘The Island of Wandering’’ [Volume 20, Issue 68, 2016, Pages 41-65]
  • Gender The study of the function of language and gender in the international court of Khatun Shirazi Based on DSL theory [Volume 22, Issue 76, 2018, Pages 164-143]
  • Gender Polyphony in the novel The Daughter of the Peasant, you lost the work to Azin using the approach of dialogue [(Articles in Press)]
  • Gender-Bound Language The Study of Gender Differences in the Use of Linguistic Forms in the Speech of Iranian Men and Women: A Comparative Study of Persian and English [Volume 7, Issue 20, 2004, Pages 135-152]
  • Gender Differences The Study of Gender Differences in the Use of Linguistic Forms in the Speech of Iranian Men and Women: A Comparative Study of Persian and English [Volume 7, Issue 20, 2004, Pages 135-152]
  • General Academic Language Ability An Evaluation of Language Subtests of the Entrance Examinations at the Ph.D. Level [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2005, Pages 47-69]
  • General Academic Language needs An Evaluation of Language Subtests of the Entrance Examinations at the Ph.D. Level [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2005, Pages 47-69]
  • Genet The study of the time element effects in the underplotted anecdotes of Marzban-Nameh [Volume 22, Issue 76, 2018, Pages 240-215]
  • Genette Time in “Shemiran Bus” from Gérard Genette viewpoint [Volume 22, Issue 76, 2018, Pages 165-190]
  • Genette An Analysis of Narrative Elements Used in Jami's poem Yusouf and Zoleikha [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 33-58]
  • Genette A Study of the Novel Zero Degree Orbit in light of Gerard Genette's Narrative Discourse [Volume 24, Issue 86, 2020, Pages 81-101]
  • Genette’s theory A Short Story by Hooshang Golshiri: A Narratological Perspective Based on Genette’s Theory [Volume 15, Issue 50, 2011, Pages 53-80]
  • Genre Analysis of Lyric Modes in Love Stories: A Case Study on Khosrow & Shirin and Leli & Majnoon [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 272-247]
  • George Steiner Basil Bunting and the Challenges of Literary Translation from Persian into English: A Case of Rūdhakī [Volume 28, Issue 100, 2024, Pages 61-90]
  • Geranehabashi The myth of water in folktales based on the Abu Moslem Name and the Geran e Habashi [(Articles in Press)]
  • Gerard Genette A Study of Narration Temporality in Salmargi Novel based on Gerard Genette’s Theory [Volume 18, Issue 60, 2014, Pages 125-144]
  • Gerard Genette The Analysis of the Basics of Gerard Genette’s Intertextuality in Farhad Hassanzadeh's The Bambak Ship’s Scorpions for Young Adults [Volume 25, Issue 88, 2021, Pages 142-168]
  • Gerard Genette An Investigation of the Pace of the Story Time in the Narrative of “Cloudy Years” Novel by Ali-Ashraf Darvishian [Volume 26, Issue 92, 2022, Pages 111-142]
  • Gérard Genette Analysis of the Narrative Structure of the Novel Beloved Chameleon [Volume 18, Issue 59, 2014, Pages 85-100]
  • Gerard Gennete A Narratological Study of Tooti Nameh [Volume 21, Issue 74, 2017, Pages 53-78]
  • Ghadah Al-Samman Comparative Analysis of Conceptual Metaphors in the Poems of Forough Farrokhzad and Ghadah Al-Samman Based on the Conceptual Domain of Love [Volume 25, Issue 89, 2021, Pages 273-305]
  • Ghazaliyate shams Readout of the Ghazaliyate Shams from the Perspective "self" Archetype in Jung's Thought [Volume 21, Issue 74, 2017, Pages 147-166]
  • Ghodamebne Jafar Ghodamebne Jafar and the Significance of his Notions and Works in the Interpretation and Iranian-Islamic [Volume 12, Issue 38, 2008, Pages 113-129]
  • Gholam Hosein Sâedi Psychological Analysis of Characters of Three Storeis from Gholam Hosein Sâedi (Beggar, Distitutes, and Garbage can) According to Karen Horney's theory [Volume 19, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 55-88]
  • Gholamhossein Saedi (Gohar-e Morad) Analysis of Saedi’s Gedā (‘Beggar’), Based on the Principles and Features of Existentialism [Volume 18, Issue 60, 2014, Pages 105-124]
  • Gholam Hossein Yousefi Correction of Twenty-Six Verses from Saadi's Bustan Corrected by Dr. Gholam Hossein Yousefi [Volume 27, Issue 98, 2023, Pages 325-360]
  • Gift The Custom of Gift-Giving in Iran with Reference to Shahnameh and Bayhaqi’s History [Volume 24, Issue 85, 2020, Pages 167-204]
  • Gift-Giving custom The Custom of Gift-Giving in Iran with Reference to Shahnameh and Bayhaqi’s History [Volume 24, Issue 85, 2020, Pages 167-204]
  • Gilaki GILAKI :DIALECT OF FUMANAT [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2006, Pages 59-82]
  • Gilbert Durand Analysis of Superheroes in Shahnameh (Based on Semantic Contradictions in the Structures of the Gilbert-era Imagination System) [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 35-67]
  • Gilgamesh epic The study of goals and structural specifications in the five spiritual Travel books [Volume 22, Issue 76, 2018, Pages 60-33]
  • Glorious of Station Investigating What a "Place of Safety" is in Mysticism [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 319-346]
  • Gloss Contemplating and Contrasting Naser Khosrow’s Rhetorical Poem with New –Platonic and Nabavi Wisdom [Volume 23, Issue 81, 2019, Pages 135-164]
  • Gnostic Experiences Experiencing Maze (Taste) and Namaze (Untaste) [Volume 25, Issue 88, 2021, Pages 296-318]
  • God and evil Mawlavi and Logical problem of Evil [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2008, Pages 7-32]
  • Goddess-Mother The mythical sources of Rudabeh [(Articles in Press)]
  • Golab Khanum " investigating bases of poetic images in the two novels of the Nakhlhaye bisar and Golab Khanum by Qasem Ali Frasat" [(Articles in Press)]
  • Gold He Sealed the Tomb in Red and Dark Blue (An Analysis of a Verse from the Forood Story) [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 243-264]
  • Golestan Zohuri Torshizi’s “Seh Nasr” and Its Position in [Volume 23, Issue 79, 2019, Pages 158-127]
  • Goli Time in “Shemiran Bus” from Gérard Genette viewpoint [Volume 22, Issue 76, 2018, Pages 165-190]
  • Goli Taraghi Name Selection in the Novel of “Hibernation” Written by Goli Taraghi [Volume 23, Issue 81, 2019, Pages 227-254]
  • Goli Taraghi Psychological Analysis of Character in the Short Story "The Pear Tree" by Goli Taraghi Based on Enneagram Theory [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 377-405]
  • Golshiri An Investigation of the Contrast between Modernism and Mythology in the Works of “Hooshang Golshiri” [Volume 14, Issue 46, 2010, Pages 145-159]
  • Golshiri Analysis of the Concept of "Poetry" in the Novel "Shazdeh Ehtejab" [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 63-89]
  • Good/Evil Conflict Reproducing the Archetype of the Conflict between Good and Evil in Four Young Adult Novels Using the Method of Measuring Imagination by Gilbert Durand [Volume 23, Issue 81, 2019, Pages 69-100]
  • Governing Myth Reproducing the Archetype of the Conflict between Good and Evil in Four Young Adult Novels Using the Method of Measuring Imagination by Gilbert Durand [Volume 23, Issue 81, 2019, Pages 69-100]
  • Greek civilization Ghodamebne Jafar and the Significance of his Notions and Works in the Interpretation and Iranian-Islamic [Volume 12, Issue 38, 2008, Pages 113-129]
  • Greek mythology Banu gosasb nameh and Artemis myth [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2007, Pages 108-121]
  • Greek tragedy Comparative Analysis of Father and Son's Confrontation in Iranian and Greek Tragedies (Rostam and Esfandiar, Rostam and Sohrab and Oedipus Shahriar) [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 125-142]
  • Greimas Analysis of the Narrative Structure of the Story of Bahram and Gol-andam Based on Greimas Theory [Volume 18, Issue 61, 2014, Pages 83-105]
  • Greimas A Study of the Female Actants in the Selected Stories of Four Satirists of Children Literature Using Greimas's Model [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 153-182]
  • Greimas Analysis of Actional Model and Greimas’ Syntgmes Narrative in the Rostam’s Death Narrative [Volume 23, Issue 80, 2019, Pages 32-7]
  • Greimas An Analysis of the Discourse Systems in the Story "Pirchangi" [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 7-32]
  • Greimas Actantial model Analysis of Novel of “Naked against the Wind” by Ahmad Shakeri Based on the Greimas Actantial Theory [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 253-278]
  • Grocery and Parrot Function of Irony in Two Stories of Rumi's Masnavi [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 261-283]
  • Grounded Theory Components of Modernism in Mirzadeh Eshghi's Poetry based on the Strategy of Grounded Theory [Volume 26, Issue 93, 2022, Pages 7-33]
  • Guess destruction Guess Destruction in the Child and Adolescent Humorous Tales of the 60's 90's Period [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 175-192]
  • Guillaume Apollinaire Visual (Concrete) Poetry at a Analytical, Critical and Comparative Glance [Volume 21, Issue 72, 2017, Pages 183-206]
  • Gulistan A Discourse Analysis of Sa’di’s Debate with the Plaintiff Using a Metaphorical Ideological Approach [Volume 21, Issue 74, 2017, Pages 79-98]


  • Hadighat Al-Hadighat va Shariat Al-Tarighat A comparison of Hadighat Al-Hadighat and Shariat Al-Tarighat with the Sources of Narration [Volume 20, Issue 69, 2016, Pages 99-127]
  • Hadiqah's Tales The Function of the Symbol in Hadiqah's Tales, Masnavi’s Stories and Fairy Tales [Volume 25, Issue 89, 2021, Pages 217-241]
  • Hadith The Methods of Application of Qur’anic Verses and Hadith in Jahangosha History [Volume 20, Issue 69, 2016, Pages 153-180]
  • Hafadeh Stylistic Comparison and Analysis of Linguistic, Rhetorical and Content Elements of Ballade and a Letter of Khaghani [Volume 25, Issue 89, 2021, Pages 307-331]
  • Hafez Blessings of Quran and method of expression in Hafez poems [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2006, Pages 191-213]
  • Hafez On Semantic Structure of Hafez's Ghazals [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2008, Pages 33-56]
  • Hafez The Root of Pseudo-Paradox in the Personal Style of Hafez [Volume 16, Issue 52, 2012, Pages 132-160]
  • Hafez Rhetorical Substitute: A Context for Creating Ambiguity from Hafez [Volume 21, Issue 73, 2017, Pages 151-173]
  • Hafez Study of Hafez's Techniques in Making of Polysemy Text [Volume 23, Issue 79, 2019, Pages 30-7]
  • Hafez Hafez's Master's Perspective: The Fault of Creation's Pen [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 183-210]
  • Hafez Investigation of the Function of Tarajji and Eshfagh in Persian Language and Rhetoric Using the Language of Hafez [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 363-394]
  • Hafez Semiotic Analysis of a Ghazal by Hafez [(Articles in Press)]
  • Hafez love poems Humor in Love Poems by Hafez [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2012, Pages 131-162]
  • Hafezology Obeidollah Khishagi Ghosouri: Unknown expert on Hafez [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2008, Pages 85-101]
  • Hafez poems The importance of re-correcting the treatise "Latifeye geybi" written by Mullah Mohammad Darabi [(Articles in Press)]
  • Hafez's Ghazels Aesthetic Structure of Irony in Hafez’s Ghazals [Volume 23, Issue 82, 2019, Pages 191-222]
  • Hafiz Hidden Proportional Amphibology in the Poems of Hafiz [Volume 19, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 31-53]
  • Hafiz Description of two verses of Hafiz based on Jung's psychoanalysis school [Volume 12, Issue 35, 2008, Pages 99-110]
  • Hafiz Chardh Narrative [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2009, Pages 49-64]
  • Hafiz Muhtasib Become Shikh and Forgot His Deviation (Hafez’s Contradiction Method with Muhtasib King) [Volume 25, Issue 87, 2021, Pages 274-296]
  • HafiZ: Fardid Linking the Eastern and Western Sea The Dialogue of "Hakime Onsi" with Hafiz and Heidegger [Volume 14, Issue 44, 2010, Pages 129-159]
  • Haft Khan Investigating and Analyzing the Symbols in Haft Khan-e Rostam [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 211-234]
  • Haft Peikar Archetypal Decoding of Nezami’s Haft Peikar According to Bahram’s Travel to Gain “Great Mother” [Volume 26, Issue 91, 2022, Pages 315-341]
  • Haft Peykar Surrealistic Analysis of “Haft Peykar” [Volume 14, Issue 45, 2010, Pages 159-184]
  • Haft Peykar The Morphology of Mahan Mesry's Legend Based on the Theory of Vladimir Prop [Volume 20, Issue 70, 2016, Pages 73-89]
  • Haft Peykar Decoding Symbols of Haft Peykar’s Seven Realms [Volume 25, Issue 87, 2021, Pages 34-61]
  • Haft Peykar Nizami’s Resources in Haft Peykar Versification [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 7-38]
  • Hagiographies Abdul Qadir Gilani's life and works and to evaluate and comparing all Hagiographies written about him until the tenth century AH [Volume 22, Issue 75, 2018, Pages 7-40]
  • Hagiography Genesis of the Hero Character in Four Narratives of Attar's Hagiography [Volume 14, Issue 46, 2010, Pages 123-143]
  • Hagiography Fars's Hagiographies from the 4th to the 8th Century A.H. [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 7-33]
  • Haj Molla Hadi Sabzevari Haj Molla Hadi Sabzevari and Arabic Poems In Explaining the Spiritual Rhymed Couplets of Molana [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2008, Pages 142-176]
  • Haj Sayyah Memoirs Analysis of the Descriptive Lingual Level of Travel Diaries of Hajj Sayyah based on Fairclough’s (Critical Discourse Analysis) Pattern [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 87-111]
  • Halaj The Comparative Study of the Linguistic Representation of Shafiei Kadkani and Abd al-Wahhab al-Bayati to Hallaj's Tragedy from the Perspective of Ideational Metafunction [Volume 26, Issue 93, 2022, Pages 209-232]
  • Halliday and Hasan’s Theory An Inquiry into Lexical Cohesive Elements in the Story of Gaumart [Volume 21, Issue 73, 2017, Pages 29-52]
  • Halliday’s systemic functional grammar The Critical Stylistics of Shams Kasmaei's Poetry [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 7-33]
  • Hamid Mosadegh Nostalgic Analysis in the Poems of Hamid Mosadegh [Volume 14, Issue 46, 2010, Pages 1-18]
  • Haras novel Psychoanalytical analysis of the main character of the novel called "Haras" according to views of Karen Horney [(Articles in Press)]
  • Harmony Investigating and Analyzing Nima Yooshij’s Two New Collections “Navāy-e Kārvān" and "Sad Sāl-e Degar" based on His Theories on Poetry [Volume 27, Issue 97, 2023, Pages 337-366]
  • Hasanak The Analysis of the Story of the Execution of Hasank the Vizir Using New Historicism [Volume 24, Issue 85, 2020, Pages 205-230]
  • Hasanak the Vizier Parrhesia Discourse Analysis in Hasanak the Vizier Story [Volume 16, Issue 54, 2012, Pages 147-168]
  • Hasanak Vazir Examining the Similarities of Three Narratives "Siavash", "Hasanak Vazir", "Lion and Cow" from the Perspective of structuralism [(Articles in Press)]
  • Heart A Cognitive Analysis of Heart Metaphors in Merṣād Al-ʻEbād [Volume 24, Issue 86, 2020, Pages 263-284]
  • Heavens Comparative Analysis of Transit through Heavens, its Mythological Foundations and Astrological Indications(in the treatises of ascension towards heavens (Me’raj Nameh), the worshippers’ path (Seir-ul-Ebad) and the Divine Comedy [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2007, Pages 22-43]
  • Hedayat Nietzsche's manifestation in the form of an old man (as xenzer penzeri man) [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2007, Pages 62-86]
  • Hedayat Recognition of origin of ethereal atmosphere women in Sadeq Hedayats the Blind Owl According to the discoveries of “Ray’s place where the drums are beaten at fixed intervals” [Volume 22, Issue 75, 2018, Pages 41-60]
  • Hedge The Study of Gender Differences in the Use of Linguistic Forms in the Speech of Iranian Men and Women: A Comparative Study of Persian and English [Volume 7, Issue 20, 2004, Pages 135-152]
  • Heidegger Linking the Eastern and Western Sea The Dialogue of "Hakime Onsi" with Hafiz and Heidegger [Volume 14, Issue 44, 2010, Pages 129-159]
  • Hell Comparative Analysis of Transit through Heavens, its Mythological Foundations and Astrological Indications(in the treatises of ascension towards heavens (Me’raj Nameh), the worshippers’ path (Seir-ul-Ebad) and the Divine Comedy [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2007, Pages 22-43]
  • Hermeneutics Hermeneutics in the Writings of Shams-e Tabrizi [Volume 18, Issue 61, 2014, Pages 41-61]
  • Hermeneutics Semantics of “Love” in Sa’di’s and Hafez’s Lyrics within the Framework of Cognitive Semantics and Perceptual Critics [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 223-256]
  • Hermeneutics The Interpretation of the World of Symbols and Metaphors in Suhrawardi’s Resālat al-Abrāj Based on Ricoeur’s Hermeneutics [Volume 26, Issue 93, 2022, Pages 307-331]
  • Hermeneutics A hermeneutic analysis of the symbols of Nima Yoshij's poem [(Articles in Press)]
  • Heroic period An Investigation of Shahnameh’s Four Heroic Periods based on Archetype Theory [Volume 19, Issue 65, 2015, Pages 161-189]
  • Hero insight The Role of the Hero in Creating Epic Content in Ferdowsi's "Rustam and Esfandiar" Story [Volume 26, Issue 93, 2022, Pages 149-178]
  • Hero's Journey Mythical Critique of the Hero's Journey in "Sam Nameh" Poem According to Campbell's Theory [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 65-90]
  • Hessam al-Din Immaturity of Hessam al-Din; The Main Reason Behind the Delay of the Second Book of Masnavi [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 67-90]
  • Hidden ambiguity The Function of the Terms of Slaves and Bondwomen in Creating Hidden Ambiguity in Persian Literature [Volume 21, Issue 71, 2017, Pages 131-168]
  • Hindi style The motif of Bubble and its network images in Ghazals of Abdul-Qādir Bidel [Volume 18, Issue 62, 2014, Pages 81-123]
  • Hindi style Nima and Hindi Style: Challenge or Reconciliation [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2008, Pages 107-133]
  • Hindi style Hindi style Negative resistance symbol [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2009, Pages 65-82]
  • Historical and Literary Characterization Analytical Comparison of How the Life of Jalal al-Din Khwarazmshah is Narrated in Historiographical and Literary Texts (Representation of the Narration of the Indus Battle, 1221 AD) [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 193-222]
  • Historical and Literary Texts Analytical Comparison of How the Life of Jalal al-Din Khwarazmshah is Narrated in Historiographical and Literary Texts (Representation of the Narration of the Indus Battle, 1221 AD) [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 193-222]
  • Historical novel Linguistic Stylistics of the novel “The Red mane mare’’ (Ān mādiyān-i surkhʹyāl) By Mahmoud Dowlatabadi [Volume 19, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 111-147]
  • Historical novel Explaining the Status and Function of the Anti-Discourse in the Historical Novel Damgostaran or Enteghamkhahan-e Mazdak [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 125-154]
  • Historical Prose Affective Fallacy in Historiography A Critical Look at Shahab Al-Dyn Nasavi’s Sirat-e Jalal Al-Dyn and Nafsat Al-Masdovr [Volume 20, Issue 67, 2016, Pages 7-35]
  • Historiography Bayhaqi's History: A Lost Book or an Unfulfilled Wish (A theory about the extent and content of Beyhaghi’s History) [Volume 19, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 33-54]
  • Historiography Affective Fallacy in Historiography A Critical Look at Shahab Al-Dyn Nasavi’s Sirat-e Jalal Al-Dyn and Nafsat Al-Masdovr [Volume 20, Issue 67, 2016, Pages 7-35]
  • History Features Characteristics of Historiography in the History of Bayhaqi (Belief in Punishment and Protection of Reason, Prudence, and Tolerance in Iranshahr) [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 337-361]
  • History of Beyhaqi Characteristics of Historiography in the History of Bayhaqi (Belief in Punishment and Protection of Reason, Prudence, and Tolerance in Iranshahr) [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 337-361]
  • History of Literature Three Different Approaches (Hostile, Mythical, and Admiring) to Nasir Khusraw in the History of Persian Literature [Volume 27, Issue 97, 2023, Pages 301-336]
  • History of Wassaf Grammatical Functions of Quranic Verses in the History of Wassaf [Volume 25, Issue 88, 2021, Pages 114-140]
  • History-writer Nizami’s Resources in Haft Peykar Versification [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 7-38]
  • Holy Defense Literature A Critical Discourse Analysis of Holy Defense Poetry for children according to van Leeuwen’s approach (2008) [Volume 19, Issue 65, 2015, Pages 121-160]
  • Homay and Homayoun An Investigation into the Elements of Lyrics in the Poem of Homay and Homayoun by Khaju Kermani [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 261-292]
  • Homay o Homayoon Classifying and Analyzing the Motifs of the Poem of Homay and Homayon by Khajoye Kermani [Volume 25, Issue 87, 2021, Pages 8-32]
  • Homeland The Evolution of Homeland’s Concept in Tajik Contemporary Literature: From Acquaintance to Independence and National Self-consciousness [Volume 23, Issue 82, 2019, Pages 35-60]
  • Hooshang Golshiri A Short Story by Hooshang Golshiri: A Narratological Perspective Based on Genette’s Theory [Volume 15, Issue 50, 2011, Pages 53-80]
  • Hope The Representation of the Tenet of Death Thinking in Relation to Hope and Hopelessness in Malakut [Volume 25, Issue 88, 2021, Pages 8-32]
  • Hossein Kurd-e Shabestari The Decline in the Character of Ayyār in the Story of Hossein Kurd-e Shabestari [Volume 24, Issue 85, 2020, Pages 113-138]
  • Houshang Golshiri Discrepancy between Era and Writing: A Critical look at “Christine and Keed’’ [Volume 19, Issue 65, 2015, Pages 23-52]
  • Housman Comparative literature Khayyām and Housman [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2007, Pages 44-51]
  • Human and Transgender Discourse Critical Analysis of the Novel the Stumble Garden Based on Fairclough’s Theory [(Articles in Press)]
  • Humanism Hermeneutics in the Writings of Shams-e Tabrizi [Volume 18, Issue 61, 2014, Pages 41-61]
  • Humanism The Viewpoints of Saadi-researchers about Using Social Rules and Emphasis of Saadi on the Rules [Volume 25, Issue 87, 2021, Pages 140-166]
  • Humanistic An Analysis of the Position of Religion in the Novel Missing Soluch of Mahmoud Dolatabadi Based on the theoriy of Erich Fromm [(Articles in Press)]
  • Humor Humor in Love Poems by Hafez [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2012, Pages 131-162]
  • Humor A Study of the Female Actants in the Selected Stories of Four Satirists of Children Literature Using Greimas's Model [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 153-182]
  • Husina and Delaram Common Themes and Correspondences in the Poem of "Hussina and Delaram" and the Play "Othello" [(Articles in Press)]
  • Husserl Analysis of Literary and Historical Dimensions of Nasavi’s Nafthado Almasdur with Phenomenological Approach [Volume 23, Issue 82, 2019, Pages 115-138]
  • Hypertextuality Analysis of the Relation between Themes of the Works by SiminDaneshvar and Iran’s Cultural Background [Volume 16, Issue 54, 2012, Pages 123-146]
  • Hypertextuality Transtextuality in the Novel The Red Manes Mare by Mahmoud Dowlatabadi [Volume 24, Issue 85, 2020, Pages 261-284]
  • Hypotext Analysis of the Relation between Themes of the Works by SiminDaneshvar and Iran’s Cultural Background [Volume 16, Issue 54, 2012, Pages 123-146]
  • Hypothesizing The Configuration of “Time” in the Story of “Siavash” [Volume 18, Issue 61, 2014, Pages 21-40]


  • Ibn al-Dabbagh Quest and the development of the theory of "love" in the mystical and philosophical notions and thoughts of Roozbahan and Ibn al-Dabbagh [Volume 22, Issue 76, 2018, Pages 32-7]
  • Ibn Arabi The Concept of “Non-existence” in the Works by Bidel Dehlavi and Comparison with the Thoughts of Ibn Arabi [Volume 16, Issue 54, 2012, Pages 31-64]
  • Ibn Arabi Water and Its Various Forms in Persian Mystical Literature (Based on Ibn Arabi's School from the 7th to 9th centuries) [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 265-300]
  • Ibn-e-Hesam Khosfi A Morphological Inquiry into Ibn-e-Hessam Khosfi Birjandi’s Khavarannameh Based on Propp’s Theory [Volume 21, Issue 72, 2017, Pages 143-182]
  • IbnQutaybah Analysis and Comparison of the Story of Uraynab in Praising Karbala Poetry with the Historical Story of IbnQutaybah [Volume 16, Issue 54, 2012, Pages 65-88]
  • Idealistic world Ideas Theory and Allegorical literature With com parative study of Zoroaster, Plato, Rumi and Jung's thoughts [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2007, Pages 39-61]
  • Ideal Society Components of an ideal society in contemporary Iranian poetry (with a case study of selected poems of Malek Alshoara Bahar and Ahmad Shamloo) [(Articles in Press)]
  • Ideational Metafunction Functional Investigating of the Mystical Experiences in the Revelatory Discourse of Bahar-al-Haghigah by Ahmad Ghazzali Based on the Ideational Metafunction [Volume 23, Issue 79, 2019, Pages 214-191]
  • Ideational Metafunction Linguistic Functions of "Verb" in Lyrical Poems of "Mozneb Badayouni" Based on the Ideational Metafunction in Halliday's Functional Approach [Volume 27, Issue 98, 2023, Pages 73-106]
  • Ideational Metafunction The Comparative Study of the Linguistic Representation of Shafiei Kadkani and Abd al-Wahhab al-Bayati to Hallaj's Tragedy from the Perspective of Ideational Metafunction [Volume 26, Issue 93, 2022, Pages 209-232]
  • Identity A Post-colonial Reading of the Novel of ‘‘The Island of Wandering’’ [Volume 20, Issue 68, 2016, Pages 41-65]
  • Ideology Reread of Ravandi’s Narration about the History of El-Selcuk Based on Foucault Panopticism Plan [Volume 20, Issue 70, 2016, Pages 7-27]
  • Ideology A Discourse Analysis of Sa’di’s Debate with the Plaintiff Using a Metaphorical Ideological Approach [Volume 21, Issue 74, 2017, Pages 79-98]
  • Idiom Obstacles To Literary Translation: Challenges and [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2005, Pages 103-128]
  • Idioms and adage The Elements of the Folklore Culture in the Story of Hanaye Soukhte and the Novel of Chenare Dalbati [Volume 23, Issue 81, 2019, Pages 39-68]
  • Ilāhi Namah The Saint of Faithfulness: Attār’s Odyssean Pious Woman [Volume 28, Issue 100, 2024, Pages 133-144]
  • Image of the West An Investigation of Western Cultures’ Presence in the Language and Expression of some Contemporary Iranian Novelists (Case Study: Six Novels of the 80s) [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 31-57]
  • Imagery Techniques Imagery Techniques in the Prose of Mystical Preaching in the 5th Century [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 117-150]
  • Image schemata Orientational Metaphor at the Beginning of the Shahnameh [Volume 23, Issue 82, 2019, Pages 7-34]
  • Imagination The Imagination of "Arash Kamangir" (Arash Bowman) Story Written by Siavash Kasrai, Relying on the Concept of "Fear of the Time" from the Perspective of the Gilbert Durand [Volume 26, Issue 91, 2022, Pages 33-60]
  • Imam Hussein Analysis and Comparison of the Story of Uraynab in Praising Karbala Poetry with the Historical Story of IbnQutaybah [Volume 16, Issue 54, 2012, Pages 65-88]
  • Immortality Decoding Two Legends of Nezami’s Seven Domes Based on the Myth of Creation [Volume 20, Issue 68, 2016, Pages 67-91]
  • Immortality pain An Investigation of the Poem “Notes of Immortality Pain” by Qeysar Aminpour based on Halliday’s Theory of Functionalism [Volume 19, Issue 65, 2015, Pages 7-22]
  • Implicit Learning HOW TO TEACH VOCABULARY: READING TO LEARN, LEARNING TO READ [Volume 7, Issue 20, 2004, Pages 75-99]
  • Imru' Al-Qais Linguistic Stylistics of the novel “The Red mane mare’’ (Ān mādiyān-i surkhʹyāl) By Mahmoud Dowlatabadi [Volume 19, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 111-147]
  • Inclusiveness and Pluralism Limitation and Expansion of Legitimacy and Salvation in the Mystical Words of Rumi [Volume 24, Issue 85, 2020, Pages 7-36]
  • India The mythical sources of Rudabeh [(Articles in Press)]
  • Indian style Some Literary devices in the Poetry of Saeb Tabrizi and John Donne [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2007, Pages 109-128]
  • Indian style Zohuri Torshizi’s “Seh Nasr” and Its Position in [Volume 23, Issue 79, 2019, Pages 158-127]
  • Indian style Artistic and Educational Functions of Allegory [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 323-352]
  • Individualization Process A Reflection on the Process of Individuality in Shafi'i Kadkani's Poems [Volume 27, Issue 98, 2023, Pages 35-72]
  • Inductive Contrastive Rhetoric: A study of Introduction and Thesis Statement in the American English and Persian Expository Essays [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2006, Pages 52-69]
  • Indus Battle Analytical Comparison of How the Life of Jalal al-Din Khwarazmshah is Narrated in Historiographical and Literary Texts (Representation of the Narration of the Indus Battle, 1221 AD) [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 193-222]
  • Inferential and Referential reading comprehension questions( RQ& IQ) On The Relationship between Inferential and Referential test type:The Case of EFL Learners [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2004, Pages 89-119]
  • Inferential Statistics The Usage of Inferential Statistics in Stylistics (Case Study: the Literal Similes in Sixth Century) [Volume 19, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 89-121]
  • Information structure A Study of the Information Structure of Wh-Questions in Modern Persian [Volume 20, Issue 67, 2016, Pages 51-83]
  • Information structure Survey on Informative Function of Topicalization and Passivization in Persian; A Functional perspective [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2006, Pages 7-30]
  • Inherent ingenuity Rudaki: The Genius Preacher [Volume 12, Issue 38, 2008, Pages 91-100]
  • Innovation The Adventure of Haji Baba of Isfahan: A Step Towards Combining the Tradition and Innovation in Iranian Fiction [Volume 25, Issue 87, 2021, Pages 116-138]
  • Innovative Meters A Structural Analysis of the Common and Innovative Meters in Persian Poetry [Volume 24, Issue 86, 2020, Pages 127-161]
  • Innuendo Aesthetic Structure of Irony in Hafez’s Ghazals [Volume 23, Issue 82, 2019, Pages 191-222]
  • Inquiry-based paradigm Inquiry-Based Paradigm in the Interpretation of Poetry [Volume 21, Issue 71, 2017, Pages 49-77]
  • Intellectual discourse Discursive Antagonism of Intellectual Discourse and Political Discourse in Determining the Components of Fictional Literature after the Islamic Revolution Based on the Literature of War / Holy Defense [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 39-70]
  • Intellectualism A Study of Modernism’s Principles and Elements in Lahouti’s Poetry and Thought [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 301-334]
  • Intelligence The Scope of Man's Free Will [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2005, Pages 1-17]
  • Intensifiers The Study of Gender Differences in the Use of Linguistic Forms in the Speech of Iranian Men and Women: A Comparative Study of Persian and English [Volume 7, Issue 20, 2004, Pages 135-152]
  • Interact The Methods of Application of Qur’anic Verses and Hadith in Jahangosha History [Volume 20, Issue 69, 2016, Pages 153-180]
  • Interaction The Impact of Interaction on Reading Comprehension [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 66-86]
  • Interlanguage Interlanguage and Free Variation: A Case Study [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2006, Pages 71-110]
  • Interlecture From Interlecture to Intertextuality: Narratalogy of Ashura Heritage in the Fiction of Mahmud Dowlatabadi [Volume 19, Issue 65, 2015, Pages 101-119]
  • Interpretation Three theologians' views on the issue of explanation in koran [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2006, Pages 13-32]
  • Interpretation On Semantic Structure of Hafez's Ghazals [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2008, Pages 33-56]
  • Interpretation and Paraphrasing The Function of the Symbol in Hadiqah's Tales, Masnavi’s Stories and Fairy Tales [Volume 25, Issue 89, 2021, Pages 217-241]
  • Interpretative Models A Glimmer of Light on the Complicated Khayyam's Rubaiyat: A Step towards a Psychological Analysis of Khayyam's Rubaiyat [Volume 19, Issue 66, 2015, Pages 171-203]
  • Interrogative Sentences Secondary Meanings of Interrogative Sentences in Parvin E’tesâmi Poems [Volume 26, Issue 92, 2022, Pages 223-252]
  • Interrogative Structures A Study of the Information Structure of Wh-Questions in Modern Persian [Volume 20, Issue 67, 2016, Pages 51-83]
  • Intertextual Factors A Critical Discourse Analysis of "Gnder Representation" in Bakhtiar Ali's Novel: "Butterfly Sunset" [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 189-211]
  • Intertextualite Study of effects of Ferdowsi's Shāhnāme on Shāhkār of Rahim Moini-e Kermānshāhi based on transtextualite theory [Volume 18, Issue 62, 2014, Pages 7-38]
  • Intertextuality From Interlecture to Intertextuality: Narratalogy of Ashura Heritage in the Fiction of Mahmud Dowlatabadi [Volume 19, Issue 65, 2015, Pages 101-119]
  • Intertextuality An Intertextual Analysis of the Story of “The Jewish King who killed the Christians because of prejudice’’ from Masnavi [Volume 20, Issue 68, 2016, Pages 167-189]
  • Intertextuality Attar’s Mantegh-al-teir and Dialogism [Volume 14, Issue 46, 2010, Pages 19-46]
  • Intertextuality Analysis of the Relation between Themes of the Works by SiminDaneshvar and Iran’s Cultural Background [Volume 16, Issue 54, 2012, Pages 123-146]
  • Intertextuality Relation analysis of intertextuality in the postmodern narrative of suge moghan novel [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 30-7]
  • Intertextuality Boustan of Saádi and Transtextuality of Genette: A Research on Saadi’s Boustan with Genette’s Approach of Transtextuality from the Perspective of Comparative Literature [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 172-149]
  • Intertextuality Transtextuality in the Novel The Red Manes Mare by Mahmoud Dowlatabadi [Volume 24, Issue 85, 2020, Pages 261-284]
  • Intertextuality The Analysis of the Basics of Gerard Genette’s Intertextuality in Farhad Hassanzadeh's The Bambak Ship’s Scorpions for Young Adults [Volume 25, Issue 88, 2021, Pages 142-168]
  • Intertextuality Intertextuality in Attar’s Masnavi with Sanāʾī’s Hadīqat al-Haqīqah [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 113-134]
  • Intertextuality The Investigation of Lyric Poems of Qasim Anwar's influence from Shams Lyric Poems with Intertextuality Approach [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 7-32]
  • Intertextuality Postmodernist characteristics in the works of Abu Torab Khosravi and Bijan Najdi [(Articles in Press)]
  • Intertextuality Contemporization Intertextuality and the Contemporization of Epic in “The Night of Sohrãb's Killing’’ by Bijan Najdi [Volume 19, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 147-160]
  • Intertextual Reading Intertextuality in Attar’s Masnavi with Sanāʾī’s Hadīqat al-Haqīqah [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 113-134]
  • In The Waves Of The Sand Analyzing Sign-Semantic Schema in the Discourse of “In the Waves of the Sand” and “Abd al-Sabar” Poems [Volume 25, Issue 89, 2021, Pages 167-189]
  • Intratextual analysis The Intertextual and Intratextual Analyses of Shamloo’s Committed Poems of the Twenties and Thirties [Volume 20, Issue 69, 2016, Pages 67-97]
  • Intrinsic Intertextuality Intrinsic Intertextuality of Sa'adi's Poetry in Common Contents of His Persian and Arabic Poems [Volume 24, Issue 86, 2020, Pages 191-213]
  • Introvertive Extrovertive Experiencing Maze (Taste) and Namaze (Untaste) [Volume 25, Issue 88, 2021, Pages 296-318]
  • Invulnerability Another View to Esfandiar's Invulnerability in Shahnameh [Volume 21, Issue 71, 2017, Pages 7-28]
  • Iran Istanbul and the Cultural Context of Mesopotamia The investigation of Istanbul’s role in enlightening Persian-speaker Intellectuals of central Asia in the first two decades of twentieth century [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2009, Pages 83-104]
  • Iran The mythical sources of Rudabeh [(Articles in Press)]
  • Iran Basil Bunting and the Challenges of Literary Translation from Persian into English: A Case of Rūdhakī [Volume 28, Issue 100, 2024, Pages 61-90]
  • Iranian cultural history. Simin daneshvar’s story Analysis of the Relation between Themes of the Works by SiminDaneshvar and Iran’s Cultural Background [Volume 16, Issue 54, 2012, Pages 123-146]
  • Iranian culture Iranian and American/ Englisn Cultural Differences [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2007, Pages 86-98]
  • Iranian EFL learners The Interdependence between the Process and the Product of Reading in English and Persian [Volume 7, Issue 20, 2004, Pages 21-41]
  • Iranian EFL learners On The Relationship between Inferential and Referential test type:The Case of EFL Learners [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2004, Pages 89-119]
  • Iranian epic On the Role of Exotic Hero of Archery Target Type in Kūshnāma Played in Reconstructing Iranian National Identity [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 347-377]
  • Iranian identity Persian Identity Aspects in Delgosha's System of Poems based on Shahnameh's Ferdowsi Re-creations [Volume 25, Issue 89, 2021, Pages 87-114]
  • Iranian mythology Banu gosasb nameh and Artemis myth [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2007, Pages 108-121]
  • Iranian nationalism Components of Modenism in Taqi Rafàt’s Poetry [Volume 23, Issue 80, 2019, Pages 112-85]
  • Iranian nationalism Iranian and Arab Nationalism in Persian Stories of the Iran-Iraq War [Volume 27, Issue 98, 2023, Pages 137-182]
  • Iranian Story An Investigation of Western Cultures’ Presence in the Language and Expression of some Contemporary Iranian Novelists (Case Study: Six Novels of the 80s) [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 31-57]
  • Iraqi The Concept of "Wilayat" in the Works of Fakhreddin Iraqi and Abdul Ghani Nablusi [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 229-254]
  • Ishtar A Comparative Study of Ishtar-Anahita Character in Iranian and Mesopotamian Myths with Aban Dokht in the Story of Samak-e Ayyar [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 265-288]
  • Islamic-Iranian Mysticism The Apollonian and Dionysian Psychological Types in Iranian Mythology and Mysticism [Volume 21, Issue 72, 2017, Pages 7-34]
  • Islamic mysticism Quest and the development of the theory of "love" in the mystical and philosophical notions and thoughts of Roozbahan and Ibn al-Dabbagh [Volume 22, Issue 76, 2018, Pages 32-7]
  • Islamic mysticism The Concept of "Wilayat" in the Works of Fakhreddin Iraqi and Abdul Ghani Nablusi [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 229-254]
  • Islamic Revolution A Survey on Persian poetry after the revolution [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2008, Pages 57-75]
  • Islamic values A Survey on Persian poetry after the revolution [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2008, Pages 57-75]
  • Ismaili Three Different Approaches (Hostile, Mythical, and Admiring) to Nasir Khusraw in the History of Persian Literature [Volume 27, Issue 97, 2023, Pages 301-336]
  • Israelites (Isra'iliyyat) The Israelites (Isra'iliyyat) in the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and its Reflection in Persian Literature [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 165-186]
  • Istanbul Istanbul and the Cultural Context of Mesopotamia The investigation of Istanbul’s role in enlightening Persian-speaker Intellectuals of central Asia in the first two decades of twentieth century [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2009, Pages 83-104]
  • Italian literature Post-World War II Italian Literature [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2008, Pages 117-141]
  • Ivan Fonagy Guess Destruction in the Child and Adolescent Humorous Tales of the 60's 90's Period [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 175-192]
  • I will Turn off The Lights A Critical Stylistic Analysis of the Story I Will Turn off The Lights [Volume 24, Issue 86, 2020, Pages 79-55]


  • Jaazireye Sargardani The Meanings of Two Dream Symbols in Simin Daneshvar's Novel JAZIREYE SARGARDANI Based on Clarissa Pinkola Estes Views [(Articles in Press)]
  • Jacobson The Interaction between the Myth and Metaphor in Short Stories by Shahriar Mandanipour [Volume 17, Issue 58, 2013, Pages 29-45]
  • Jadidiyeh Istanbul and the Cultural Context of Mesopotamia The investigation of Istanbul’s role in enlightening Persian-speaker Intellectuals of central Asia in the first two decades of twentieth century [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2009, Pages 83-104]
  • Jahad Malek Khatoun The study of the function of language and gender in the international court of Khatun Shirazi Based on DSL theory [Volume 22, Issue 76, 2018, Pages 164-143]
  • Jahangosha history The Methods of Application of Qur’anic Verses and Hadith in Jahangosha History [Volume 20, Issue 69, 2016, Pages 153-180]
  • Jahangosha history An Analysis of Some Ambiguities of Jahangosha-ye Juwayni’s History [Volume 25, Issue 87, 2021, Pages 224-246]
  • Jahangosha's History Nostalgic Effects of Nafthat al-Masdour Compared to the History of Jahangosha [Volume 25, Issue 87, 2021, Pages 248-272]
  • Jalal al-Din Khwarazmshah Analytical Comparison of How the Life of Jalal al-Din Khwarazmshah is Narrated in Historiographical and Literary Texts (Representation of the Narration of the Indus Battle, 1221 AD) [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 193-222]
  • Jalaluddin rumi Review of Therapeutic Motifs in Mathnawi Narratives [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 97-123]
  • Jamalzadeh “Persian is Sugar”: A Pattern of Failed Nationalist Discourse [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 59-88]
  • Jamalzadeh Pathology of Language Rhetoric Based on Functional Theory in Jamalzadeh's Story "Yeki Bud Yeki Nabud" (Once Upon a Time) [Volume 27, Issue 98, 2023, Pages 235-264]
  • James Murrier A Review of Two Ambiguities in the Novel "The Adventures of Hajji Baba Isfahani" [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 91-120]
  • James Wright Poetry of Epiphany: James Wright and Sohrab Sepehri [Volume 28, Issue 100, 2024, Pages 113-132]
  • Jami Origins of Bahārestān Stories by Jami [Volume 16, Issue 52, 2012, Pages 161-184]
  • Jami’s Baharestan A Critical Comparison of Jami’s Anecdotes in Baharestan and Minimalist Stories [Volume 20, Issue 68, 2016, Pages 117-142]
  • Jamshid Examining the Status and personality trait of women in Garshasbnameh [Volume 12, Issue 38, 2008, Pages 29-53]
  • Jamshid o Khorshid Reflection of Sufist Thoughts in the Lyric Poem of Jamshid O Khorshid [Volume 19, Issue 66, 2015, Pages 153-169]
  • Javad Mojabi Comparative inter-theoretical reading of two novels "Please Close the Door" and “City of Glass" [(Articles in Press)]
  • Jerar Janet Analytic Investigation of the Rhythm and speed of Narration in the Novel of "The Empty Place of Salouch" [Volume 14, Issue 45, 2010, Pages 37-63]
  • John Barth Investigating the replenishment of the narrative in the novel as a postmodern trick with a focus on "Three short reports about Navid and Negar" through creative play with the element of perspective [(Articles in Press)]
  • John Searle Analysis of speech acts based on john Searle`s opinions in the three poem of Mahdi Akhavansales (Akhare shahnameh, zemestan and az in avesta). [(Articles in Press)]
  • Joiner The Application of Jung's Personality Psychoanalysis in Attar and Rumi's Poetry Relying on the Two Categories of Joiner and Separation [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 349-376]
  • Jona Semantic Study of the Two Words "Jonagh" and "Jona" in Shāhnāmeh [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 124-99]
  • Jonagh Semantic Study of the Two Words "Jonagh" and "Jona" in Shāhnāmeh [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 124-99]
  • Jonathan Livingston Seagull A Comparative Study of the Narrative of “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” and the Story of the Birds in Manteq-Al-Tair, Based on the Glaser’s Choice Theory [Volume 23, Issue 81, 2019, Pages 7-38]
  • Joseph Campbell Mythical Critique of the Hero's Journey in "Sam Nameh" Poem According to Campbell's Theory [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 65-90]
  • Jung Psychology of Myth and Story; New Approach in Literary Criticism [Volume 19, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 7-29]
  • Jung An Investigation of Shahnameh’s Four Heroic Periods based on Archetype Theory [Volume 19, Issue 65, 2015, Pages 161-189]
  • Jung Readout of the Ghazaliyate Shams from the Perspective "self" Archetype in Jung's Thought [Volume 21, Issue 74, 2017, Pages 147-166]
  • Jung Analyzing Various Aspects of the Animus Archetype in Iranian Legends (Based on the Book Dictionary of the Legends of the Iranian People) [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 196-173]
  • Jung Archetypal Decoding of Nezami’s Haft Peikar According to Bahram’s Travel to Gain “Great Mother” [Volume 26, Issue 91, 2022, Pages 315-341]
  • Jung The Application of Jung's Personality Psychoanalysis in Attar and Rumi's Poetry Relying on the Two Categories of Joiner and Separation [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 349-376]
  • Jung Bahram and Golandam; A Narrative of the Process of Individualization [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 91-116]
  • Jung A Reflection on the Process of Individuality in Shafi'i Kadkani's Poems [Volume 27, Issue 98, 2023, Pages 35-72]
  • Jungian psychology The Meanings of Two Dream Symbols in Simin Daneshvar's Novel JAZIREYE SARGARDANI Based on Clarissa Pinkola Estes Views [(Articles in Press)]
  • Juwayni’s Tarikh-i-Jahan-Gusha Parody and Satire in Juwayni’s Tarikh-i-Jahan-Gusha [Volume 19, Issue 66, 2015, Pages 7-36]


  • Kaiser Aminpour Metamorphosis of Logic of Conversation in Kaiser Aminpour poetry: From Idealism to Introversion [Volume 19, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 165-188]
  • Kaiser Aminpour An Analysis of Personification in Kaiser Aminpour Poetry [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2009, Pages 105-127]
  • Kalila and Demna Genealogy and Analyses of "The Little Black Fish Symbols" [Volume 23, Issue 80, 2019, Pages 202-175]
  • Kalila and Demna Transformational Analysis of (Abqir wa Se Mahi)’s Anecdote in Masnavi [(Articles in Press)]
  • Kalileh and Demneh An Intertextual Analysis of the Story of “The Jewish King who killed the Christians because of prejudice’’ from Masnavi [Volume 20, Issue 68, 2016, Pages 167-189]
  • Kalileh and Demneh The Analysis of the Reflection of Kalileh and Demneh in the Five Volumes of Vassaf History from the Perspective of the Theory of Reception [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 143-164]
  • Kalileh & Demneh Pragmatism in Kalileh & Demneh [Volume 18, Issue 61, 2014, Pages 63-82]
  • Kamāl Al-dīn Behzād A Comparative Analysis of Ṣāʾeb Tabrizi’s Poems and Kamāl Al-dīn Behzād’s Miniatures in Light of Jakobson’s Theory of Metaphoric and Metonymic Poles [Volume 24, Issue 86, 2020, Pages 285-311]
  • Kamal-aldin Ismail Phonetic Layer Stylistics of Kamal-al-Din Ismail and Athir Umani’s Poems Based on Layer Stylistics [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 297-334]
  • Kamaloddin Esfahani’s manuscripts of poetry An investigation of Kamaloddin Esfahani’s quatrains based on manuscripts and ancient resources [Volume 22, Issue 76, 2018, Pages 86-61]
  • Kamaloddin Isfahani An investigation of Kamaloddin Esfahani’s quatrains based on manuscripts and ancient resources [Volume 22, Issue 76, 2018, Pages 86-61]
  • Kant A Study of the Sublime in Rumi's Masnavi and Diwan-e Shams in Light of Kant's Sublime Theory [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 89-120]
  • Karamat Comparative Study between Baha’ al-Din Naqshband Bukhari’s Two Books of Anis at-Talibin and Maqamat [Volume 26, Issue 93, 2022, Pages 35-64]
  • Karen Horney Psychological Critique of the character in the novel of Salmargi based on Karen Horney’s theory [Volume 18, Issue 62, 2014, Pages 175-193]
  • Karen Horney Psychological Analysis of Characters of Three Storeis from Gholam Hosein Sâedi (Beggar, Distitutes, and Garbage can) According to Karen Horney's theory [Volume 19, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 55-88]
  • Karen Horney Self-Actualization and Ideal Self in the Novel "The Fig Tree of Temples" from Horney's Perspective [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 241-264]
  • Karen Horney Psychoanalytical analysis of the main character of the novel called "Haras" according to views of Karen Horney [(Articles in Press)]
  • Karikalemator Methods and Functions for Brevity in Bahrampour Omran’s Karikalemator [Volume 25, Issue 89, 2021, Pages 137-165]
  • Karime Sonnet Toopchi Bashof and Meskowich [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2007, Pages 79-88]
  • Kasbf-o Maljoob The Position of "Sharh-e Taarrof" Comparing to the other Sources of Tazkerat-ol Olyaa [Volume 14, Issue 44, 2010, Pages 9-28]
  • Kashf al-Mahjub Hujwiri The Semantic and Aesthetic Function of Music in Hujwiri's Kashf al-Mahjub [Volume 27, Issue 98, 2023, Pages 393-425]
  • Kasmaei The Critical Stylistics of Shams Kasmaei's Poetry [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 7-33]
  • Kazfm Tina Kazim Tina: The Iranian Laurence Sterne (Postmodernism in the works of Kazim Tina) [Volume 13, Issue 40, 2009, Pages 39-62]
  • Kazuo Ishiguro A Comparative Study of Orientational Conceptual Metaphors in Novels Shohar-e Ahoo Khanoom by Afghani and Never Let Me Go by Ishiguro [Volume 27, Issue 98, 2023, Pages 183-204]
  • Keleydar A Critique of the Social-Cultural Position of Women in Keyler's Novel [Volume 26, Issue 92, 2022, Pages 285-312]
  • Kelidar The Collective Unconscious Mind and the Role of its Themes and Images in the Richness of the Literary Work (Relying on the Comparison of the Theme of "Patience against Calamity" in "Kelidar" and "Da") [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 151-192]
  • Keramat Review of Reflections of Magical Realism in the Tales of Tabrizi Ancient Gatherings "Atīqī Tabrīzī Majālis" [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 145-170]
  • Keywords: Composition The Eloquent Functions of Rhetorical Question and Confessional Question in the Second Book of Masnavi-ye-Manvi [(Articles in Press)]
  • Keywords: Hafez Description of the term "Shah Rokh"(Castling) in a verse by Hafez Review [(Articles in Press)]
  • Keywords: Mystical texts The Character Shift of Mystical Anecdotes According to Nineteen Mystical Text. [(Articles in Press)]
  • Keywords: Politics Interaction and confrontation between politics and religion in Ferdowsi's Shahnameh [(Articles in Press)]
  • Khaghani Stylistic Comparison and Analysis of Linguistic, Rhetorical and Content Elements of Ballade and a Letter of Khaghani [Volume 25, Issue 89, 2021, Pages 307-331]
  • Khaghani’s Divan Conceptual Metaphors of Anger in Khaghani’s Divan [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 35-64]
  • Khaghani Shervani Investigating and Analyzing the Linguistic Structure and Classification of Khaghani's Short Poems [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 171-196]
  • Khajeh Ahmad Kasani Comparative Study of Mystic Thoughts of Khajeh Ahmad Kasani in Naqshbandiah Dynasty [Volume 26, Issue 91, 2022, Pages 7-32]
  • Khajoy-e Kermani Classifying and Analyzing the Motifs of the Poem of Homay and Homayon by Khajoye Kermani [Volume 25, Issue 87, 2021, Pages 8-32]
  • Khaju Kermani An Investigation into the Elements of Lyrics in the Poem of Homay and Homayoun by Khaju Kermani [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 261-292]
  • Khaleghi Motlagh’s Correction A Critical Review of Khaleghi Motlagh’s Correction in the Story of Rostam and Sohrab [Volume 25, Issue 88, 2021, Pages 218-245]
  • Khalid Hosseini The Sociological Analysis of Characters in the Novel Bādbādak-Bāz [Volume 18, Issue 60, 2014, Pages 144-173]
  • Khamse Analysis and study of the factors of formation of court metaphors in Nezami's khamsa based on cognitive metaphor [(Articles in Press)]
  • Khamse of Nezami Research on the Vocabulary Related to the Social Issues in Khamse of Nezami Based on Fairclough’s Critical Discourse Analysis Approach [Volume 23, Issue 80, 2019, Pages 60-33]
  • Khaqani’s qasidas The Stylistic Investigation of Prepositions and Their Meanings in Khaqani’s Qasidas [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 33-61]
  • Khavarannameh A Morphological Inquiry into Ibn-e-Hessam Khosfi Birjandi’s Khavarannameh Based on Propp’s Theory [Volume 21, Issue 72, 2017, Pages 143-182]
  • Khayam Different Discourses in Nowrouznameh [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 213-233]
  • Khayyam A Glimmer of Light on the Complicated Khayyam's Rubaiyat: A Step towards a Psychological Analysis of Khayyam's Rubaiyat [Volume 19, Issue 66, 2015, Pages 171-203]
  • Khayyām Khayyām and Housman [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2007, Pages 44-51]
  • Khayyām The Cult of Khayyām Rubā iyāt [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2007, Pages 52-78]
  • Khof and Neyna Study of Female Speech Patterns in the Textual Context of Shiva Arastouei's Novels "Khof" and "Neyna" based on the DSL Approach [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 289-317]
  • Khorasani style A Critical Analysis of the Poetic Style of the Restoration Period [Volume 20, Issue 68, 2016, Pages 7-39]
  • Khorasani style Literary and Artistic Use of the Letter "A" in the Poems of Khorasani Style Poets [Volume 23, Issue 79, 2019, Pages 76-55]
  • Khorasani style Examining the Epic Language and Tone in Farrokhi Sistani's Poems [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 197-231]
  • Khosrow and Shirin A Comparison of Ghasemi Gonabadi’s Khosrow and Shirin with Nezami’s Khosrow and Shirin [Volume 20, Issue 70, 2016, Pages 91-116]
  • Khosrow and Shirin Analysis of the Critical Discourse of Power in Nezami's Khosrow and Shirin [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 173-201]
  • Khwajagan sect Introducing the "Dar al-Salaam" Diwan poetry of Sheikh Abdul Razzaq Naqshbandi along with its structural and content analysis [(Articles in Press)]
  • Kinds of imagery A Formalistic Criticism on sohrab Sepehri's "ta enteha - ye hozur" Poem [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2006, Pages 61-75]
  • King Manifestation of the Rite: "Complain Elevating" in Persian Literature [Volume 21, Issue 72, 2017, Pages 63-85]
  • King Description of the term "Shah Rokh"(Castling) in a verse by Hafez Review [(Articles in Press)]
  • Knowledge Review of power and knowledge (criminology and punish) in some Persian prose texts by Foucault [Volume 22, Issue 75, 2018, Pages 129-151]
  • Knowledge Systematicity in the Metaphorical Conceptualization of Knowledge based on Visual Perceptions in Ain al-Quzat Hamedani’s Tamhidat va Nameh-ha: A Cognitive Approach [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 257-282]
  • Knowledge The concept of "knowledge" in the works of Sheikh Ahmad Jam Namghi based on the concept of conceptual metaphor [(Articles in Press)]
  • Kōsaj The Study of the Authenticity of the Old Burzō-nāma Sections and its Relation with Ferdowsi's Shāh-nāma (Based on the Textual Criticism of its Manuscripts) [Volume 26, Issue 91, 2022, Pages 179-202]
  • Kurdestan Naqshbandieh Maulana Khalid Naqshbandi's Persian Written Works and His Role in Developing Persian Language and Literature Out of Iranian Borders [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 123-147]
  • Kūshnāma On the Role of Exotic Hero of Archery Target Type in Kūshnāma Played in Reconstructing Iranian National Identity [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 347-377]


  • Laclau and Mouffe An Anslysis on Nationalistic Speech in the Poems of Ahmad Shamlu (Based on the Speech Analysis Theory of a Laclau and Mouffe) [Volume 22, Issue 75, 2018, Pages 175-206]
  • Laclau and Mouffe Discourse Ambits of Hypocritical Lover in Hadiqat al-Haqiqa by Sanai Based on Laclau and Mouffe's Discourse Analysis Theory [Volume 25, Issue 88, 2021, Pages 248-265]
  • Laclau and Mouffe A Grandiose Sense of Self-importance: A Study on the Phenomenon of Antagonism and the Discourse of Cultural Otherness in Comparative Arabic Studies between Persian and Arabic Literature [Volume 26, Issue 91, 2022, Pages 125-152]
  • Lahouti A Study of Modernism’s Principles and Elements in Lahouti’s Poetry and Thought [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 301-334]
  • Lakof and Johnson Semantic Study Of Orientated Metaphors In Shams Poems (According to Lakof and Johnson's theory) [Volume 22, Issue 75, 2018, Pages 207-228]
  • Language Parody and Satire in Juwayni’s Tarikh-i-Jahan-Gusha [Volume 19, Issue 66, 2015, Pages 7-36]
  • Language Obstacles To Literary Translation: Challenges and [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2005, Pages 103-128]
  • Language Literary Stylistics The Nature of Literary Words, Prominence and Personalizing Language [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2009, Pages 23-40]
  • Language The study of the function of language and gender in the international court of Khatun Shirazi Based on DSL theory [Volume 22, Issue 76, 2018, Pages 164-143]
  • Language Investigation of the Function of Tarajji and Eshfagh in Persian Language and Rhetoric Using the Language of Hafez [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 363-394]
  • Language The Process of Application of Female-Language Criteria in Two Selected Books, The Last Sunday and Shina’s Daughter, Looking at Sarah Mills' Linguistic Approach [Volume 25, Issue 89, 2021, Pages 59-85]
  • Language The Critical Analysis of Verb Position in Power Discourse in Panegyric Poem [Volume 26, Issue 93, 2022, Pages 65-95]
  • Language Pathology Pathology of Language Rhetoric Based on Functional Theory in Jamalzadeh's Story "Yeki Bud Yeki Nabud" (Once Upon a Time) [Volume 27, Issue 98, 2023, Pages 235-264]
  • Language Proficiency Levels The Interdependence between the Process and the Product of Reading in English and Persian [Volume 7, Issue 20, 2004, Pages 21-41]
  • Language Rhetoric Pathology of Language Rhetoric Based on Functional Theory in Jamalzadeh's Story "Yeki Bud Yeki Nabud" (Once Upon a Time) [Volume 27, Issue 98, 2023, Pages 235-264]
  • Language skills The Performance of Iranian IELTS Candidates: A Descriptive Study [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 71-86]
  • Laozi Experiencing Maze (Taste) and Namaze (Untaste) [Volume 25, Issue 88, 2021, Pages 296-318]
  • Lapis He Sealed the Tomb in Red and Dark Blue (An Analysis of a Verse from the Forood Story) [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 243-264]
  • Latifeye Geybi The importance of re-correcting the treatise "Latifeye geybi" written by Mullah Mohammad Darabi [(Articles in Press)]
  • Laurent Jenny Intertextuality and the Contemporization of Epic in “The Night of Sohrãb's Killing’’ by Bijan Najdi [Volume 19, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 147-160]
  • Layered Semantics Layered Semiotic Readings in the Semantic Process in Fereshteh Sari's "Abolhol" Modern Story [Volume 26, Issue 93, 2022, Pages 97-122]
  • Layer stylistics Phonetic Layer Stylistics of Kamal-al-Din Ismail and Athir Umani’s Poems Based on Layer Stylistics [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 297-334]
  • Leftness Condition A Contrastive Study of English, Persian and Turkish: Cross Over Effects at LF [Volume 5, Issue 16, 2002, Pages 1-12]
  • Legend The Morphology of Mahan Mesry's Legend Based on the Theory of Vladimir Prop [Volume 20, Issue 70, 2016, Pages 73-89]
  • Legitimation Reading the First Chapter of Sa’di's Bustan by Legitimation in Governmental Discourse Approach [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 193-222]
  • Letters Mohammad Ghazali’s Letters from the Perspective of New Historicism [Volume 25, Issue 89, 2021, Pages 115-135]
  • Letters Meanings and the Use of Prepositions and Conjunctions in Nafsat al-Masdur [Volume 27, Issue 97, 2023, Pages 129-170]
  • Lexical elaboration The Effect Of Lexical Modification On Reading Comprehension Regarding Language Proficiency [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2004, Pages 26-57]
  • Lexical simplification The Effect Of Lexical Modification On Reading Comprehension Regarding Language Proficiency [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2004, Pages 26-57]
  • Lexicology Two Terms in Shahnameh [Volume 20, Issue 67, 2016, Pages 37-49]
  • Lexicon Iranian EFL Learners' Approach to Text Reconstruction: Lexicon-based or Grammar-based? [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 127-159]
  • Lexico-semantic errors Written Errors of Kurdish Learners of Persian: A Case ofMahabadi Dialect [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2005, Pages 10-37]
  • LF A Contrastive Study of English, Persian and Turkish: Cross Over Effects at LF [Volume 5, Issue 16, 2002, Pages 1-12]
  • Life skills Seeking for self-awareness skill in Mystical taughts [Volume 11, Issue 34, 2007, Pages 114-128]
  • Light An Analytical-Descriptive Study of Color and Light in Ala ud-Daula Simnani's View [Volume 24, Issue 85, 2020, Pages 139-166]
  • Linguistic GILAKI :DIALECT OF FUMANAT [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2006, Pages 59-82]
  • Linguistic characteristics Nostalgic Effects of Nafthat al-Masdour Compared to the History of Jahangosha [Volume 25, Issue 87, 2021, Pages 248-272]
  • Linguistic context Interlanguage and Free Variation: A Case Study [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2006, Pages 71-110]
  • Linguistic determinism- Proverbs Sapir-WhorfHypothesis and English & Persian Idioms and Proverb [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 1-10]
  • Linguistic Interference Arabic Linguistic Patterns in Sa’adi’s Works [Volume 23, Issue 80, 2019, Pages 174-145]
  • Linguistic Patterns Arabic Linguistic Patterns in Sa’adi’s Works [Volume 23, Issue 80, 2019, Pages 174-145]
  • Linguistic Properties Review of Stylistic Properties of Ancient Persian Texts Based on Pahlavi Texts [Volume 26, Issue 91, 2022, Pages 153-178]
  • Linguistics The Study of Gender Differences in the Use of Linguistic Forms in the Speech of Iranian Men and Women: A Comparative Study of Persian and English [Volume 7, Issue 20, 2004, Pages 135-152]
  • Linguistics Rhetorical Criticism of Ferdowsi’s Shāhnāmeh from Semantics Perspective [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2012, Pages 53-74]
  • Linguistics Linguistic Analysis of Zidari Nasavi's Nafathat al-Masdoor [Volume 17, Issue 58, 2013, Pages 115-133]
  • Linguistics Recognition of the Concept of "Speech" in Rumi's Masnavi, Relying on Contemporary Linguistics [Volume 23, Issue 79, 2019, Pages 126-103]
  • Linguistic Structure Investigating and Analyzing the Linguistic Structure and Classification of Khaghani's Short Poems [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 171-196]
  • Linguistic structure and verbal assessment Bound and limitation in Saadi's lyrics, the criteria for assessing the artistic rhetoric of Persian rhetoric [Volume 22, Issue 76, 2018, Pages 142-115]
  • Lint Velt Investigating the Instances and Levels of Narration in Long Folk Tales with an Emphasis on Abu Muslimnameh [Volume 26, Issue 92, 2022, Pages 169-194]
  • Literacy The Collective Unconscious Mind and the Role of its Themes and Images in the Richness of the Literary Work (Relying on the Comparison of the Theme of "Patience against Calamity" in "Kelidar" and "Da") [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 151-192]
  • Literal attitude The Semiotics of Rumi’s Literal Attitudes in Shams-e Tabrizi Divan [Volume 20, Issue 67, 2016, Pages 147-178]
  • Literal Similes The Usage of Inferential Statistics in Stylistics (Case Study: the Literal Similes in Sixth Century) [Volume 19, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 89-121]
  • Literary Arts Artistic and Educational Functions of Allegory [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 323-352]
  • Literary Critics Semantics of “Love” in Sa’di’s and Hafez’s Lyrics within the Framework of Cognitive Semantics and Perceptual Critics [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 223-256]
  • Literary Deviations A Survey of Defamiliarization in the Works of Mehdi Akhavan Sales [Volume 23, Issue 79, 2019, Pages 190-159]
  • Literary Diary Study and Analysis of Literary Memoirs in the Works of Nima Yushij [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 41-66]
  • Literary Figures The Comprehensive Review of Using the Conflicting Verbs in Sa’di’s Sonnets [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 137-174]
  • Literary interpretation Ghodamebne Jafar and the Significance of his Notions and Works in the Interpretation and Iranian-Islamic [Volume 12, Issue 38, 2008, Pages 113-129]
  • Literary Language Linguistic Analysis of Zidari Nasavi's Nafathat al-Masdoor [Volume 17, Issue 58, 2013, Pages 115-133]
  • Literary periodization of Tajik Contemporary Literature The Evolution of Homeland’s Concept in Tajik Contemporary Literature: From Acquaintance to Independence and National Self-consciousness [Volume 23, Issue 82, 2019, Pages 35-60]
  • Literary School The Analysis of Naturalistic Elements in Novel of Safar-e Shab by Bahman Sholehvar [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 187-210]
  • Literary texts translation Literary-Text Research from the Perspective of Literary-Translation Research: Criticizing Overtly Erroneous Errors in Literary Translations Based on Text Linguistic Models [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 293-322]
  • Literary theme A Survey on Persian poetry after the revolution [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2008, Pages 57-75]
  • Literature and Music The Connection between Literature and Music in “Dead Symphony” by Abbas Maroufi [Volume 25, Issue 87, 2021, Pages 168-192]
  • Little Black Fish Little Black Fish and Readers: From Passive Reading to Active Dialogue [Volume 27, Issue 98, 2023, Pages 361-392]
  • Local historiography Sociological Analysis of Shahrashoob as a Local Poetry History in the Timurid Era [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 67-92]
  • Logic Therapy Analysis of the Meaning and Enthusiasm of Life in Mathnawi Manavi (by Victor Frankel's Theory) [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 281-304]
  • Love and Pierre Moghan Chardh Narrative [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2009, Pages 49-64]
  • Love stories Analysis of Lyric Modes in Love Stories: A Case Study on Khosrow & Shirin and Leli & Majnoon [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 272-247]
  • Lyric Literature Analysis of Lyric Modes in Love Stories: A Case Study on Khosrow & Shirin and Leli & Majnoon [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 272-247]
  • Lyrics An Investigation into the Elements of Lyrics in the Poem of Homay and Homayoun by Khaju Kermani [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 261-292]


  • Machine Translation An overview of Machine Translation (MT) [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 60-70]
  • Madness The Apollonian and Dionysian Psychological Types in Iranian Mythology and Mysticism [Volume 21, Issue 72, 2017, Pages 7-34]
  • Madness Analysis of the Concept of "Poetry" in the Novel "Shazdeh Ehtejab" [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 63-89]
  • Maghalat-e Shams A Survey on Allegory and its Types in Maghalat-e Shams [Volume 21, Issue 73, 2017, Pages 103-127]
  • Maghamat-e Jhende peel Power and Spiritual reign of holy fathers in opinion of Sheikh Ahmad Jām [Volume 18, Issue 62, 2014, Pages 59-80]
  • Maghol and Ilkhanan era Shahnameh in Vassaf's History [Volume 20, Issue 70, 2016, Pages 117-141]
  • Magical Realism Review of Reflections of Magical Realism in the Tales of Tabrizi Ancient Gatherings "Atīqī Tabrīzī Majālis" [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 145-170]
  • Mahdi Ahkavansales A Comparative Study of Social Symbolism in Nimayooshij’s & Mahdi Akhavansales’ Poetry After the 28th Mordad Coup D’etat In 1332 [Volume 21, Issue 71, 2017, Pages 79-98]
  • Mahdi Akhavan Sales A Survey of Defamiliarization in the Works of Mehdi Akhavan Sales [Volume 23, Issue 79, 2019, Pages 190-159]
  • MahmoudDolatabadi An Analysis of the Position of Religion in the Novel Missing Soluch of Mahmoud Dolatabadi Based on the theoriy of Erich Fromm [(Articles in Press)]
  • Mahmoud Dolatabadi Ashura distortion in contemporary fiction (review of the works of Sadegh Hedayat and Mahmoud Dolatabadi) [(Articles in Press)]
  • Mahmoud Dowlatabadi Linguistic Stylistics of the novel “The Red mane mare’’ (Ān mādiyān-i surkhʹyāl) By Mahmoud Dowlatabadi [Volume 19, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 111-147]
  • Mahmoud Dowlatabadi An Analytical Study of Narrative Pace in the Novels ‘Missing Soluch’ and ‘Season of Migration to the North’ Using Gérard Genette’s Narratology Theory [Volume 19, Issue 66, 2015, Pages 37-64]
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  • Majma-al-Navader Typology of Anecdotes During 8th to 10th Century AD (Plus Introducing Two Manuscripts) [Volume 25, Issue 88, 2021, Pages 88-112]
  • Makhzan-al Asrar The structure of poetic propositions in Makhzan-al asrar of Nizami [(Articles in Press)]
  • Makhzan Al-Asrar The Importance of Muhammad Ibn Qawam Balkhi's Description in Understanding the Contents of Nezami's Makhzan Al-Asrar [Volume 24, Issue 85, 2020, Pages 231-260]
  • Malakout The Mythological Analysis of Yakolia va Tanhaei ‘Ou and Malakout with Focus on the Effect of 28 Mordad Coup on Recreating the Myth [Volume 18, Issue 60, 2014, Pages 25-50]
  • Malakut The Representation of the Tenet of Death Thinking in Relation to Hope and Hopelessness in Malakut [Volume 25, Issue 88, 2021, Pages 8-32]
  • Malakut The Elements of Absurdity in Bahrām Sadeqī’s Malakut [Volume 24, Issue 86, 2020, Pages 7-28]
  • Malek Alshoara Bahar Components of an ideal society in contemporary Iranian poetry (with a case study of selected poems of Malek Alshoara Bahar and Ahmad Shamloo) [(Articles in Press)]
  • Mani Common Mystical Thoughts of Mani and Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani [Volume 25, Issue 87, 2021, Pages 298-315]
  • Manifestation and Exemplification Common Mystical Thoughts of Mani and Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani [Volume 25, Issue 87, 2021, Pages 298-315]
  • Mantegh-al-teir Attar’s Mantegh-al-teir and Dialogism [Volume 14, Issue 46, 2010, Pages 19-46]
  • Manteq-Al-Tair A Comparative Study of the Narrative of “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” and the Story of the Birds in Manteq-Al-Tair, Based on the Glaser’s Choice Theory [Volume 23, Issue 81, 2019, Pages 7-38]
  • Manuscript The Study of the Authenticity of the Old Burzō-nāma Sections and its Relation with Ferdowsi's Shāh-nāma (Based on the Textual Criticism of its Manuscripts) [Volume 26, Issue 91, 2022, Pages 179-202]
  • Manuscript Omidi Tehrani, Modernist Archaist (A Study of Life and Poetry of One of the Unknown but Influential Poets of the Tenth Century) [Volume 26, Issue 91, 2022, Pages 263-288]
  • Manuscript The importance of re-correcting the treatise "Latifeye geybi" written by Mullah Mohammad Darabi [(Articles in Press)]
  • Maqamat-e-Naqshband Comparative Study between Baha’ al-Din Naqshband Bukhari’s Two Books of Anis at-Talibin and Maqamat [Volume 26, Issue 93, 2022, Pages 35-64]
  • Maqāmāt Hamidi A ''Wise Old Man'' Archetype Criticism in Maqāmāt Hamidi [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 98-81]
  • Maraya-alyasmin A Comparison of the Resistance Motifs in the Poems of Nasim-E Shomal and Saleh Mahmood Howari [Volume 19, Issue 66, 2015, Pages 115-152]
  • Marked Words Research on the Vocabulary Related to the Social Issues in Khamse of Nezami Based on Fairclough’s Critical Discourse Analysis Approach [Volume 23, Issue 80, 2019, Pages 60-33]
  • Marriage Metaphorical Concepts in 17 Sonnets of Shakespeare: Reconstructing Shakespeare's Mental Atmosphere toward Marriage [Volume 6, Issue 18, 2003, Pages 101-124]
  • Martyrdom culture A Survey on Persian poetry after the revolution [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2008, Pages 57-75]
  • Marzban-Namah A Structural Investigation of Plot in the Anecdotes of Marzban-Namah [Volume 20, Issue 69, 2016, Pages 129-152]
  • Marzban-Nameh The study of the time element effects in the underplotted anecdotes of Marzban-Nameh [Volume 22, Issue 76, 2018, Pages 240-215]
  • Marzbān-Nāmeh Narratology of Marzbān-NāmehAnecdotes in Three Levels of Story, Discourse, and Narration with Emphasis on the Anecdote Called Dādmeh and Dāstān [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2012, Pages 75-96]
  • Mashrooteh Revolution Istanbul and the Cultural Context of Mesopotamia The investigation of Istanbul’s role in enlightening Persian-speaker Intellectuals of central Asia in the first two decades of twentieth century [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2009, Pages 83-104]
  • Mashruteh literature A Study of the Comic in Mirza Agha-Khan Kermani's Susmar od-Doleh [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 218-197]
  • Mashy and Mashyāneh story Common Mythic Motif between Woman Angels Born in Fruit in the "Risālah al-Ghofrān" and Orange Girls in "Doxtar-e Nārenj o Toranj" Story [Volume 18, Issue 60, 2014, Pages 73-103]
  • Maslow The Study of Rostam's character based on the story of “Rostam and Esfandyar’’ in Shâhnâmeh and theory of “self - actualization’’ by Abraham Maslow [Volume 19, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 83-109]
  • Masnavi Vaghe'e and Moqbel Esfahani [Volume 18, Issue 62, 2014, Pages 41-57]
  • Masnavi An Intertextual Analysis of the Story of “The Jewish King who killed the Christians because of prejudice’’ from Masnavi [Volume 20, Issue 68, 2016, Pages 167-189]
  • Masnavi Ideas Theory and Allegorical literature With com parative study of Zoroaster, Plato, Rumi and Jung's thoughts [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2007, Pages 39-61]
  • Masnavi Rumi’s Private Life behind the Secret Layers of the First Masnavi Story [Volume 16, Issue 52, 2012, Pages 89-118]
  • Masnavi The Constent Element of the Main Motif of the Story of Daqooqi in Masnavi [Volume 16, Issue 54, 2012, Pages 109-122]
  • Masnavi Conceptual metaphors of love in Mowlavi’s Masnavi [Volume 22, Issue 76, 2018, Pages 114-87]
  • Masnavi The Analysis of the Usages of Satiric Similes in Masnavi-ye-Ma'navi [Volume 24, Issue 85, 2020, Pages 315-340]
  • Masnavi Recognition of the Concept of "Speech" in Rumi's Masnavi, Relying on Contemporary Linguistics [Volume 23, Issue 79, 2019, Pages 126-103]
  • Masnavi Limitation and Expansion of Legitimacy and Salvation in the Mystical Words of Rumi [Volume 24, Issue 85, 2020, Pages 7-36]
  • Masnavi Analysis of the Amphibology of Proportion and its Semantic Fields in Masnavi [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 80-55]
  • Masnavi Analyzing the Status and Performance of Molana’s Views and Poems in Shahid Morteza Motahari’s Works [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 319-348]
  • Masnavi From the Horizon in Nietzsche's Notion to the Horizon in Gadamer's Notion to Thinking in Tales of Masnavi [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 149-171]
  • Masnavi Immaturity of Hessam al-Din; The Main Reason Behind the Delay of the Second Book of Masnavi [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 67-90]
  • Masnavi Short Masnavi in Persian Literature (until the Eighth Century) [Volume 27, Issue 98, 2023, Pages 297-324]
  • Masnavi Allegorical Language; Empathetic Language(Logical Analysis of the Course of Allegorical Language to Empathetic Language in Mysticism Based on Masnavi) [(Articles in Press)]
  • Masnavi Maanavi Transformational Analysis of (Abqir wa Se Mahi)’s Anecdote in Masnavi [(Articles in Press)]
  • Masnavi Manavi Analysis of the Meaning and Enthusiasm of Life in Mathnawi Manavi (by Victor Frankel's Theory) [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 281-304]
  • Masnavi Manavi Semiotics of the Clothing System in Molavi's Masnavi [Volume 27, Issue 98, 2023, Pages 107-136]
  • Masnavi's Stories The Function of the Symbol in Hadiqah's Tales, Masnavi’s Stories and Fairy Tales [Volume 25, Issue 89, 2021, Pages 217-241]
  • Masnavi Taqdis Masnavi Taqdis and Masnavi Manavi [Volume 17, Issue 58, 2013, Pages 91-114]
  • Masnavi - ye - Manavi The Eloquent Functions of Rhetorical Question and Confessional Question in the Second Book of Masnavi-ye-Manvi [(Articles in Press)]
  • Masoud Nikpey Masoud Nikpey's History [Volume 12, Issue 35, 2008, Pages 84-98]
  • Ma’soum-e Dovvom A Short Story by Hooshang Golshiri: A Narratological Perspective Based on Genette’s Theory [Volume 15, Issue 50, 2011, Pages 53-80]
  • Matnabi- paradox- contradiction A glance at Matnabi's poetry [Volume 9, Issue 29, 2006, Pages 96-109]
  • Maulana Analysis of the Meaning and Enthusiasm of Life in Mathnawi Manavi (by Victor Frankel's Theory) [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 281-304]
  • Maulana Khalid Maulana Khalid Naqshbandi's Persian Written Works and His Role in Developing Persian Language and Literature Out of Iranian Borders [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 123-147]
  • Maulvi Semantic Study Of Orientated Metaphors In Shams Poems (According to Lakof and Johnson's theory) [Volume 22, Issue 75, 2018, Pages 207-228]
  • Mawlavi Mawlavi and Logical problem of Evil [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2008, Pages 7-32]
  • M. Dowlatabadi From Interlecture to Intertextuality: Narratalogy of Ashura Heritage in the Fiction of Mahmud Dowlatabadi [Volume 19, Issue 65, 2015, Pages 101-119]
  • Meaning Semantic Study of the Two Words "Jonagh" and "Jona" in Shāhnāmeh [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 124-99]
  • Meaning Code Analysis of the Short Story “Merry Go Round” by Sepideh Shamloo [Volume 26, Issue 93, 2022, Pages 179-207]
  • Meaning Semiotic Analysis of a Ghazal by Hafez [(Articles in Press)]
  • Mecca conquers The Concept of “Non-existence” in the Works by Bidel Dehlavi and Comparison with the Thoughts of Ibn Arabi [Volume 16, Issue 54, 2012, Pages 31-64]
  • Medical motif Review of Therapeutic Motifs in Mathnawi Narratives [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 97-123]
  • Memory The Fictional elements of Written-memories in the Sacred Defence with Emphasis on the Daughter of Sheena [Volume 22, Issue 76, 2018, Pages 214-191]
  • Mental .Structures.Litcrary Stru ctures A Look at Georges Lokacs' Ideas on Marxist Criticism [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2007, Pages 122-136]
  • Meri Two Terms in Shahnameh [Volume 20, Issue 67, 2016, Pages 37-49]
  • Merṣād al-ʻebād A Cognitive Analysis of Heart Metaphors in Merṣād Al-ʻEbād [Volume 24, Issue 86, 2020, Pages 263-284]
  • Mesopotamia Istanbul and the Cultural Context of Mesopotamia The investigation of Istanbul’s role in enlightening Persian-speaker Intellectuals of central Asia in the first two decades of twentieth century [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2009, Pages 83-104]
  • Metacognitive reading strategies: The strategies that are used by readers to understand a text specially when meaning has gone "awry" as the term is used by Weaver Metacognitive (Rending) Strategies Across Languages and Techniques [Volume 3, Issue 14, 2000, Pages 72-98]
  • Metacognitive strategies Incorporating Strategy Training into Reading Instruction [Volume 7, Issue 20, 2004, Pages 100-134]
  • Metafiction Metafictional Experimentation in Enduring Love [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2006, Pages 5-31]
  • Metafiction Classification of Metafictional Features: Focusing on Short Circuit and Exposing the Literary Technique [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 246-219]
  • Metafiction Metafiction, a Postmodernism Method: Case Study of Tamashaye Yek Royaye Tabah Shode (Watching a Wrecked Dream) Novel by Bijan Bijari [Volume 25, Issue 89, 2021, Pages 191-215]
  • Metafictional naming Classification of Metafictional Features: Focusing on Short Circuit and Exposing the Literary Technique [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 246-219]
  • Meta-narratives Relation analysis of intertextuality in the postmodern narrative of suge moghan novel [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 30-7]
  • Metaphor Mystical symbolism in the poetry of Sa'Ib of Tabriz [Volume 12, Issue 35, 2008, Pages 130-156]
  • Metaphor A Discourse Analysis of Sa’di’s Debate with the Plaintiff Using a Metaphorical Ideological Approach [Volume 21, Issue 74, 2017, Pages 79-98]
  • Metaphor The Rhetorical Apposition: A Way to Integrate Simile and Metaphor [Volume 25, Issue 88, 2021, Pages 34-58]
  • Metaphor The Interpretation of the World of Symbols and Metaphors in Suhrawardi’s Resālat al-Abrāj Based on Ricoeur’s Hermeneutics [Volume 26, Issue 93, 2022, Pages 307-331]
  • Metaphor A Study of the Areas of Origin and Destination of the Metaphors of Surrealist novels from a Cognitive Linguistic Perspective Based on Koveces's Theories [Volume 26, Issue 93, 2022, Pages 233-284]
  • MET AP HOR Metaphorical Concepts in 17 Sonnets of Shakespeare: Reconstructing Shakespeare's Mental Atmosphere toward Marriage [Volume 6, Issue 18, 2003, Pages 101-124]
  • Metaphoric and Metonymic Poles of Language An Analysis of some Contemporary Persian Novels’ Titles based on David Lodge’s Theory [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 59-86]
  • Metaphysical poetry Some Literary devices in the Poetry of Saeb Tabrizi and John Donne [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2007, Pages 109-128]
  • Method era A Historical and Methodological Investigation of Teaching Persian to Speakers of Other Languages [Volume 14, Issue 45, 2010, Pages 65-85]
  • Metonymic pole A Comparative Analysis of Ṣāʾeb Tabrizi’s Poems and Kamāl Al-dīn Behzād’s Miniatures in Light of Jakobson’s Theory of Metaphoric and Metonymic Poles [Volume 24, Issue 86, 2020, Pages 285-311]
  • Metonymy Historical Evolution of Metonymy in Persian and Arabic Literature until the 7th Century [Volume 12, Issue 38, 2008, Pages 67-90]
  • Metonymy Study of Hafez's Techniques in Making of Polysemy Text [Volume 23, Issue 79, 2019, Pages 30-7]
  • Metonymy Conceptual Metaphors of Anger in Khaghani’s Divan [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 35-64]
  • Metrics Investigating the Effects of Metrics on Ferdowsi’s Narrative Rhetoric and Language [Volume 23, Issue 81, 2019, Pages 165-196]
  • Mevlana (Rumi) Archetypal Analysis of the Story of the “King and Little Servant” [Volume 14, Issue 45, 2010, Pages 87-104]
  • Michel Foucault Parrhesia Discourse Analysis in Hasanak the Vizier Story [Volume 16, Issue 54, 2012, Pages 147-168]
  • Mikhail Bakhtin Intertextuality and the Contemporization of Epic in “The Night of Sohrãb's Killing’’ by Bijan Najdi [Volume 19, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 147-160]
  • Mikhail Bakhtin Metamorphosis of Logic of Conversation in Kaiser Aminpour poetry: From Idealism to Introversion [Volume 19, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 165-188]
  • Mikhail Bakhtin Chubak and the other Bakhtini [(Articles in Press)]
  • Minimalism A Critical Comparison of Jami’s Anecdotes in Baharestan and Minimalist Stories [Volume 20, Issue 68, 2016, Pages 117-142]
  • Minimalism A Contrastive Study of English, Persian and Turkish: Cross Over Effects at LF [Volume 5, Issue 16, 2002, Pages 1-12]
  • Minimalist perspective Control in Persian [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2005, Pages 70-108]
  • Minimalist perspective Control in Persian [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 105-126]
  • Minimal Story A Critical Comparison of Jami’s Anecdotes in Baharestan and Minimalist Stories [Volume 20, Issue 68, 2016, Pages 117-142]
  • Mira Habib-e Esfahani The Adventure of Haji Baba of Isfahan: A Step Towards Combining the Tradition and Innovation in Iranian Fiction [Volume 25, Issue 87, 2021, Pages 116-138]
  • Mirsad-o-Ebad Structural and discourse analysis of allegory in Mirsad-o-Ebad [Volume 22, Issue 75, 2018, Pages 151-174]
  • Mirza Agha Khan Kermani A Review of Two Ambiguities in the Novel "The Adventures of Hajji Baba Isfahani" [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 91-120]
  • Mirza Agha-Khan Kermani A Study of the Comic in Mirza Agha-Khan Kermani's Susmar od-Doleh [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 218-197]
  • Mirzadeh Eshghi Components of Modernism in Mirzadeh Eshghi's Poetry based on the Strategy of Grounded Theory [Volume 26, Issue 93, 2022, Pages 7-33]
  • Mirza Ghalib Dehlavi Ghalib Dehlavi’s Ghazals Beyond the Orient [Volume 20, Issue 68, 2016, Pages 143-165]
  • Mirza Habib Esfahani A Review of Two Ambiguities in the Novel "The Adventures of Hajji Baba Isfahani" [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 91-120]
  • Mirza Jahanshah-e- haghighi Mirza Jahanshah Haghighi and his Poetry of Mawlana [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2008, Pages 29-48]
  • Missing Soluch An Analytical Study of Narrative Pace in the Novels ‘Missing Soluch’ and ‘Season of Migration to the North’ Using Gérard Genette’s Narratology Theory [Volume 19, Issue 66, 2015, Pages 37-64]
  • Mistake Hafez's Master's Perspective: The Fault of Creation's Pen [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 183-210]
  • Mitosi's Criticism Mitosi's Critique of the Story of Rostam and Sohrab According to Northrop Frye's Theories [Volume 26, Issue 93, 2022, Pages 285-305]
  • Modality A Survey in Narrative Style in “Tarikh-e Beyhaghi” (Sympson’s Model) [Volume 23, Issue 80, 2019, Pages 144-113]
  • Mode Analysis of Lyric Modes in Love Stories: A Case Study on Khosrow & Shirin and Leli & Majnoon [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 272-247]
  • Modern fiction Examining the relationship between modern novel and schizophrenia based on the novel "Park Shahr" by Haniye Sultanpour [(Articles in Press)]
  • Modern Fiction Writing “Persian is Sugar”: A Pattern of Failed Nationalist Discourse [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 59-88]
  • Modern Novel An Analysis of some Contemporary Persian Novels’ Titles based on David Lodge’s Theory [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 59-86]
  • Modern Persian story. Different Types of metalepsis Narrative Metalepsis in Persian Stories [Volume 20, Issue 67, 2016, Pages 127-145]
  • Modern Poetry Nima and Hindi Style: Challenge or Reconciliation [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2008, Pages 107-133]
  • Modern short story Analysis of Narrative Structure in Bijan Najdi's Stories Based on Poetics of Modernism (with Emphasis on Charles May and Susan Ferguson's Theories) [Volume 20, Issue 70, 2016, Pages 143-168]
  • Modern Story Analysis of the Concept of "Poetry" in the Novel "Shazdeh Ehtejab" [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 63-89]
  • Mohammad Ayoubi Reflection of popular rituals and beliefs in the southern fictional school [(Articles in Press)]
  • Mohammad Ayyoubi A Modernist Approach to the Novel of Under the Devil’s Umbrella [Volume 23, Issue 82, 2019, Pages 89-114]
  • Mohammad ben Monavvari The Image of Qosheyri in Asrar al-Towhid (Methodological and Content Analysis) [Volume 16, Issue 54, 2012, Pages 89-108]
  • Mohammad Darabi The importance of re-correcting the treatise "Latifeye geybi" written by Mullah Mohammad Darabi [(Articles in Press)]
  • Mohammad (PBUH) The Israelites (Isra'iliyyat) in the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and its Reflection in Persian Literature [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 165-186]
  • Mohammadreza Kateb Analysis of the Narrative Structure of the Novel Beloved Chameleon [Volume 18, Issue 59, 2014, Pages 85-100]
  • Mohammad Reza Kateb Deferment of "Ego" in Mohammad Reza Kateb's Narration [Volume 21, Issue 73, 2017, Pages 53-78]
  • Molavi Readout of the Ghazaliyate Shams from the Perspective "self" Archetype in Jung's Thought [Volume 21, Issue 74, 2017, Pages 147-166]
  • Molavi Pathological Study of the Religious War in Mathnawi [Volume 25, Issue 89, 2021, Pages 243-272]
  • Molavi Examination of Symbolic Imagery of Concept of the Perfect Man in Molana's Masnavi and Sohrevardi's Stories [Volume 26, Issue 92, 2022, Pages 31-57]
  • Molavi A Comparative Study of the Story of the black cloth king of Haft Peikar of Nezami and the Story of Daqhooghi of Masnavi of Molavi [(Articles in Press)]
  • Molavi The Inebriated Myth Tellers or the Sober Observers? Molavi and Shams' Different Views on Shath or Ecstatic Utterance [Volume 27, Issue 97, 2023, Pages 9-40]
  • Molavi’s Masnavi Function of Irony in Two Stories of Rumi's Masnavi [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 261-283]
  • Molla Ahmad Naraqi Masnavi Taqdis and Masnavi Manavi [Volume 17, Issue 58, 2013, Pages 91-114]
  • Moniroo Ravanipour Analysis of the Structure of Ahl-e Gharq [Volume 18, Issue 60, 2014, Pages 7-23]
  • Moniro Ravanipour Ecocriticism of Moniro Ravanipour's Ahl-e-Ghargh [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 233-260]
  • Moniru Ravanipour Critique and Analysis of Moniru Ravanipour’s Ecological Story “Ahle Ghargh” with a Look at the Discourse of Power [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 7-33]
  • Monitoring The Relationship between Out-of-Class Language Learning Strategy Use and Reading Comprehension Ability [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2007, Pages 28-49]
  • Montessori method Teaching Reading to Children: Methods and Techniques [Volume 6, Issue 18, 2003, Pages 22-33]
  • Moqbel Esfahani Vaghe'e and Moqbel Esfahani [Volume 18, Issue 62, 2014, Pages 41-57]
  • Morality Contemplating and Contrasting Naser Khosrow’s Rhetorical Poem with New –Platonic and Nabavi Wisdom [Volume 23, Issue 81, 2019, Pages 135-164]
  • Morphological errors Written Errors of Kurdish Learners of Persian: A Case ofMahabadi Dialect [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2005, Pages 10-37]
  • Morphology Criticism of Sequences of Hero’s Functions in Propp’s Theory of Morphology (Based on the morphology of three stories in Shahnameh) [Volume 15, Issue 50, 2011, Pages 159-179]
  • Morphology The Morphology of Mahan Mesry's Legend Based on the Theory of Vladimir Prop [Volume 20, Issue 70, 2016, Pages 73-89]
  • Morphology A Morphological Inquiry into Ibn-e-Hessam Khosfi Birjandi’s Khavarannameh Based on Propp’s Theory [Volume 21, Issue 72, 2017, Pages 143-182]
  • Morphology Study of Functions of Propp's Theory in Asrar-al-Tawhid Tales [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 257-296]
  • Morphology Analyzing the Function of Sheikh Bahai’s Cat and Mouse Based on Vladimir Propp’s Theory [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 283-318]
  • Mostafa Mastoor Existentialist Features in Mostafa Mastoor's Stories [Volume 27, Issue 97, 2023, Pages 99-128]
  • Motahari Analyzing the Status and Performance of Molana’s Views and Poems in Shahid Morteza Motahari’s Works [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 319-348]
  • Motif The motif of Bubble and its network images in Ghazals of Abdul-Qādir Bidel [Volume 18, Issue 62, 2014, Pages 81-123]
  • Motif Structure of the story in Qasas ul-Anbiya of Kisa'i (Stories of the Prophets) [Volume 19, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 55-81]
  • Motif Classifying and Analyzing the Motifs of the Poem of Homay and Homayon by Khajoye Kermani [Volume 25, Issue 87, 2021, Pages 8-32]
  • Mourning ceremony The Investigation of Morning Ceremonies in Shahnameh as Semiotic Codes [Volume 21, Issue 72, 2017, Pages 117-141]
  • Move a A Contrastive Study of English, Persian and Turkish: Cross Over Effects at LF [Volume 5, Issue 16, 2002, Pages 1-12]
  • Movement Approach Control in Persian [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2005, Pages 70-108]
  • Movement Approach Control in Persian [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 105-126]
  • Mowlavi Conceptual metaphors of love in Mowlavi’s Masnavi [Volume 22, Issue 76, 2018, Pages 114-87]
  • Mowlavi Investigating the Images of Snake, Dragon and Their Accessories in Mowlavi's Sonnets [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 101-136]
  • Mowlavi An Investigation and Analysis of the Course of Human beings' Perfection in Mowlavi’s Works [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 7-30]
  • Mozneb Badayouni Linguistic Functions of "Verb" in Lyrical Poems of "Mozneb Badayouni" Based on the Ideational Metafunction in Halliday's Functional Approach [Volume 27, Issue 98, 2023, Pages 73-106]
  • Muhammad Al-Maghut Analysing Ahmad Shamloo & Muhammad Al-Maghut’s personality Based on the Lüscher Colour Test [Volume 23, Issue 81, 2019, Pages 197-226]
  • Muhtasib King Muhtasib Become Shikh and Forgot His Deviation (Hafez’s Contradiction Method with Muhtasib King) [Volume 25, Issue 87, 2021, Pages 274-296]
  • Music of Words The Semantic and Aesthetic Function of Music in Hujwiri's Kashf al-Mahjub [Volume 27, Issue 98, 2023, Pages 393-425]
  • Mutenabbi Mutenabbi and Persian Poets [Volume 17, Issue 55, 2013, Pages 43-64]
  • My Little Chapel A Psychoanalytic Approach to Hooshang Golshiri’s “My Little Chapel” [Volume 28, Issue 100, 2024, Pages 167-187]
  • Mystical and Literary Texts The Concept of "Absorption" and Its Manifestations in the Mystical and Literary Texts (Based on the Theory of Definition) [Volume 24, Issue 86, 2020, Pages 215-240]
  • Mystical Anecdotes Review of Reflections of Magical Realism in the Tales of Tabrizi Ancient Gatherings "Atīqī Tabrīzī Majālis" [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 145-170]
  • Mystical Conduct The Concept of "Absorption" and Its Manifestations in the Mystical and Literary Texts (Based on the Theory of Definition) [Volume 24, Issue 86, 2020, Pages 215-240]
  • Mystical Experiences Functional Investigating of the Mystical Experiences in the Revelatory Discourse of Bahar-al-Haghigah by Ahmad Ghazzali Based on the Ideational Metafunction [Volume 23, Issue 79, 2019, Pages 214-191]
  • Mystical Explanation The importance of re-correcting the treatise "Latifeye geybi" written by Mullah Mohammad Darabi [(Articles in Press)]
  • Mystical Inebriation and Observation The Inebriated Myth Tellers or the Sober Observers? Molavi and Shams' Different Views on Shath or Ecstatic Utterance [Volume 27, Issue 97, 2023, Pages 9-40]
  • Mystical Maqameh writing The Image of Qosheyri in Asrar al-Towhid (Methodological and Content Analysis) [Volume 16, Issue 54, 2012, Pages 89-108]
  • Mystical narrative The study of the signs of time and place in Kashf ul-mahjoob, Resale-ye Ghoshairie and Tazkirat al-Awliya [Volume 18, Issue 62, 2014, Pages 125-145]
  • Mystical Pattern The Inebriated Myth Tellers or the Sober Observers? Molavi and Shams' Different Views on Shath or Ecstatic Utterance [Volume 27, Issue 97, 2023, Pages 9-40]
  • Mystical poem A Reflection on the Semantic Function of Color in Rumi’s Lyrics [Volume 21, Issue 71, 2017, Pages 99-129]
  • Mystical poetry Contemplating and Contrasting Naser Khosrow’s Rhetorical Poem with New –Platonic and Nabavi Wisdom [Volume 23, Issue 81, 2019, Pages 135-164]
  • Mystical poetry The Investigation of Lyric Poems of Qasim Anwar's influence from Shams Lyric Poems with Intertextuality Approach [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 7-32]
  • Mystical revelation The Plot of Suffi's Revelations [Volume 21, Issue 74, 2017, Pages 123-145]
  • Mystical Situations Functional Investigating of the Mystical Experiences in the Revelatory Discourse of Bahar-al-Haghigah by Ahmad Ghazzali Based on the Ideational Metafunction [Volume 23, Issue 79, 2019, Pages 214-191]
  • Mystical State The Inebriated Myth Tellers or the Sober Observers? Molavi and Shams' Different Views on Shath or Ecstatic Utterance [Volume 27, Issue 97, 2023, Pages 9-40]
  • Mysticism An Investigation of Wise & Mystical Thoughts Reflected through Alphabetic Symbolism in Iranian Mystics’ Poetry [Volume 19, Issue 65, 2015, Pages 53-78]
  • Mysticism The Cult of Khayyām Rubā iyāt [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2007, Pages 52-78]
  • Mysticism Seeking for self-awareness skill in Mystical taughts [Volume 11, Issue 34, 2007, Pages 114-128]
  • Mysticism Mystical symbolism in the poetry of Sa'Ib of Tabriz [Volume 12, Issue 35, 2008, Pages 130-156]
  • Mysticism Water and Its Various Forms in Persian Mystical Literature (Based on Ibn Arabi's School from the 7th to 9th centuries) [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 265-300]
  • Mysticism Criticism of the Relationship between Iranian Cinema and Mystical Classic Literature [Volume 25, Issue 87, 2021, Pages 88-114]
  • Mysticism Fars's Hagiographies from the 4th to the 8th Century A.H. [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 7-33]
  • Mysticism Analyzing the Status and Performance of Molana’s Views and Poems in Shahid Morteza Motahari’s Works [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 319-348]
  • Mysticism Mystic Symbolism in the Fazel Nazari’s Poetic [(Articles in Press)]
  • Mysticism Analysis of the Meaning and Enthusiasm of Life in Mathnawi Manavi (by Victor Frankel's Theory) [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 281-304]
  • Mysticism Maulana Khalid Naqshbandi's Persian Written Works and His Role in Developing Persian Language and Literature Out of Iranian Borders [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 123-147]
  • Mysticism Mythical Origins of the Motifs of the Earth in Mysticism (Earth in Mysticism and Its Mythological Roots) [Volume 27, Issue 97, 2023, Pages 71-98]
  • Mysticism Imagery Techniques in the Prose of Mystical Preaching in the 5th Century [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 117-150]
  • Mysticism The Saint of Faithfulness: Attār’s Odyssean Pious Woman [Volume 28, Issue 100, 2024, Pages 133-144]
  • Mysticism Allegorical Language; Empathetic Language(Logical Analysis of the Course of Allegorical Language to Empathetic Language in Mysticism Based on Masnavi) [(Articles in Press)]
  • Mysticisrn Haj Molla Hadi Sabzevari and Arabic Poems In Explaining the Spiritual Rhymed Couplets of Molana [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2008, Pages 142-176]
  • Mystic Thoughts Comparative Study of Mystic Thoughts of Khajeh Ahmad Kasani in Naqshbandiah Dynasty [Volume 26, Issue 91, 2022, Pages 7-32]
  • Mystilism The Background of Surrealism in Mystical Literature [Volume 14, Issue 44, 2010, Pages 83-100]
  • Myth Criticism Mythical Critique of the Hero's Journey in "Sam Nameh" Poem According to Campbell's Theory [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 65-90]
  • Mytheme The Structure of Persian Prose Romances [Volume 24, Issue 86, 2020, Pages 29-53]
  • Myth of Siavash Investigating the Effects of Metrics on Ferdowsi’s Narrative Rhetoric and Language [Volume 23, Issue 81, 2019, Pages 165-196]
  • Myth Reproduction Reproducing the Archetype of the Conflict between Good and Evil in Four Young Adult Novels Using the Method of Measuring Imagination by Gilbert Durand [Volume 23, Issue 81, 2019, Pages 69-100]
  • Myths Reasons for Metamorphosis in One Thousand and One Nights Stories [Volume 16, Issue 52, 2012, Pages 37-64]
  • Myths The Israelites (Isra'iliyyat) in the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and its Reflection in Persian Literature [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 165-186]
  • My Tribe” Backgrounds and Manifestations of Romanticism in “My Bukhara, My Tribe” [Volume 15, Issue 50, 2011, Pages 37-52]


  • Nablusi The Concept of "Wilayat" in the Works of Fakhreddin Iraqi and Abdul Ghani Nablusi [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 229-254]
  • Nāder Ebrāhimi The components of the postmodern literature in the fictional literature of Iran: An examination of Nāder Ebrāhimi’s [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2008, Pages 134-164]
  • Nadia Aesthetics of Surrealist Elements In the works of "Nadia" by Andre Burton and "Three Drops of Blood" by Sadegh Hedayat [(Articles in Press)]
  • Nafathat al-Masdoor Linguistic Analysis of Zidari Nasavi's Nafathat al-Masdoor [Volume 17, Issue 58, 2013, Pages 115-133]
  • Nafisi A Study on Some Verses Attributed to Rudaki based on a Few Old Sources [Volume 25, Issue 87, 2021, Pages 194-222]
  • Nafsat Al-Masdovr Affective Fallacy in Historiography A Critical Look at Shahab Al-Dyn Nasavi’s Sirat-e Jalal Al-Dyn and Nafsat Al-Masdovr [Volume 20, Issue 67, 2016, Pages 7-35]
  • Nafsat al-Masdur Meanings and the Use of Prepositions and Conjunctions in Nafsat al-Masdur [Volume 27, Issue 97, 2023, Pages 129-170]
  • Nafsat Al Masdur Rhetoric of Syntax in the Historical Text of Nafsat Al Masdur by Zeydari Nasavi [(Articles in Press)]
  • Nafthado Almasdur Analysis of Literary and Historical Dimensions of Nasavi’s Nafthado Almasdur with Phenomenological Approach [Volume 23, Issue 82, 2019, Pages 115-138]
  • Nafthat al-Masdoor The Analysis of Text cohesion elements in Nafthat al-Masdoor Based on Halliday and Hasans Theory [Volume 19, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 7-31]
  • Nafthat al-Masdour Nostalgic Effects of Nafthat al-Masdour Compared to the History of Jahangosha [Volume 25, Issue 87, 2021, Pages 248-272]
  • Najm al-Din Razi Structural and discourse analysis of allegory in Mirsad-o-Ebad [Volume 22, Issue 75, 2018, Pages 151-174]
  • Najm al-Dīn Rāzī A Cognitive Analysis of Heart Metaphors in Merṣād Al-ʻEbād [Volume 24, Issue 86, 2020, Pages 263-284]
  • Najm Razi Colors, Planets and Seven Modes of the Heart [Volume 17, Issue 55, 2013, Pages 89-102]
  • Naked against the Wind Analysis of Novel of “Naked against the Wind” by Ahmad Shakeri Based on the Greimas Actantial Theory [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 253-278]
  • Nakhlhaye Bisar " investigating bases of poetic images in the two novels of the Nakhlhaye bisar and Golab Khanum by Qasem Ali Frasat" [(Articles in Press)]
  • Naqal Investigating the Instances and Levels of Narration in Long Folk Tales with an Emphasis on Abu Muslimnameh [Volume 26, Issue 92, 2022, Pages 169-194]
  • Naqshbandi School Comparative Study of Mystic Thoughts of Khajeh Ahmad Kasani in Naqshbandiah Dynasty [Volume 26, Issue 91, 2022, Pages 7-32]
  • Naqshbandiyyah Comparative Study between Baha’ al-Din Naqshband Bukhari’s Two Books of Anis at-Talibin and Maqamat [Volume 26, Issue 93, 2022, Pages 35-64]
  • Naqshbandiyyah The Concept of "Wilayat" in the Works of Fakhreddin Iraqi and Abdul Ghani Nablusi [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 229-254]
  • Narcissism A Grandiose Sense of Self-importance: A Study on the Phenomenon of Antagonism and the Discourse of Cultural Otherness in Comparative Arabic Studies between Persian and Arabic Literature [Volume 26, Issue 91, 2022, Pages 125-152]
  • Narcissism Analyzing the Effect of Narcissism in the Poems of Mehdi Akhavan Sales [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 305-336]
  • Narrater Investigating the Instances and Levels of Narration in Long Folk Tales with an Emphasis on Abu Muslimnameh [Volume 26, Issue 92, 2022, Pages 169-194]
  • Narration A Study of the Distinction between Narrative and Textual Time in the Anecdotes of Sa'di’s Golestan [Volume 19, Issue 66, 2015, Pages 65-90]
  • Narration the narrations provided by Tha’alababi and Ferdowsi [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2007, Pages 89-108]
  • Narration Narratology of Marzbān-NāmehAnecdotes in Three Levels of Story, Discourse, and Narration with Emphasis on the Anecdote Called Dādmeh and Dāstān [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2012, Pages 75-96]
  • Narration Analysis of Narrative Structure of Attar’s Poetic Works (Elahi-nameh, Mantiq al-Tayr, and Musibat-nameh) [Volume 16, Issue 54, 2012, Pages 5-30]
  • Narration A comparison of Hadighat Al-Hadighat and Shariat Al-Tarighat with the Sources of Narration [Volume 20, Issue 69, 2016, Pages 99-127]
  • Narration Analysis of Lyric Modes in Love Stories: A Case Study on Khosrow & Shirin and Leli & Majnoon [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 272-247]
  • Narration Analysis of Actional Model and Greimas’ Syntgmes Narrative in the Rostam’s Death Narrative [Volume 23, Issue 80, 2019, Pages 32-7]
  • Narration A Survey in Narrative Style in “Tarikh-e Beyhaghi” (Sympson’s Model) [Volume 23, Issue 80, 2019, Pages 144-113]
  • Narration duration An Analysis of Narrative Elements Used in Jami's poem Yusouf and Zoleikha [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 33-58]
  • Narrative language Linguistic Stylistics of the novel “The Red mane mare’’ (Ān mādiyān-i surkhʹyāl) By Mahmoud Dowlatabadi [Volume 19, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 111-147]
  • Narrative Pace An Analytical Study of Narrative Pace in the Novels ‘Missing Soluch’ and ‘Season of Migration to the North’ Using Gérard Genette’s Narratology Theory [Volume 19, Issue 66, 2015, Pages 37-64]
  • Narrative point of view The function of Narrative Point of View and Semes in the Formation of Ideological Discourse of Ancient Theological Texts in Iran Based on Roger Fowler’s Literary Theories [(Articles in Press)]
  • Narrative self-consciousness Metafictional Experimentation in Enduring Love [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2006, Pages 5-31]
  • Narrative techniques Instances of Formalistic "Subject" in Persian Short Stories [Volume 21, Issue 72, 2017, Pages 87-116]
  • Narrative text An Explanation of the Differences between Narrative and Non-Narrative Texts [Volume 21, Issue 71, 2017, Pages 29-47]
  • Narrative Time "Narrative Time" and its Relationship with the Element of "Suspension" in the Novel of "the Year of the Riots" by Abbas Maroufi based on Gerard Genette's theory [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 135-159]
  • Narratology Analysis of the Narrative Structure of the Novel Beloved Chameleon [Volume 18, Issue 59, 2014, Pages 85-100]
  • Narratology Analysis of the Structure of Ahl-e Gharq [Volume 18, Issue 60, 2014, Pages 7-23]
  • Narratology The Configuration of “Time” in the Story of “Siavash” [Volume 18, Issue 61, 2014, Pages 21-40]
  • Narratology Comparative analysis of “Dolls retail“by Sadeq Chubak and “A Corpse on the Pavement’’ by Saadallah Wannous [Volume 19, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 123-146]
  • Narratology Narrative Metalepsis in Persian Stories [Volume 20, Issue 67, 2016, Pages 127-145]
  • Narratology A Short Story by Hooshang Golshiri: A Narratological Perspective Based on Genette’s Theory [Volume 15, Issue 50, 2011, Pages 53-80]
  • Narratology Narratology of Marzbān-NāmehAnecdotes in Three Levels of Story, Discourse, and Narration with Emphasis on the Anecdote Called Dādmeh and Dāstān [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2012, Pages 75-96]
  • Narratology Structure of Feminine Narration in the Novel “My Bird” by Fariba Vafi [Volume 17, Issue 58, 2013, Pages 47-68]
  • Narratology A Narratological Study of Tooti Nameh [Volume 21, Issue 74, 2017, Pages 53-78]
  • Narratology The Plot of Suffi's Revelations [Volume 21, Issue 74, 2017, Pages 123-145]
  • Narratology Study of Functions of Propp's Theory in Asrar-al-Tawhid Tales [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 257-296]
  • Narratology A Survey in Narrative Style in “Tarikh-e Beyhaghi” (Sympson’s Model) [Volume 23, Issue 80, 2019, Pages 144-113]
  • Narratology Investigating the Instances and Levels of Narration in Long Folk Tales with an Emphasis on Abu Muslimnameh [Volume 26, Issue 92, 2022, Pages 169-194]
  • Narratology An Investigation of the Pace of the Story Time in the Narrative of “Cloudy Years” Novel by Ali-Ashraf Darvishian [Volume 26, Issue 92, 2022, Pages 111-142]
  • Narrator A ''Wise Old Man'' Archetype Criticism in Maqāmāt Hamidi [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 98-81]
  • Narrator Postmodernist characteristics in the works of Abu Torab Khosravi and Bijan Najdi [(Articles in Press)]
  • Nasavi Analysis of Literary and Historical Dimensions of Nasavi’s Nafthado Almasdur with Phenomenological Approach [Volume 23, Issue 82, 2019, Pages 115-138]
  • Nasime-e Shomal A Comparison of the Resistance Motifs in the Poems of Nasim-E Shomal and Saleh Mahmood Howari [Volume 19, Issue 66, 2015, Pages 115-152]
  • Nasim Marashi Psychoanalytical analysis of the main character of the novel called "Haras" according to views of Karen Horney [(Articles in Press)]
  • Nasir Khusraw Three Different Approaches (Hostile, Mythical, and Admiring) to Nasir Khusraw in the History of Persian Literature [Volume 27, Issue 97, 2023, Pages 301-336]
  • National Identity A Critical Discourse Analysis of Holy Defense Poetry for children according to van Leeuwen’s approach (2008) [Volume 19, Issue 65, 2015, Pages 121-160]
  • National Identity On the Role of Exotic Hero of Archery Target Type in Kūshnāma Played in Reconstructing Iranian National Identity [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 347-377]
  • Nationalism “Persian is Sugar”: A Pattern of Failed Nationalist Discourse [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 59-88]
  • National self-consciousness The Evolution of Homeland’s Concept in Tajik Contemporary Literature: From Acquaintance to Independence and National Self-consciousness [Volume 23, Issue 82, 2019, Pages 35-60]
  • Naturalism Comparative analysis of “Dolls retail“by Sadeq Chubak and “A Corpse on the Pavement’’ by Saadallah Wannous [Volume 19, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 123-146]
  • Naturalism Nima and Hindi Style: Challenge or Reconciliation [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2008, Pages 107-133]
  • Naturalism The Analysis of Naturalistic Elements in Novel of Safar-e Shab by Bahman Sholehvar [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 187-210]
  • Nature An Extensive Investigation of the Scientific and Philosophical Nature of Literature [Volume 13, Issue 40, 2009, Pages 9-22]
  • Nature Ecocriticism of Moniro Ravanipour's Ahl-e-Ghargh [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 233-260]
  • Navāy-e Kārvān Investigating and Analyzing Nima Yooshij’s Two New Collections “Navāy-e Kārvān" and "Sad Sāl-e Degar" based on His Theories on Poetry [Volume 27, Issue 97, 2023, Pages 337-366]
  • Nefrin-e Zamin The Exclusion and its Components in Al-e Ahmad's "Nefrin-e Zamin" based on Van Leeuwen's Theory [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 255-280]
  • Negative Nostalgia Explaining the Status and Function of the Anti-Discourse in the Historical Novel Damgostaran or Enteghamkhahan-e Mazdak [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 125-154]
  • Negative resistance Hindi style Negative resistance symbol [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2009, Pages 65-82]
  • Neorealism Post-World War II Italian Literature [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2008, Pages 117-141]
  • Neurosis Freudian reading of the course of neurosis to psychosis in surreal fictions [(Articles in Press)]
  • Neuroticism Psychoanalytical analysis of the main character of the novel called "Haras" according to views of Karen Horney [(Articles in Press)]
  • New Attributions A Study on Some Verses Attributed to Rudaki based on a Few Old Sources [Volume 25, Issue 87, 2021, Pages 194-222]
  • New Literature The Influence of Foreign Works on Akhavan’s Poetry [Volume 21, Issue 73, 2017, Pages 79-102]
  • New Poetry The Critical Stylistics of Shams Kasmaei's Poetry [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 7-33]
  • New Poetry of Persian Representation of Social Agents in the Satiric Discourse of Ahmad Shamloo Based on Van Leeuwen Pattern [Volume 27, Issue 97, 2023, Pages 367-404]
  • New Verses A Study on Some Verses Attributed to Rudaki based on a Few Old Sources [Volume 25, Issue 87, 2021, Pages 194-222]
  • Neyriz Reflection of Power Criticism in the Poems by ShahabNeyrizi (Content Analysis from the Qajar Period from the Perspective of New Historicism) [Volume 17, Issue 55, 2013, Pages 103-124]
  • Nezami Surrealistic Analysis of “Haft Peykar” [Volume 14, Issue 45, 2010, Pages 159-184]
  • Nezami A Comparison of Ghasemi Gonabadi’s Khosrow and Shirin with Nezami’s Khosrow and Shirin [Volume 20, Issue 70, 2016, Pages 91-116]
  • Nezami A Comparative Study of the Story of the black cloth king of Haft Peikar of Nezami and the Story of Daqhooghi of Masnavi of Molavi [(Articles in Press)]
  • Nezami Ganjavi The Importance of Muhammad Ibn Qawam Balkhi's Description in Understanding the Contents of Nezami's Makhzan Al-Asrar [Volume 24, Issue 85, 2020, Pages 231-260]
  • Nezami Ganjavi Review and Analysis of Nezami Ganjavi's Theological-Literary Perspective [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 9-40]
  • Nezamz music Poetry Art or an Artistic Poet; taking a close look at the relationship between art and literature in Nezami's poems [Volume 13, Issue 40, 2009, Pages 63-78]
  • Nietzsch Nietzsche's manifestation in the form of an old man (as xenzer penzeri man) [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2007, Pages 62-86]
  • Nietzsche From the Horizon in Nietzsche's Notion to the Horizon in Gadamer's Notion to Thinking in Tales of Masnavi [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 149-171]
  • Nima’s Afsaneh Lyricism in modern poetry [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2008, Pages 165-192]
  • Nimayooshij A Comparative Study of Social Symbolism in Nimayooshij’s & Mahdi Akhavansales’ Poetry After the 28th Mordad Coup D’etat In 1332 [Volume 21, Issue 71, 2017, Pages 79-98]
  • Nima Yooshij Investigating and Analyzing Nima Yooshij’s Two New Collections “Navāy-e Kārvān" and "Sad Sāl-e Degar" based on His Theories on Poetry [Volume 27, Issue 97, 2023, Pages 337-366]
  • Nima Youshij A hermeneutic analysis of the symbols of Nima Yoshij's poem [(Articles in Press)]
  • Nima Yushij Study and Analysis of Literary Memoirs in the Works of Nima Yushij [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 41-66]
  • Nizami The structure of poetic propositions in Makhzan-al asrar of Nizami [(Articles in Press)]
  • Nizami Ganjavi Nizami’s Resources in Haft Peykar Versification [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 7-38]
  • Nizami Ganjavi Analysis and study of the factors of formation of court metaphors in Nezami's khamsa based on cognitive metaphor [(Articles in Press)]
  • Non-Linguistic Information A Critical Discourse Analysis of "Gnder Representation" in Bakhtiar Ali's Novel: "Butterfly Sunset" [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 189-211]
  • Non-response&rdquo Some Notes on the Explanation and Correction of Kelileh o Demneh by Master Minovi [(Articles in Press)]
  • Nonverbal communication A Political Analysis of Body Language in ‘Beihaghi History’ [Volume 19, Issue 65, 2015, Pages 79-99]
  • Norman Fairclough Critical Discourse Analysis of the Novel Fish Sleep at Night Based on Norman Fairclough's Theory [Volume 24, Issue 85, 2020, Pages 285-314]
  • Norman Fairclough Analysis of the Descriptive Lingual Level of Travel Diaries of Hajj Sayyah based on Fairclough’s (Critical Discourse Analysis) Pattern [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 87-111]
  • North America Ghalib Dehlavi’s Ghazals Beyond the Orient [Volume 20, Issue 68, 2016, Pages 143-165]
  • Northrop Frye Mitosi's Critique of the Story of Rostam and Sohrab According to Northrop Frye's Theories [Volume 26, Issue 93, 2022, Pages 285-305]
  • Nostalgia Nostalgic Effects of Nafthat al-Masdour Compared to the History of Jahangosha [Volume 25, Issue 87, 2021, Pages 248-272]
  • Nouveau Discrepancy between Era and Writing: A Critical look at “Christine and Keed’’ [Volume 19, Issue 65, 2015, Pages 23-52]
  • Novel The Sociological Analysis of Characters in the Novel Bādbādak-Bāz [Volume 18, Issue 60, 2014, Pages 144-173]
  • Novel From Interlecture to Intertextuality: Narratalogy of Ashura Heritage in the Fiction of Mahmud Dowlatabadi [Volume 19, Issue 65, 2015, Pages 101-119]
  • Novel A Comparative Study of “Title” in Resistance Literature with a Focus on the Novels of “Daa’’, and “Omm–e Sa΄d’’ [Volume 20, Issue 68, 2016, Pages 93-115]
  • Novel An analysis of Haji Agha novel [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2006, Pages 114-138]
  • Novel An examination of the fictional elements in the novel "Salhā-ye Abri [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2008, Pages 82-106]
  • Novel Analysis of Archetypal Characters in Moniru Ravanpoor’s Novel of Kooly Kenare Atash Based on the Theory of Awakening the Hero Within [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 335-362]
  • Novel The Analysis of Naturalistic Elements in Novel of Safar-e Shab by Bahman Sholehvar [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 187-210]
  • Novel Analysis of Novel of “Naked against the Wind” by Ahmad Shakeri Based on the Greimas Actantial Theory [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 253-278]
  • Novel Examining the Main Components of Traditional and Modern Womens’ Personality in the Works of Zoya Pirzad and Farkhondeh Aghaei [Volume 25, Issue 88, 2021, Pages 170-191]
  • Novel Tehran in the Mirror of Novel: Sociological Thinking about Representation of Tehran in Persian Novels [Volume 25, Issue 89, 2021, Pages 7-32]
  • Novel A Critique of the Social-Cultural Position of Women in Keyler's Novel [Volume 26, Issue 92, 2022, Pages 285-312]
  • Novel An Analysis of the Structure and Content of the Novel "Souls and Lusts" by Reza Shabahari [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 235-260]
  • Novel Study of the Components of Fictional Modernism in Three Novels of Abbas Maroufi "Symphonye Mordegan, Sale Balva; Tamaman Makhsos" [Volume 26, Issue 92, 2022, Pages 195-222]
  • Novel Title An Analysis of some Contemporary Persian Novels’ Titles based on David Lodge’s Theory [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 59-86]
  • Nowrouznameh Different Discourses in Nowrouznameh [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 213-233]
  • Number of Shahnameh verses A New Study on the Number of Shahnameh’s Verses Another Answer to the Reason for the Difference between the Known Number and the Actual Quantity of Shahnameh [Volume 26, Issue 91, 2022, Pages 89-123]


  • Obeidollah Khishagi Ghosouri Obeidollah Khishagi Ghosouri: Unknown expert on Hafez [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2008, Pages 85-101]
  • Obeid Zakani Fantastic Literature and Obeid Zakani [Volume 12, Issue 35, 2008, Pages 54-83]
  • Oedipus complex Psychological analysis of "Fereidoun" based on Freud's Pshychology [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2006, Pages 92-113]
  • Old Human Being Common Mystical Thoughts of Mani and Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani [Volume 25, Issue 87, 2021, Pages 298-315]
  • Olfati Savoji Olfati Savoji and Rawaih Gulshan Qutbshahi [(Articles in Press)]
  • Omidi Tehrani Omidi Tehrani, Modernist Archaist (A Study of Life and Poetry of One of the Unknown but Influential Poets of the Tenth Century) [Volume 26, Issue 91, 2022, Pages 263-288]
  • Omm-e Sa’d A Comparative Study of “Title” in Resistance Literature with a Focus on the Novels of “Daa’’, and “Omm–e Sa΄d’’ [Volume 20, Issue 68, 2016, Pages 93-115]
  • One Thousand and One Nights Reasons for Metamorphosis in One Thousand and One Nights Stories [Volume 16, Issue 52, 2012, Pages 37-64]
  • Ons-Al-Taebin Power and Spiritual reign of holy fathers in opinion of Sheikh Ahmad Jām [Volume 18, Issue 62, 2014, Pages 59-80]
  • Ontological metaphor A Cognitive Analysis of Heart Metaphors in Merṣād Al-ʻEbād [Volume 24, Issue 86, 2020, Pages 263-284]
  • Ontological metaphor The Study of the Representation of Conceptual Metaphors in “Siyavash” Story of Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh: A Cognitive Approach [Volume 26, Issue 92, 2022, Pages 313-337]
  • Ontology Postmodern Ontology in an Iranian Wdter's Short Story [Volume 14, Issue 44, 2010, Pages 29-42]
  • Orientalism Sir William Jones and the Shahnameh [Volume 28, Issue 100, 2024, Pages 41-60]
  • Orientated metaphor Semantic Study Of Orientated Metaphors In Shams Poems (According to Lakof and Johnson's theory) [Volume 22, Issue 75, 2018, Pages 207-228]
  • Origin The Archeology of Power Struggle in Shahnameh and Iliad (Relying on the Fereydun and the Priam Myths) [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 181-120]
  • Othello Common Themes and Correspondences in the Poem of "Hussina and Delaram" and the Play "Othello" [(Articles in Press)]
  • Othering A Study of the Otherness of Identity in Teen Novels (A Case Study of Jamila Govin’s Novel the Horse’s Eye) [Volume 24, Issue 85, 2020, Pages 341-368]
  • Othering A Grandiose Sense of Self-importance: A Study on the Phenomenon of Antagonism and the Discourse of Cultural Otherness in Comparative Arabic Studies between Persian and Arabic Literature [Volume 26, Issue 91, 2022, Pages 125-152]
  • Ottoman Istanbul and the Cultural Context of Mesopotamia The investigation of Istanbul’s role in enlightening Persian-speaker Intellectuals of central Asia in the first two decades of twentieth century [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2009, Pages 83-104]
  • Overtly erroneous errors Literary-Text Research from the Perspective of Literary-Translation Research: Criticizing Overtly Erroneous Errors in Literary Translations Based on Text Linguistic Models [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 293-322]


  • Pahlavan (hero) Analysis of Superheroes in Shahnameh (Based on Semantic Contradictions in the Structures of the Gilbert-era Imagination System) [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 35-67]
  • Pahlavi Iranian and Arab Nationalism in Persian Stories of the Iran-Iraq War [Volume 27, Issue 98, 2023, Pages 137-182]
  • Pahlavi Texts Review of Stylistic Properties of Ancient Persian Texts Based on Pahlavi Texts [Volume 26, Issue 91, 2022, Pages 153-178]
  • Painting Poetry Art or an Artistic Poet; taking a close look at the relationship between art and literature in Nezami's poems [Volume 13, Issue 40, 2009, Pages 63-78]
  • Painting Investigating and Analyzing the Symbols in Haft Khan-e Rostam [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 211-234]
  • Paleontology of Persian literature A Research in Persian Literature: Continuity of Horse Descriptions in Persian Poetry based on the Role of Sasanian Seals (from Mohsen Foroughi Collection) [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 161-187]
  • Parable A Survey on Allegory and its Types in Maghalat-e Shams [Volume 21, Issue 73, 2017, Pages 103-127]
  • Paradise Comparative Analysis of Transit through Heavens, its Mythological Foundations and Astrological Indications(in the treatises of ascension towards heavens (Me’raj Nameh), the worshippers’ path (Seir-ul-Ebad) and the Divine Comedy [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2007, Pages 22-43]
  • Parallelism Some of the Symmetrical Patterns in Attār's Works [Volume 26, Issue 92, 2022, Pages 7-29]
  • Paratextuality Transtextuality in the Novel The Red Manes Mare by Mahmoud Dowlatabadi [Volume 24, Issue 85, 2020, Pages 261-284]
  • Parody Parody and Satire in Juwayni’s Tarikh-i-Jahan-Gusha [Volume 19, Issue 66, 2015, Pages 7-36]
  • Parrhesia Parrhesia Discourse Analysis in Hasanak the Vizier Story [Volume 16, Issue 54, 2012, Pages 147-168]
  • Parrot and Merchant Function of Irony in Two Stories of Rumi's Masnavi [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 261-283]
  • Parvin E’etesami A Comparative Study of Fiction Elements in Ahamd Showghi’sBabol-Hekayat and Parvin E’etesami’s Stories [Volume 19, Issue 66, 2015, Pages 91-114]
  • Parvin E’tesâmi Secondary Meanings of Interrogative Sentences in Parvin E’tesâmi Poems [Volume 26, Issue 92, 2022, Pages 223-252]
  • Parvin Rouh The Elements of the Folklore Culture in the Story of Hanaye Soukhte and the Novel of Chenare Dalbati [Volume 23, Issue 81, 2019, Pages 39-68]
  • Passivization Survey on Informative Function of Topicalization and Passivization in Persian; A Functional perspective [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2006, Pages 7-30]
  • Patient The Effect of Transformation on Changing the Role of Characters in a Selection of Folk Tales [Volume 27, Issue 97, 2023, Pages 41-70]
  • Patriarchal Discourse Critical Analysis of the Novel the Stumble Garden Based on Fairclough’s Theory [(Articles in Press)]
  • Patriarchal Society A Critical Discourse Analysis of "Gnder Representation" in Bakhtiar Ali's Novel: "Butterfly Sunset" [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 189-211]
  • Paul Auster Comparative inter-theoretical reading of two novels "Please Close the Door" and “City of Glass" [(Articles in Press)]
  • Paul Ricoeur The Interpretation of the World of Symbols and Metaphors in Suhrawardi’s Resālat al-Abrāj Based on Ricoeur’s Hermeneutics [Volume 26, Issue 93, 2022, Pages 307-331]
  • Peace Peace in the Mirror of Persian Proverbs: A Systemic-Functional Analysis [(Articles in Press)]
  • Peirce’s Theory of Signs An Analysis of Religious Implications in Forough Farrokhzad’s Poetry in Light of Peirce’s Semiotic Theory [Volume 24, Issue 86, 2020, Pages 163-190]
  • Perfected Human Being An Investigation and Analysis of the Course of Human beings' Perfection in Mowlavi’s Works [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 7-30]
  • Perfect human The Study of Rostam's character based on the story of “Rostam and Esfandyar’’ in Shâhnâmeh and theory of “self - actualization’’ by Abraham Maslow [Volume 19, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 83-109]
  • Perfect Man Examination of Symbolic Imagery of Concept of the Perfect Man in Molana's Masnavi and Sohrevardi's Stories [Volume 26, Issue 92, 2022, Pages 31-57]
  • Performance The Relationship Between Preplanning Time For Task Performance And The Anxiety Level Of Iranian Efl Learners [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2006, Pages 36-51]
  • Performance-based Language Test An Evaluation of Language Subtests of the Entrance Examinations at the Ph.D. Level [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2005, Pages 47-69]
  • Persain learners of Kurdish Written Errors of Kurdish Learners of Persian: A Case ofMahabadi Dialect [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2005, Pages 10-37]
  • Persian The Study of Gender Differences in the Use of Linguistic Forms in the Speech of Iranian Men and Women: A Comparative Study of Persian and English [Volume 7, Issue 20, 2004, Pages 135-152]
  • Persian Historical Evolution of Metonymy in Persian and Arabic Literature until the 7th Century [Volume 12, Issue 38, 2008, Pages 67-90]
  • Persian Afghan novel Sociological Criticism of A Thousand Rooms of Dream and Suppression [Volume 16, Issue 52, 2012, Pages 7-36]
  • Persian contemporary poetry A Comparative Study of Social Symbolism in Nimayooshij’s & Mahdi Akhavansales’ Poetry After the 28th Mordad Coup D’etat In 1332 [Volume 21, Issue 71, 2017, Pages 79-98]
  • Persian dialects Familiarization with the Structure of Iron Dialects [Volume 13, Issue 39, 2009, Pages 9-30]
  • Persian grammar Artistic and Aesthetic Functions of "Tanazo" in Poetry [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 235-252]
  • Persian grammar The Structure of the Vâže-atf (Dvandva) and its Distinction from the Syntactic Phrase Based on Several Persian Literary Texts [Volume 26, Issue 92, 2022, Pages 87-109]
  • Persian language Stratifying the Compound Words [Volume 14, Issue 46, 2010, Pages 71-94]
  • Persian language Arabic Linguistic Patterns in Sa’adi’s Works [Volume 23, Issue 80, 2019, Pages 174-145]
  • Persian language Maulana Khalid Naqshbandi's Persian Written Works and His Role in Developing Persian Language and Literature Out of Iranian Borders [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 123-147]
  • Persian language grammar Analysis of “Narrating the Hanging of Hasanak” in the History of Beyhaqi with Emphasis on Application of Grammar in Semantics [Volume 17, Issue 58, 2013, Pages 69-89]
  • Persian Novel A Study of Narration Temporality in Salmargi Novel based on Gerard Genette’s Theory [Volume 18, Issue 60, 2014, Pages 125-144]
  • Persian Novel The Novel in Contemporary Iran: A Sociological Reading of Selected Contemporary Persian Novels [Volume 28, Issue 100, 2024, Pages 145-166]
  • Persian Novels An Analysis of some Contemporary Persian Novels’ Titles based on David Lodge’s Theory [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 59-86]
  • Persian Poems Intrinsic Intertextuality of Sa'adi's Poetry in Common Contents of His Persian and Arabic Poems [Volume 24, Issue 86, 2020, Pages 191-213]
  • Persian poet Mutenabbi and Persian Poets [Volume 17, Issue 55, 2013, Pages 43-64]
  • Persian poetry Hidden Proportional Amphibology in the Poems of Hafiz [Volume 19, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 31-53]
  • Persian poetry An Investigation of Wise & Mystical Thoughts Reflected through Alphabetic Symbolism in Iranian Mystics’ Poetry [Volume 19, Issue 65, 2015, Pages 53-78]
  • Persian poetry The Function of the Terms of Slaves and Bondwomen in Creating Hidden Ambiguity in Persian Literature [Volume 21, Issue 71, 2017, Pages 131-168]
  • Persian poetry The Influence of Foreign Works on Akhavan’s Poetry [Volume 21, Issue 73, 2017, Pages 79-102]
  • Persian poetry An Analysis of Religious Implications in Forough Farrokhzad’s Poetry in Light of Peirce’s Semiotic Theory [Volume 24, Issue 86, 2020, Pages 163-190]
  • Persian poetry Broken Lyres: Epic, Performance, and History in Mehdi Akhavān Sāles’ “Ākhar-e Shāhnāmeh” [Volume 28, Issue 100, 2024, Pages 91-112]
  • Persian prose Bayhaqi's History: A Lost Book or an Unfulfilled Wish (A theory about the extent and content of Beyhaghi’s History) [Volume 19, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 33-54]
  • Persian prose Masoud Nikpey's History [Volume 12, Issue 35, 2008, Pages 84-98]
  • Persian prose Origins of Bahārestān Stories by Jami [Volume 16, Issue 52, 2012, Pages 161-184]
  • Persian prose Review of power and knowledge (criminology and punish) in some Persian prose texts by Foucault [Volume 22, Issue 75, 2018, Pages 129-151]
  • Persian proverbs Peace in the Mirror of Persian Proverbs: A Systemic-Functional Analysis [(Articles in Press)]
  • Persian short story Instances of Formalistic "Subject" in Persian Short Stories [Volume 21, Issue 72, 2017, Pages 87-116]
  • Persian Texts Review of Stylistic Properties of Ancient Persian Texts Based on Pahlavi Texts [Volume 26, Issue 91, 2022, Pages 153-178]
  • Persian war story Iranian and Arab Nationalism in Persian Stories of the Iran-Iraq War [Volume 27, Issue 98, 2023, Pages 137-182]
  • Personality Correspondence Common Themes and Correspondences in the Poem of "Hussina and Delaram" and the Play "Othello" [(Articles in Press)]
  • Personality types A Psychological Analysis of the Personality Type of King in Masnavi’s Story of ‘King and Maid’ Based on the Model of Enneagram [Volume 21, Issue 71, 2017, Pages 169-192]
  • Personal Position Multi-Layered Position and Structure of Focalization Relationships in the Story; A Case Study of Three Short Stories of Viria, Survivor, and Sleep [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 203-228]
  • PF A Contrastive Study of English, Persian and Turkish: Cross Over Effects at LF [Volume 5, Issue 16, 2002, Pages 1-12]
  • Phenomenology Analysis of Literary and Historical Dimensions of Nasavi’s Nafthado Almasdur with Phenomenological Approach [Volume 23, Issue 82, 2019, Pages 115-138]
  • Philosophical Explanations A Glimmer of Light on the Complicated Khayyam's Rubaiyat: A Step towards a Psychological Analysis of Khayyam's Rubaiyat [Volume 19, Issue 66, 2015, Pages 171-203]
  • Philosophical hermeneutics The Analysis of the Reflection of Kalileh and Demneh in the Five Volumes of Vassaf History from the Perspective of the Theory of Reception [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 143-164]
  • Philosophical Themes Reading and Intellectual Comparison of Siyasat-Nameh and Qaboos-Nameh based on the P4C Theory [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 69-96]
  • Philosophy for Child Reading and Intellectual Comparison of Siyasat-Nameh and Qaboos-Nameh based on the P4C Theory [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 69-96]
  • Phonetic layer Phonetic Layer Stylistics of Kamal-al-Din Ismail and Athir Umani’s Poems Based on Layer Stylistics [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 297-334]
  • Physical and mental diseases Review of Therapeutic Motifs in Mathnawi Narratives [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 97-123]
  • Pious Woman The Saint of Faithfulness: Attār’s Odyssean Pious Woman [Volume 28, Issue 100, 2024, Pages 133-144]
  • Pirzad A Critical Stylistic Analysis of the Story I Will Turn off The Lights [Volume 24, Issue 86, 2020, Pages 79-55]
  • Place The study of the signs of time and place in Kashf ul-mahjoob, Resale-ye Ghoshairie and Tazkirat al-Awliya [Volume 18, Issue 62, 2014, Pages 125-145]
  • Place of safety Investigating What a "Place of Safety" is in Mysticism [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 319-346]
  • Plant body Archetype of Woman in Alizadeh's Works [Volume 20, Issue 69, 2016, Pages 181-204]
  • Plant mythology A Study of the Mystery of Plant Mythology in Masnavi-i Ma`navi [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2008, Pages 7-28]
  • Pleading Manifestation of the Rite: "Complain Elevating" in Persian Literature [Volume 21, Issue 72, 2017, Pages 63-85]
  • Plot A Structural Investigation of Plot in the Anecdotes of Marzban-Namah [Volume 20, Issue 69, 2016, Pages 129-152]
  • Poems after the condition of Malik al-Sha'ari Bahar The study of linguistic and visual signs is an indispensable role of language in the Malekal Shaeri Spring [(Articles in Press)]
  • Poems in constitutional period Selection of Intratextual Audience for Poems in Constitutional Period (Based on personal experience of poets) [Volume 15, Issue 50, 2011, Pages 107-131]
  • Poetic Narration Investigating the Effects of Metrics on Ferdowsi’s Narrative Rhetoric and Language [Volume 23, Issue 81, 2019, Pages 165-196]
  • Poetic proposition The structure of poetic propositions in Makhzan-al asrar of Nizami [(Articles in Press)]
  • Poetry A Critical Analysis of the Poetic Style of the Restoration Period [Volume 20, Issue 68, 2016, Pages 7-39]
  • Poetry Analysis of the Structure and form of narration in the Persian lyric [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2007, Pages 24-38]
  • Poetry A Survey on Persian poetry after the revolution [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2008, Pages 57-75]
  • Poetry Poetry Art or an Artistic Poet; taking a close look at the relationship between art and literature in Nezami's poems [Volume 13, Issue 40, 2009, Pages 63-78]
  • Poetry An Analysis of Personification in Kaiser Aminpour Poetry [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2009, Pages 105-127]
  • Poetry Literary and Artistic Use of the Letter "A" in the Poems of Khorasani Style Poets [Volume 23, Issue 79, 2019, Pages 76-55]
  • Poetry Insertion of Persian Poetry in Prose Texts (Relying on 8th-Century Prose Texts) [Volume 27, Issue 98, 2023, Pages 265-296]
  • Poetry Review and Analysis of Nezami Ganjavi's Theological-Literary Perspective [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 9-40]
  • Poetry Analysis of the Concept of "Poetry" in the Novel "Shazdeh Ehtejab" [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 63-89]
  • Poetry Investigating the methods of creating proximity magic in the collection of a child named Shadi Shafii Kodkani's song [(Articles in Press)]
  • Poetry in Azerbaijani Style The Paradox of Poetry in Azerbaijani Style [Volume 18, Issue 61, 2014, Pages 107-135]
  • Poets Literary and Artistic Use of the Letter "A" in the Poems of Khorasani Style Poets [Volume 23, Issue 79, 2019, Pages 76-55]
  • Poets The Study and Analysis of Verbal Thoughts of Attar Neishabouri (Looking at his Masnavi) [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 211-239]
  • Poets of Six Century The Usage of Inferential Statistics in Stylistics (Case Study: the Literal Similes in Sixth Century) [Volume 19, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 89-121]
  • Point of View A Survey in Narrative Style in “Tarikh-e Beyhaghi” (Sympson’s Model) [Volume 23, Issue 80, 2019, Pages 144-113]
  • Policy Pragmatism in Kalileh & Demneh [Volume 18, Issue 61, 2014, Pages 63-82]
  • Political discourse Discursive Antagonism of Intellectual Discourse and Political Discourse in Determining the Components of Fictional Literature after the Islamic Revolution Based on the Literature of War / Holy Defense [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 39-70]
  • Polyphonic Chubak and the other Bakhtini [(Articles in Press)]
  • Polyphony Attar’s Mantegh-al-teir and Dialogism [Volume 14, Issue 46, 2010, Pages 19-46]
  • Polyphony Bakhtinian Polyphony and Heteroglossia and Their Presentation in the Novel Sangesabor [Volume 21, Issue 74, 2017, Pages 31-52]
  • Polyphony Relation analysis of intertextuality in the postmodern narrative of suge moghan novel [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 30-7]
  • Polyphony The Novel of War in Iran from the Perspective of the "Other" Presence Based on Bakhtin's Votes [Volume 23, Issue 79, 2019, Pages 54-31]
  • Polyphony Polyphony in the novel The Daughter of the Peasant, you lost the work to Azin using the approach of dialogue [(Articles in Press)]
  • Popular Culture Reflection of popular rituals and beliefs in the southern fictional school [(Articles in Press)]
  • Position of women A Critique of the Social-Cultural Position of Women in Keyler's Novel [Volume 26, Issue 92, 2022, Pages 285-312]
  • Positivism The Analysis of Psychological Functions of “Mystical Love” in Masnavi-ye-Ma’navi Using the Positivist Approach of Martin Seligman [Volume 24, Issue 85, 2020, Pages 69-112]
  • Possessive Phrase (PossP) Determiner Phrase in Persian [Volume 14, Issue 45, 2010, Pages 129-157]
  • Post-Jungian Analyzing Various Aspects of the Animus Archetype in Iranian Legends (Based on the Book Dictionary of the Legends of the Iranian People) [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 196-173]
  • Postmodemism Postmodern Ontology in an Iranian Wdter's Short Story [Volume 14, Issue 44, 2010, Pages 29-42]
  • Postmodern Relation analysis of intertextuality in the postmodern narrative of suge moghan novel [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 30-7]
  • Postmodern Comparative inter-theoretical reading of two novels "Please Close the Door" and “City of Glass" [(Articles in Press)]
  • Postmodern Postmodernist characteristics in the works of Abu Torab Khosravi and Bijan Najdi [(Articles in Press)]
  • Postmodern Narrative Deferment of "Ego" in Mohammad Reza Kateb's Narration [Volume 21, Issue 73, 2017, Pages 53-78]
  • Postmodern novel Investigating the replenishment of the narrative in the novel as a postmodern trick with a focus on "Three short reports about Navid and Negar" through creative play with the element of perspective [(Articles in Press)]
  • Post-structuralism Deferment of "Ego" in Mohammad Reza Kateb's Narration [Volume 21, Issue 73, 2017, Pages 53-78]
  • Power Different Readings of Classical Persian Texts According to New Historicism [Volume 19, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 161-180]
  • Power Reread of Ravandi’s Narration about the History of El-Selcuk Based on Foucault Panopticism Plan [Volume 20, Issue 70, 2016, Pages 7-27]
  • Power Review of power and knowledge (criminology and punish) in some Persian prose texts by Foucault [Volume 22, Issue 75, 2018, Pages 129-151]
  • Power The Analysis of the Story of the Execution of Hasank the Vizir Using New Historicism [Volume 24, Issue 85, 2020, Pages 205-230]
  • Power The Critical Analysis of Verb Position in Power Discourse in Panegyric Poem [Volume 26, Issue 93, 2022, Pages 65-95]
  • Power Analysis of the Critical Discourse of Power in Nezami's Khosrow and Shirin [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 173-201]
  • Power Investigating the influence of power on Safavid period prose based on the sociology of language based on the book Alam Arai Abbasi [(Articles in Press)]
  • Power Myth, Power-Oriented Discourse [Volume 27, Issue 97, 2023, Pages 271-300]
  • Power Discourse Critique and Analysis of Moniru Ravanipour’s Ecological Story “Ahle Ghargh” with a Look at the Discourse of Power [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 7-33]
  • Power Discourse Investigating the influence of power on Safavid period prose based on the sociology of language based on the book Alam Arai Abbasi [(Articles in Press)]
  • Pragmatics From Rhetorical Methods to Social and Human Relations: Based on Asrar al-Tawhid of Abū-Sa'īd Abul-Khayr [Volume 24, Issue 85, 2020, Pages 37-68]
  • Pragmatics Secondary Meanings of Interrogative Sentences in Parvin E’tesâmi Poems [Volume 26, Issue 92, 2022, Pages 223-252]
  • Pragmatism Pragmatism in Kalileh & Demneh [Volume 18, Issue 61, 2014, Pages 63-82]
  • Preaching Imagery Techniques in the Prose of Mystical Preaching in the 5th Century [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 117-150]
  • Preplanning time The Relationship Between Preplanning Time For Task Performance And The Anxiety Level Of Iranian Efl Learners [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2006, Pages 36-51]
  • Prepositional Phrase (PP) Determiner Phrase in Persian [Volume 14, Issue 45, 2010, Pages 129-157]
  • Prepositions The Stylistic Investigation of Prepositions and Their Meanings in Khaqani’s Qasidas [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 33-61]
  • Prepositions Meanings and the Use of Prepositions and Conjunctions in Nafsat al-Masdur [Volume 27, Issue 97, 2023, Pages 129-170]
  • Presence Comparison of the semantic levels of ascension of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the Journey of Alexander [Volume 22, Issue 76, 2018, Pages 266-241]
  • Principle C A Contrastive Study of English, Persian and Turkish: Cross Over Effects at LF [Volume 5, Issue 16, 2002, Pages 1-12]
  • Principle of surrealism school Surrealistic Analysis of “Haft Peykar” [Volume 14, Issue 45, 2010, Pages 159-184]
  • Principles and Teaching Comparative Study of Mystic Thoughts of Khajeh Ahmad Kasani in Naqshbandiah Dynasty [Volume 26, Issue 91, 2022, Pages 7-32]
  • Priority of Adoration in Women An Investigation of Love in the World of Epic: A case of Shahnameh [Volume 20, Issue 70, 2016, Pages 29-45]
  • Projection Principle Iranian EFL Learners' Approach to Text Reconstruction: Lexicon-based or Grammar-based? [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 127-159]
  • Proportional amphibology Hidden Proportional Amphibology in the Poems of Hafiz [Volume 19, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 31-53]
  • Propp Criticism of Sequences of Hero’s Functions in Propp’s Theory of Morphology (Based on the morphology of three stories in Shahnameh) [Volume 15, Issue 50, 2011, Pages 159-179]
  • Propp A Morphological Inquiry into Ibn-e-Hessam Khosfi Birjandi’s Khavarannameh Based on Propp’s Theory [Volume 21, Issue 72, 2017, Pages 143-182]
  • Propp Study of Functions of Propp's Theory in Asrar-al-Tawhid Tales [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 257-296]
  • Prose romance The Structure of Persian Prose Romances [Volume 24, Issue 86, 2020, Pages 29-53]
  • Prose style The Classification and Study of Prose Style Mystic and Philosophical Texts of the Qajar Era [Volume 12, Issue 38, 2008, Pages 101-112]
  • Prosodic Foot A Structural Analysis of the Common and Innovative Meters in Persian Poetry [Volume 24, Issue 86, 2020, Pages 127-161]
  • Protest Sohrab Sepehri's Poetic Utopia: A Silent Protest against the Policies of the Second Pahlavi Era [Volume 24, Issue 86, 2020, Pages 103-126]
  • Proverb A Survey on Allegory and its Types in Maghalat-e Shams [Volume 21, Issue 73, 2017, Pages 103-127]
  • Psychological Analysis A Glimmer of Light on the Complicated Khayyam's Rubaiyat: A Step towards a Psychological Analysis of Khayyam's Rubaiyat [Volume 19, Issue 66, 2015, Pages 171-203]
  • Psychological analysis Lüscher Analysing Ahmad Shamloo & Muhammad Al-Maghut’s personality Based on the Lüscher Colour Test [Volume 23, Issue 81, 2019, Pages 197-226]
  • Psychological Critique Psychological Critique of the character in the novel of Salmargi based on Karen Horney’s theory [Volume 18, Issue 62, 2014, Pages 175-193]
  • Psychological eview of character Psychological Analysis of Characters of Three Storeis from Gholam Hosein Sâedi (Beggar, Distitutes, and Garbage can) According to Karen Horney's theory [Volume 19, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 55-88]
  • Psychological Review Freudian Reading of the “Cold Sooran” Novel [Volume 23, Issue 80, 2019, Pages 84-61]
  • Psychologycal criticism Psychology of Myth and Story; New Approach in Literary Criticism [Volume 19, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 7-29]
  • Psychosis Freudian reading of the course of neurosis to psychosis in surreal fictions [(Articles in Press)]
  • Purpose of irony Aesthetic Structure of Irony in Hafez’s Ghazals [Volume 23, Issue 82, 2019, Pages 191-222]


  • Qaboosnameh The Influence Persian and Arabic Sources on Shoja' in Chapter Two of Anis al-Nas [Volume 18, Issue 61, 2014, Pages 135-167]
  • Qaboos-Nameh Reading and Intellectual Comparison of Siyasat-Nameh and Qaboos-Nameh based on the P4C Theory [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 69-96]
  • Qabus-Nameh Parody in the Tradition of Farzand-Nameh-Newisi with Emphasis on Sheikh Al-Maqamerin’s Nasihat-Nameh [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 121-143]
  • Qajar era The Classification and Study of Prose Style Mystic and Philosophical Texts of the Qajar Era [Volume 12, Issue 38, 2008, Pages 101-112]
  • Qajar era Content Analysis of Travelogues from the Qajar Era [(Articles in Press)]
  • Qajar period Reflection of Power Criticism in the Poems by ShahabNeyrizi (Content Analysis from the Qajar Period from the Perspective of New Historicism) [Volume 17, Issue 55, 2013, Pages 103-124]
  • Qalandari Analyzing the Effect of Narcissism in the Poems of Mehdi Akhavan Sales [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 305-336]
  • Qasas ul -Anbiya by Kisa'i Structure of the story in Qasas ul-Anbiya of Kisa'i (Stories of the Prophets) [Volume 19, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 55-81]
  • Qasem Ali Frasat " investigating bases of poetic images in the two novels of the Nakhlhaye bisar and Golab Khanum by Qasem Ali Frasat" [(Articles in Press)]
  • Qatran A Sourceology and Stylistic Critique of a Fragment Attributed to Rudaki [Volume 26, Issue 92, 2022, Pages 59-86]
  • Qeysar Aminpour An Investigation of the Poem “Notes of Immortality Pain” by Qeysar Aminpour based on Halliday’s Theory of Functionalism [Volume 19, Issue 65, 2015, Pages 7-22]
  • Qosheyri The Image of Qosheyri in Asrar al-Towhid (Methodological and Content Analysis) [Volume 16, Issue 54, 2012, Pages 89-108]
  • QR A Contrastive Study of English, Persian and Turkish: Cross Over Effects at LF [Volume 5, Issue 16, 2002, Pages 1-12]
  • Quantifier Phrase (QP) Determiner Phrase in Persian [Volume 14, Issue 45, 2010, Pages 129-157]
  • Quatrains Quatrain of the Epigraph and Preface of Farrokhi Yazdi’s Work Published in the Newspaper “Tufan” [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 335-374]
  • Question An Investigation of Demonstrative, Interrogative, and Exclamatory Adjectives in Persian Literary Texts [Volume 21, Issue 74, 2017, Pages 99-122]
  • Quran Structure of the story in Qasas ul-Anbiya of Kisa'i (Stories of the Prophets) [Volume 19, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 55-81]
  • Quran Blessings of Quran and method of expression in Hafez poems [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2006, Pages 191-213]
  • Quran Chardh Narrative [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2009, Pages 49-64]
  • Quran Hafez's Master's Perspective: The Fault of Creation's Pen [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 183-210]
  • Quranic stories Genesis of the Hero Character in Four Narratives of Attar's Hagiography [Volume 14, Issue 46, 2010, Pages 123-143]
  • Quranic verses Grammatical Functions of Quranic Verses in the History of Wassaf [Volume 25, Issue 88, 2021, Pages 114-140]
  • Qur’anic Verses The Methods of Application of Qur’anic Verses and Hadith in Jahangosha History [Volume 20, Issue 69, 2016, Pages 153-180]


  • Rafàt Components of Modenism in Taqi Rafàt’s Poetry [Volume 23, Issue 80, 2019, Pages 112-85]
  • Ragheb Isfahani...Bahar The Evaluation of Ten Narrations in the Proverb Story of “Afforesting for Others” [Volume 25, Issue 88, 2021, Pages 194-216]
  • Rahat-Al-Sodour Reread of Ravandi’s Narration about the History of El-Selcuk Based on Foucault Panopticism Plan [Volume 20, Issue 70, 2016, Pages 7-27]
  • Rahat-o-Sodur The Sociological Study of Ravandi’s Rahat-o-Sodour and Ayat-o-Sorour [(Articles in Press)]
  • Rahim Moini-e Kermānshāhi Study of effects of Ferdowsi's Shāhnāme on Shāhkār of Rahim Moini-e Kermānshāhi based on transtextualite theory [Volume 18, Issue 62, 2014, Pages 7-38]
  • Rakhsh Rakhsh and Azar Goshasp [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2009, Pages 41-48]
  • Rashid-al-Din Vatvat Rectifying Some Arabic Verses of the Odes of Rashid-al-Din Vatvat's Works According to the Archaic Manuscripts Available [Volume 13, Issue 40, 2009, Pages 117-125]
  • Rashid Yassami The Influence of a Few French Poets on Rashid Yassami [Volume 17, Issue 55, 2013, Pages 21-42]
  • Rationalism Metafictional Experimentation in Enduring Love [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2006, Pages 5-31]
  • Rationality An Analytic Reflection on the Relation between Ambiguity and Rationality in Ghazals by Hafez [Volume 17, Issue 55, 2013, Pages 125-142]
  • Ravandi Reread of Ravandi’s Narration about the History of El-Selcuk Based on Foucault Panopticism Plan [Volume 20, Issue 70, 2016, Pages 7-27]
  • Rawaih Golshan Qutbshahi Olfati Savoji and Rawaih Gulshan Qutbshahi [(Articles in Press)]
  • Ray Recognition of origin of ethereal atmosphere women in Sadeq Hedayats the Blind Owl According to the discoveries of “Ray’s place where the drums are beaten at fixed intervals” [Volume 22, Issue 75, 2018, Pages 41-60]
  • Ray’s place where the drums are beaten at fixed intervals.   Recognition of origin of ethereal atmosphere women in Sadeq Hedayats the Blind Owl According to the discoveries of “Ray’s place where the drums are beaten at fixed intervals” [Volume 22, Issue 75, 2018, Pages 41-60]
  • Reader-oriented criticism The Analysis of the Reflection of Kalileh and Demneh in the Five Volumes of Vassaf History from the Perspective of the Theory of Reception [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 143-164]
  • Reading On The Relationship between Inferential and Referential test type:The Case of EFL Learners [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2004, Pages 89-119]
  • Reading comprehension ability The impact of summerizing & self-questioning on the improvement of iranian efl learners' reading Comprehension ability [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 40-59]
  • Reading strategies Incorporating Strategy Training into Reading Instruction [Volume 7, Issue 20, 2004, Pages 100-134]
  • Reading strategies The impact of summerizing & self-questioning on the improvement of iranian efl learners' reading Comprehension ability [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 40-59]
  • Reading Strategy Use The Interdependence between the Process and the Product of Reading in English and Persian [Volume 7, Issue 20, 2004, Pages 21-41]
  • Reality and Trans-reality Review of Reflections of Magical Realism in the Tales of Tabrizi Ancient Gatherings "Atīqī Tabrīzī Majālis" [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 145-170]
  • Receiver-oriented message An Investigation of the Structure of Lyrical Literature from a Linguistic Perspective based on Jacobson’s theory of Language Functions [Volume 20, Issue 69, 2016, Pages 7-34]
  • Reception Theory Little Black Fish and Readers: From Passive Reading to Active Dialogue [Volume 27, Issue 98, 2023, Pages 361-392]
  • Recognition Boustan of Saádi and Transtextuality of Genette: A Research on Saadi’s Boustan with Genette’s Approach of Transtextuality from the Perspective of Comparative Literature [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 172-149]
  • Recurring Themes Content Analysis of Travelogues from the Qajar Era [(Articles in Press)]
  • Red He Sealed the Tomb in Red and Dark Blue (An Analysis of a Verse from the Forood Story) [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 243-264]
  • Reduction Expansion and Reduction In English Translations of the Qur'an [Volume 7, Issue 21, 2004, Pages 1-23]
  • Reduction A Reduction of Derivational and Inflectional Morphemes [Volume 12, Issue 38, 2008, Pages 55-66]
  • Reference Three theologians' views on the issue of explanation in koran [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2006, Pages 13-32]
  • Reference An Investigation of Demonstrative, Interrogative, and Exclamatory Adjectives in Persian Literary Texts [Volume 21, Issue 74, 2017, Pages 99-122]
  • Reference Language Linguistic Analysis of Zidari Nasavi's Nafathat al-Masdoor [Volume 17, Issue 58, 2013, Pages 115-133]
  • Referential Language The Nature of Sufism and Its Language from the Point of View of Rumi in Masnavi [Volume 23, Issue 79, 2019, Pages 102-77]
  • Regnant Manifestation of the Rite: "Complain Elevating" in Persian Literature [Volume 21, Issue 72, 2017, Pages 63-85]
  • Reification A Look at Georges Lokacs' Ideas on Marxist Criticism [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2007, Pages 122-136]
  • Religion Interaction and confrontation between politics and religion in Ferdowsi's Shahnameh [(Articles in Press)]
  • Religious Implications An Analysis of Religious Implications in Forough Farrokhzad’s Poetry in Light of Peirce’s Semiotic Theory [Volume 24, Issue 86, 2020, Pages 163-190]
  • Religious Though Theory in Practice: Semiotics of Symbols of Poetry for Children in the Eighties Based on the Semantic Triangles of Agden and Richards [Volume 26, Issue 93, 2022, Pages 333-362]
  • Rend va Zahed Analysis of Fozouli Baghdadi`s Thought Style in Rend va Zahed Epistle [Volume 18, Issue 60, 2014, Pages 51-71]
  • Requirement The Requirement of Developing Research Methods in Persian Literature [Volume 14, Issue 44, 2010, Pages 43-61]
  • Rereading A Research in Persian Literature: Continuity of Horse Descriptions in Persian Poetry based on the Role of Sasanian Seals (from Mohsen Foroughi Collection) [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 161-187]
  • Resālat al-Abrāj The Interpretation of the World of Symbols and Metaphors in Suhrawardi’s Resālat al-Abrāj Based on Ricoeur’s Hermeneutics [Volume 26, Issue 93, 2022, Pages 307-331]
  • Resistance literature A Comparison of the Resistance Motifs in the Poems of Nasim-E Shomal and Saleh Mahmood Howari [Volume 19, Issue 66, 2015, Pages 115-152]
  • Resistance literature A Comparative Study of “Title” in Resistance Literature with a Focus on the Novels of “Daa’’, and “Omm–e Sa΄d’’ [Volume 20, Issue 68, 2016, Pages 93-115]
  • Revelation The nature of revelation from Mawlana 's view point [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2008, Pages 177-194]
  • Review and Analysis Analysis of Anger in Rumi's Masnavi Relying on Lakoff's Conceptual Metaphor Theory [Volume 25, Issue 88, 2021, Pages 60-85]
  • Revolution Quatrain of the Epigraph and Preface of Farrokhi Yazdi’s Work Published in the Newspaper “Tufan” [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 335-374]
  • Reza Shabbari An Analysis of the Structure and Content of the Novel "Souls and Lusts" by Reza Shabahari [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 235-260]
  • Rhetoric Parody and Satire in Juwayni’s Tarikh-i-Jahan-Gusha [Volume 19, Issue 66, 2015, Pages 7-36]
  • Rhetoric Blessings of Quran and method of expression in Hafez poems [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2006, Pages 191-213]
  • Rhetoric Contrastive Rhetoric: A study of Introduction and Thesis Statement in the American English and Persian Expository Essays [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2006, Pages 52-69]
  • Rhetoric A Critical Approach to English Translations of Imam Ali's Instructions to Malik al-Ashtar [Volume 7, Issue 20, 2004, Pages 1-20]
  • Rhetoric Historical Evolution of Metonymy in Persian and Arabic Literature until the 7th Century [Volume 12, Issue 38, 2008, Pages 67-90]
  • Rhetoric Rhetorical Criticism of Ferdowsi’s Shāhnāmeh from Semantics Perspective [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2012, Pages 53-74]
  • Rhetoric Dimensional Analysis of Aesthetics of Mystical Words: A Case Study of Rhyming Prose in Letters by Ein al-Qozzat [Volume 16, Issue 52, 2012, Pages 65-88]
  • Rhetoric Rhetorical Analysis of Polysemy Elements in Forugh Farokhzad’s Poetry [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 148-125]
  • Rhetoric Artistic and Aesthetic Functions of "Tanazo" in Poetry [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 235-252]
  • Rhetoric Investigation of the Function of Tarajji and Eshfagh in Persian Language and Rhetoric Using the Language of Hafez [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 363-394]
  • Rhetoric Investigating the Images of Snake, Dragon and Their Accessories in Mowlavi's Sonnets [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 101-136]
  • Rhetoric Secondary Meanings of Interrogative Sentences in Parvin E’tesâmi Poems [Volume 26, Issue 92, 2022, Pages 223-252]
  • Rhetoric Rhetoric of Syntax in the Historical Text of Nafsat Al Masdur by Zeydari Nasavi [(Articles in Press)]
  • Rhetorical analogy Structural and discourse analysis of allegory in Mirsad-o-Ebad [Volume 22, Issue 75, 2018, Pages 151-174]
  • Rhetorical metaphor A comparison between mystical metaphors and Rhetorical Metaphors according to Hans Blumenberg’s notion of Absolute metaphor [(Articles in Press)]
  • Rhetorical question The Eloquent Functions of Rhetorical Question and Confessional Question in the Second Book of Masnavi-ye-Manvi [(Articles in Press)]
  • Rhetorical Substitute Rhetorical Substitute: A Context for Creating Ambiguity from Hafez [Volume 21, Issue 73, 2017, Pages 151-173]
  • Rhetoric Apposition The Rhetorical Apposition: A Way to Integrate Simile and Metaphor [Volume 25, Issue 88, 2021, Pages 34-58]
  • Rhymed Couplets of Molavi Haj Molla Hadi Sabzevari and Arabic Poems In Explaining the Spiritual Rhymed Couplets of Molana [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2008, Pages 142-176]
  • Rights and social rules The Viewpoints of Saadi-researchers about Using Social Rules and Emphasis of Saadi on the Rules [Volume 25, Issue 87, 2021, Pages 140-166]
  • Risālah al-Ghofrān Common Mythic Motif between Woman Angels Born in Fruit in the "Risālah al-Ghofrān" and Orange Girls in "Doxtar-e Nārenj o Toranj" Story [Volume 18, Issue 60, 2014, Pages 73-103]
  • Rituals and Traditions Reflection of popular rituals and beliefs in the southern fictional school [(Articles in Press)]
  • Robin lakoff The study of the function of language and gender in the international court of Khatun Shirazi Based on DSL theory [Volume 22, Issue 76, 2018, Pages 164-143]
  • Roger Fowler The function of Narrative Point of View and Semes in the Formation of Ideological Discourse of Ancient Theological Texts in Iran Based on Roger Fowler’s Literary Theories [(Articles in Press)]
  • Roman Jakobson An Analysis of some Contemporary Persian Novels’ Titles based on David Lodge’s Theory [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 59-86]
  • Romanticism The Cult of Khayyām Rubā iyāt [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2007, Pages 52-78]
  • Romanticism Backgrounds and Manifestations of Romanticism in “My Bukhara, My Tribe” [Volume 15, Issue 50, 2011, Pages 37-52]
  • Roozbahan Baqli Quest and the development of the theory of "love" in the mystical and philosophical notions and thoughts of Roozbahan and Ibn al-Dabbagh [Volume 22, Issue 76, 2018, Pages 32-7]
  • Rostam The Study of Rostam's character based on the story of “Rostam and Esfandyar’’ in Shâhnâmeh and theory of “self - actualization’’ by Abraham Maslow [Volume 19, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 83-109]
  • Rostam Rakhsh and Azar Goshasp [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2009, Pages 41-48]
  • Rostam A Comparative Analysis of Fiction and Epic Features in Shahnameh and Beowulf [Volume 21, Issue 73, 2017, Pages 7-28]
  • Rostam The Role of the Hero in Creating Epic Content in Ferdowsi's "Rustam and Esfandiar" Story [Volume 26, Issue 93, 2022, Pages 149-178]
  • Rostam and Sohrab A Critical Review of Khaleghi Motlagh’s Correction in the Story of Rostam and Sohrab [Volume 25, Issue 88, 2021, Pages 218-245]
  • Rostam and Sohrab Battle Mitosi's Critique of the Story of Rostam and Sohrab According to Northrop Frye's Theories [Volume 26, Issue 93, 2022, Pages 285-305]
  • Roudabeh Review of the Youth Subcultures in the Story of Zal and Rodabeh [Volume 23, Issue 82, 2019, Pages 167-190]
  • Ruba'i Rumi's Innovations in Three Poetic Forms: Ghazal, Ruba'i, and Stanza [Volume 27, Issue 97, 2023, Pages 171-202]
  • Rubā iyāt The Cult of Khayyām Rubā iyāt [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2007, Pages 52-78]
  • Rudabeh The mythical sources of Rudabeh [(Articles in Press)]
  • Rudaki A Study on Some Verses Attributed to Rudaki based on a Few Old Sources [Volume 25, Issue 87, 2021, Pages 194-222]
  • Rudaki A Sourceology and Stylistic Critique of a Fragment Attributed to Rudaki [Volume 26, Issue 92, 2022, Pages 59-86]
  • Rudaki’s blindness Rudaki: The Genius Preacher [Volume 12, Issue 38, 2008, Pages 91-100]
  • Rūdhakī Basil Bunting and the Challenges of Literary Translation from Persian into English: A Case of Rūdhakī [Volume 28, Issue 100, 2024, Pages 61-90]
  • Rumi Animal Symbols of the Ego in the Mystical Works of Sanāi, Attār and Rumi [Volume 18, Issue 62, 2014, Pages 147-173]
  • Rumi The Semiotics of Rumi’s Literal Attitudes in Shams-e Tabrizi Divan [Volume 20, Issue 67, 2016, Pages 147-178]
  • Rumi Rumi’s Private Life behind the Secret Layers of the First Masnavi Story [Volume 16, Issue 52, 2012, Pages 89-118]
  • Rumi The Constent Element of the Main Motif of the Story of Daqooqi in Masnavi [Volume 16, Issue 54, 2012, Pages 109-122]
  • Rumi Masnavi Taqdis and Masnavi Manavi [Volume 17, Issue 58, 2013, Pages 91-114]
  • Rumi The Analysis of the Usages of Satiric Similes in Masnavi-ye-Ma'navi [Volume 24, Issue 85, 2020, Pages 315-340]
  • Rumi Recognition of the Concept of "Speech" in Rumi's Masnavi, Relying on Contemporary Linguistics [Volume 23, Issue 79, 2019, Pages 126-103]
  • Rumi Limitation and Expansion of Legitimacy and Salvation in the Mystical Words of Rumi [Volume 24, Issue 85, 2020, Pages 7-36]
  • Rumi Analysis of the Amphibology of Proportion and its Semantic Fields in Masnavi [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 80-55]
  • Rumi Contrastive Study of Script Opposition and Target in Satires of Golestan and Masnavi (with Emphasis on the General Theory of Verbal Satire) [Volume 23, Issue 80, 2019, Pages 228-203]
  • Rumi The Analysis of Psychological Functions of “Mystical Love” in Masnavi-ye-Ma’navi Using the Positivist Approach of Martin Seligman [Volume 24, Issue 85, 2020, Pages 69-112]
  • Rumi A Study of the Sublime in Rumi's Masnavi and Diwan-e Shams in Light of Kant's Sublime Theory [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 89-120]
  • Rumi The Application of Jung's Personality Psychoanalysis in Attar and Rumi's Poetry Relying on the Two Categories of Joiner and Separation [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 349-376]
  • Rumi Rumi's Innovations in Three Poetic Forms: Ghazal, Ruba'i, and Stanza [Volume 27, Issue 97, 2023, Pages 171-202]
  • Rumi Immaturity of Hessam al-Din; The Main Reason Behind the Delay of the Second Book of Masnavi [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 67-90]
  • Rumi Semiotics of the Clothing System in Molavi's Masnavi [Volume 27, Issue 98, 2023, Pages 107-136]
  • Rumi’s lyrics A Reflection on the Semantic Function of Color in Rumi’s Lyrics [Volume 21, Issue 71, 2017, Pages 99-129]
  • Rumi's Masnavi Analysis of Anger in Rumi's Masnavi Relying on Lakoff's Conceptual Metaphor Theory [Volume 25, Issue 88, 2021, Pages 60-85]
  • Rumi’s Masnavi Masnavi Taqdis and Masnavi Manavi [Volume 17, Issue 58, 2013, Pages 91-114]
  • Rumi studies The Role of Ala'eddin Mohammad in Rumi's Life and Its Hidden Reflection in Mathnavi [Volume 17, Issue 58, 2013, Pages 135-151]
  • Rural Literature The Study and Comparison of Pastoral Elements in the Works of Mahmoud Dolatabadi and Gabriel Garcia Marquez [Volume 27, Issue 97, 2023, Pages 237-270]
  • Ruzbahan Baqli An Investigation into and Analysis of the Applications of the Qur'an Verses and Hadiths in Sharh-e Shatahiat of Ruzbahan Baqli [Volume 17, Issue 58, 2013, Pages 7-28]


  • Saadallah Wannous Comparative analysis of “Dolls retail“by Sadeq Chubak and “A Corpse on the Pavement’’ by Saadallah Wannous [Volume 19, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 123-146]
  • Saadi The Viewpoints of Saadi-researchers about Using Social Rules and Emphasis of Saadi on the Rules [Volume 25, Issue 87, 2021, Pages 140-166]
  • Saadi Bound and limitation in Saadi's lyrics, the criteria for assessing the artistic rhetoric of Persian rhetoric [Volume 22, Issue 76, 2018, Pages 142-115]
  • Saadi Contrastive Study of Script Opposition and Target in Satires of Golestan and Masnavi (with Emphasis on the General Theory of Verbal Satire) [Volume 23, Issue 80, 2019, Pages 228-203]
  • Saadi Correction of Twenty-Six Verses from Saadi's Bustan Corrected by Dr. Gholam Hossein Yousefi [Volume 27, Issue 98, 2023, Pages 325-360]
  • Sa'adi Intrinsic Intertextuality of Sa'adi's Poetry in Common Contents of His Persian and Arabic Poems [Volume 24, Issue 86, 2020, Pages 191-213]
  • Sa’adi Arabic Linguistic Patterns in Sa’adi’s Works [Volume 23, Issue 80, 2019, Pages 174-145]
  • Saadi Research The Viewpoints of Saadi-researchers about Using Social Rules and Emphasis of Saadi on the Rules [Volume 25, Issue 87, 2021, Pages 140-166]
  • Saadi’s Golestan The Aesthetics of the Satiric Language of “Tanz Al-Tafasil” by Fereydoun Tavallali with an Emphasis on Saadi’s “Golestan” [(Articles in Press)]
  • Sa’alabi Investigating the Effects of Metrics on Ferdowsi’s Narrative Rhetoric and Language [Volume 23, Issue 81, 2019, Pages 165-196]
  • Sacred existence The study of the signs of time and place in Kashf ul-mahjoob, Resale-ye Ghoshairie and Tazkirat al-Awliya [Volume 18, Issue 62, 2014, Pages 125-145]
  • Sadegh Chubak Comparative analysis of “Dolls retail“by Sadeq Chubak and “A Corpse on the Pavement’’ by Saadallah Wannous [Volume 19, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 123-146]
  • Sadegh Hedayat Ashura distortion in contemporary fiction (review of the works of Sadegh Hedayat and Mahmoud Dolatabadi) [(Articles in Press)]
  • Sadegh Hedayat Aesthetics of Surrealist Elements In the works of "Nadia" by Andre Burton and "Three Drops of Blood" by Sadegh Hedayat [(Articles in Press)]
  • Sa’di Reading the First Chapter of Sa’di's Bustan by Legitimation in Governmental Discourse Approach [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 193-222]
  • Sa’di The Comprehensive Review of Using the Conflicting Verbs in Sa’di’s Sonnets [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 137-174]
  • Sa’di and Hafez Semantics of “Love” in Sa’di’s and Hafez’s Lyrics within the Framework of Cognitive Semantics and Perceptual Critics [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 223-256]
  • Sa'di's Golestan A Study of the Distinction between Narrative and Textual Time in the Anecdotes of Sa'di’s Golestan [Volume 19, Issue 66, 2015, Pages 65-90]
  • Sadi's Sonnets The Comprehensive Review of Using the Conflicting Verbs in Sa’di’s Sonnets [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 137-174]
  • Sad Sāl-e Degar Investigating and Analyzing Nima Yooshij’s Two New Collections “Navāy-e Kārvān" and "Sad Sāl-e Degar" based on His Theories on Poetry [Volume 27, Issue 97, 2023, Pages 337-366]
  • Saeb Analyzing the Factors of Theme Creation by Calligraphy Terms in Saeb Tabrizi’s Poem [Volume 25, Issue 88, 2021, Pages 268-294]
  • Saeb's Sonnets An Overview of Collocations in Saeb Tabrizi's Sonnets [Volume 27, Issue 98, 2023, Pages 205-234]
  • Saedi A Glance at the Existential Concerns of Azādārān-e Bayal through the Existential Psychology Approach [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 54-31]
  • Safar-e Shab The Analysis of Naturalistic Elements in Novel of Safar-e Shab by Bahman Sholehvar [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 187-210]
  • Safavid Investigating the influence of power on Safavid period prose based on the sociology of language based on the book Alam Arai Abbasi [(Articles in Press)]
  • Safavid era Hindi style Negative resistance symbol [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2009, Pages 65-82]
  • Saheb Shabankarei Persian Identity Aspects in Delgosha's System of Poems based on Shahnameh's Ferdowsi Re-creations [Volume 25, Issue 89, 2021, Pages 87-114]
  • Sa'ib Mystical symbolism in the poetry of Sa'Ib of Tabriz [Volume 12, Issue 35, 2008, Pages 130-156]
  • Saints An Investigation and Analysis of the Course of Human beings' Perfection in Mowlavi’s Works [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 7-30]
  • Saleh Mahmood Howari A Comparison of the Resistance Motifs in the Poems of Nasim-E Shomal and Saleh Mahmood Howari [Volume 19, Issue 66, 2015, Pages 115-152]
  • Sālhā–ye Abri An examination of the fictional elements in the novel "Salhā-ye Abri [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2008, Pages 82-106]
  • Saljoqian Mohammad Ghazali’s Letters from the Perspective of New Historicism [Volume 25, Issue 89, 2021, Pages 115-135]
  • Saljouqian Study of Historical and Ideological Theme in Amir Arsalān Story [Volume 23, Issue 82, 2019, Pages 61-88]
  • Salman Savoji Reflection of Sufist Thoughts in the Lyric Poem of Jamshid O Khorshid [Volume 19, Issue 66, 2015, Pages 153-169]
  • Salmargi Psychological Critique of the character in the novel of Salmargi based on Karen Horney’s theory [Volume 18, Issue 62, 2014, Pages 175-193]
  • Salmargi Novel A Study of Narration Temporality in Salmargi Novel based on Gerard Genette’s Theory [Volume 18, Issue 60, 2014, Pages 125-144]
  • Samad Behrangi Little Black Fish and Readers: From Passive Reading to Active Dialogue [Volume 27, Issue 98, 2023, Pages 361-392]
  • Samak-e Ayyar Stylistics of Syntactic Layer in the Story of Samak-e Ayyar [Volume 26, Issue 91, 2022, Pages 289-313]
  • Sam Nameh Mythical Critique of the Hero's Journey in "Sam Nameh" Poem According to Campbell's Theory [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 65-90]
  • Sāmnameh Women’s Town in the Sāmnameh and Its Footprints in Persian Literature [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 211-242]
  • Sanaee Cosmology of Sanaee [Volume 13, Issue 40, 2009, Pages 23-38]
  • Sanaee A comparison of Hadighat Al-Hadighat and Shariat Al-Tarighat with the Sources of Narration [Volume 20, Issue 69, 2016, Pages 99-127]
  • Sanāi Animal Symbols of the Ego in the Mystical Works of Sanāi, Attār and Rumi [Volume 18, Issue 62, 2014, Pages 147-173]
  • Sanāʾī Intertextuality in Attar’s Masnavi with Sanāʾī’s Hadīqat al-Haqīqah [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 113-134]
  • Sapir-Whorf hypothesis- Linguistic relativism Sapir-WhorfHypothesis and English & Persian Idioms and Proverb [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 1-10]
  • Sartre Analysis of Saedi’s Gedā (‘Beggar’), Based on the Principles and Features of Existentialism [Volume 18, Issue 60, 2014, Pages 105-124]
  • Sasanian Seals A Research in Persian Literature: Continuity of Horse Descriptions in Persian Poetry based on the Role of Sasanian Seals (from Mohsen Foroughi Collection) [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 161-187]
  • Satire Parody and Satire in Juwayni’s Tarikh-i-Jahan-Gusha [Volume 19, Issue 66, 2015, Pages 7-36]
  • Satire An analysis of Haji Agha novel [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2006, Pages 114-138]
  • Satire Fantastic Literature and Obeid Zakani [Volume 12, Issue 35, 2008, Pages 54-83]
  • Satire Irony and Its Differences with Satire, Sarcasm, and Other Similar Rhetorical Devices [Volume 14, Issue 45, 2010, Pages 9-36]
  • Satire Guess Destruction in the Child and Adolescent Humorous Tales of the 60's 90's Period [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 175-192]
  • Satire Contrastive Study of Script Opposition and Target in Satires of Golestan and Masnavi (with Emphasis on the General Theory of Verbal Satire) [Volume 23, Issue 80, 2019, Pages 228-203]
  • Satire Function of Irony in Two Stories of Rumi's Masnavi [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 261-283]
  • Satire Representation of Social Agents in the Satiric Discourse of Ahmad Shamloo Based on Van Leeuwen Pattern [Volume 27, Issue 97, 2023, Pages 367-404]
  • Satire Discourse Representation of Social Agents in the Satiric Discourse of Ahmad Shamloo Based on Van Leeuwen Pattern [Volume 27, Issue 97, 2023, Pages 367-404]
  • Satirical Language The Aesthetics of the Satiric Language of “Tanz Al-Tafasil” by Fereydoun Tavallali with an Emphasis on Saadi’s “Golestan” [(Articles in Press)]
  • Satiric similes The Analysis of the Usages of Satiric Similes in Masnavi-ye-Ma'navi [Volume 24, Issue 85, 2020, Pages 315-340]
  • Savushun Display of Characters (Dramatic Characterization) in Savushun [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2012, Pages 33-52]
  • Schizophrenia Examining the relationship between modern novel and schizophrenia based on the novel "Park Shahr" by Haniye Sultanpour [(Articles in Press)]
  • Scholars of the Book/Scripture The Israelites (Isra'iliyyat) in the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and its Reflection in Persian Literature [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 165-186]
  • SCO A Contrastive Study of English, Persian and Turkish: Cross Over Effects at LF [Volume 5, Issue 16, 2002, Pages 1-12]
  • Sea Water and Its Various Forms in Persian Mystical Literature (Based on Ibn Arabi's School from the 7th to 9th centuries) [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 265-300]
  • Season of Migration to the North An Analytical Study of Narrative Pace in the Novels ‘Missing Soluch’ and ‘Season of Migration to the North’ Using Gérard Genette’s Narratology Theory [Volume 19, Issue 66, 2015, Pages 37-64]
  • Second Language Teaching Discourse Analysis of Teaching Persian Language and Literature: A Model For the Expansion of Cultural Diplomacy [Volume 25, Issue 87, 2021, Pages 64-86]
  • Seh Maktoob [Three Essays] A Study of the Comic in Mirza Agha-Khan Kermani's Susmar od-Doleh [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 218-197]
  • Selection Process A Comparative Analysis of Ṣāʾeb Tabrizi’s Poems and Kamāl Al-dīn Behzād’s Miniatures in Light of Jakobson’s Theory of Metaphoric and Metonymic Poles [Volume 24, Issue 86, 2020, Pages 285-311]
  • Self-Ideal Self-Actualization and Ideal Self in the Novel "The Fig Tree of Temples" from Horney's Perspective [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 241-264]
  • Self-questioning The impact of summerizing & self-questioning on the improvement of iranian efl learners' reading Comprehension ability [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 40-59]
  • Seligman The Analysis of Psychological Functions of “Mystical Love” in Masnavi-ye-Ma’navi Using the Positivist Approach of Martin Seligman [Volume 24, Issue 85, 2020, Pages 69-112]
  • Semantic Change A study on “substitutional verbs” in modern Persian language [Volume 11, Issue 34, 2007, Pages 47-67]
  • Semantic function The Semantic and Aesthetic Function of Music in Hujwiri's Kashf al-Mahjub [Volume 27, Issue 98, 2023, Pages 393-425]
  • Semantics Rhetorical Criticism of Ferdowsi’s Shāhnāmeh from Semantics Perspective [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2012, Pages 53-74]
  • Semantics Analysis of “Narrating the Hanging of Hasanak” in the History of Beyhaqi with Emphasis on Application of Grammar in Semantics [Volume 17, Issue 58, 2013, Pages 69-89]
  • Semantics Semantics of “Love” in Sa’di’s and Hafez’s Lyrics within the Framework of Cognitive Semantics and Perceptual Critics [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 223-256]
  • Semantic Sign Analyzing Sign-Semantic Schema in the Discourse of “In the Waves of the Sand” and “Abd al-Sabar” Poems [Volume 25, Issue 89, 2021, Pages 167-189]
  • Semiotic system The Investigation of Morning Ceremonies in Shahnameh as Semiotic Codes [Volume 21, Issue 72, 2017, Pages 117-141]
  • Sender-oriented message An Investigation of the Structure of Lyrical Literature from a Linguistic Perspective based on Jacobson’s theory of Language Functions [Volume 20, Issue 69, 2016, Pages 7-34]
  • Shafiei Kadkani reading two poems by Shsfiei Kadkani with cognitive poetic approach [(Articles in Press)]
  • Shafiei Kadkani The Comparative Study of the Linguistic Representation of Shafiei Kadkani and Abd al-Wahhab al-Bayati to Hallaj's Tragedy from the Perspective of Ideational Metafunction [Volume 26, Issue 93, 2022, Pages 209-232]
  • Shafi'؛ i Kadkani Investigating the methods of creating proximity magic in the collection of a child named Shadi Shafii Kodkani's song [(Articles in Press)]
  • Shafi'i Kadkani A Reflection on the Process of Individuality in Shafi'i Kadkani's Poems [Volume 27, Issue 98, 2023, Pages 35-72]
  • Shahab Al-Dyn Nasavi Affective Fallacy in Historiography A Critical Look at Shahab Al-Dyn Nasavi’s Sirat-e Jalal Al-Dyn and Nafsat Al-Masdovr [Volume 20, Issue 67, 2016, Pages 7-35]
  • ShahabNeyrizi Reflection of Power Criticism in the Poems by ShahabNeyrizi (Content Analysis from the Qajar Period from the Perspective of New Historicism) [Volume 17, Issue 55, 2013, Pages 103-124]
  • Shāhkār Study of effects of Ferdowsi's Shāhnāme on Shāhkār of Rahim Moini-e Kermānshāhi based on transtextualite theory [Volume 18, Issue 62, 2014, Pages 7-38]
  • Shāh-Nāma The Study of the Authenticity of the Old Burzō-nāma Sections and its Relation with Ferdowsi's Shāh-nāma (Based on the Textual Criticism of its Manuscripts) [Volume 26, Issue 91, 2022, Pages 179-202]
  • Shahname A rhyme-based reading of Ferdawsi’s Shahname [Volume 11, Issue 34, 2007, Pages 34-46]
  • Shahname Totemism in the stories of Shahname [Volume 11, Issue 34, 2007, Pages 85-113]
  • Shahnameh The Meaning and Interpretation of the "Vulture's Feather" in the Shahnameh [Volume 18, Issue 61, 2014, Pages 7-20]
  • Shahnameh The Configuration of “Time” in the Story of “Siavash” [Volume 18, Issue 61, 2014, Pages 21-40]
  • Shahnameh An Investigation of Shahnameh’s Four Heroic Periods based on Archetype Theory [Volume 19, Issue 65, 2015, Pages 161-189]
  • Shahnameh Two Terms in Shahnameh [Volume 20, Issue 67, 2016, Pages 37-49]
  • Shahnameh An Intertextual Analysis of the Story of “The Jewish King who killed the Christians because of prejudice’’ from Masnavi [Volume 20, Issue 68, 2016, Pages 167-189]
  • Shahnameh Psychoanalysis of personalities of Kavous,Garsivaz and inferiority complex of Siavash in Shaahnaameh [Volume 11, Issue 34, 2007, Pages 7-33]
  • Shahnameh The Status of Kaviani Flag in Shahnameh of Ferdowsi [Volume 17, Issue 55, 2013, Pages 5-20]
  • Shahnameh Change in Structures of Coinage from the 10th to 13th Century based on Shahnameh and Boostan [Volume 17, Issue 55, 2013, Pages 65-88]
  • Shahnameh The Myth of the Early Kings in the Persian Historical Texts [Volume 20, Issue 69, 2016, Pages 35-65]
  • Shahnameh Shahnameh in Vassaf's History [Volume 20, Issue 70, 2016, Pages 117-141]
  • Shahnameh Another View to Esfandiar's Invulnerability in Shahnameh [Volume 21, Issue 71, 2017, Pages 7-28]
  • Shahnameh A Comparative Analysis of Fiction and Epic Features in Shahnameh and Beowulf [Volume 21, Issue 73, 2017, Pages 7-28]
  • Shahnameh Semantic Study of the Two Words "Jonagh" and "Jona" in Shāhnāmeh [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 124-99]
  • Shahnameh The Custom of Gift-Giving in Iran with Reference to Shahnameh and Bayhaqi’s History [Volume 24, Issue 85, 2020, Pages 167-204]
  • Shahnameh Comparative Analysis of Father and Son's Confrontation in Iranian and Greek Tragedies (Rostam and Esfandiar, Rostam and Sohrab and Oedipus Shahriar) [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 125-142]
  • Shahnameh An Analysis of the Simile's Stylistic Functions in Shahnameh's First Volume [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 121-152]
  • Shahnameh A Critical Review of Khaleghi Motlagh’s Correction in the Story of Rostam and Sohrab [Volume 25, Issue 88, 2021, Pages 218-245]
  • Shahnameh Investigating the Effects of Metrics on Ferdowsi’s Narrative Rhetoric and Language [Volume 23, Issue 81, 2019, Pages 165-196]
  • Shahnameh Review of the Youth Subcultures in the Story of Zal and Rodabeh [Volume 23, Issue 82, 2019, Pages 167-190]
  • Shahnameh Mitosi's Critique of the Story of Rostam and Sohrab According to Northrop Frye's Theories [Volume 26, Issue 93, 2022, Pages 285-305]
  • Shahnameh Women’s Town in the Sāmnameh and Its Footprints in Persian Literature [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 211-242]
  • Shahnameh Analysis of Superheroes in Shahnameh (Based on Semantic Contradictions in the Structures of the Gilbert-era Imagination System) [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 35-67]
  • Shahnameh The connection between the kingdom of Zab e Tahmaseb and the myth of Arash the archer [(Articles in Press)]
  • Shahnameh The mythical sources of Rudabeh [(Articles in Press)]
  • Shahnameh Sir William Jones and the Shahnameh [Volume 28, Issue 100, 2024, Pages 41-60]
  • Shāhnāmeh Rhetorical Criticism of Ferdowsi’s Shāhnāmeh from Semantics Perspective [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2012, Pages 53-74]
  • Shāhnāmeh Comparison between Alināmeh and Shāhnāmeh [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2012, Pages 163-182]
  • Shahnameh Ferdowsi Persian Identity Aspects in Delgosha's System of Poems based on Shahnameh's Ferdowsi Re-creations [Volume 25, Issue 89, 2021, Pages 87-114]
  • Shahrashoob Sociological Analysis of Shahrashoob as a Local Poetry History in the Timurid Era [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 67-92]
  • Shahriar Investigating the Different Aspects of Literary Anthropology in Shahriar’s Poems [Volume 14, Issue 45, 2010, Pages 105-127]
  • Shahriar Mandanipour The Interaction between the Myth and Metaphor in Short Stories by Shahriar Mandanipour [Volume 17, Issue 58, 2013, Pages 29-45]
  • SHAKESPEARE Metaphorical Concepts in 17 Sonnets of Shakespeare: Reconstructing Shakespeare's Mental Atmosphere toward Marriage [Volume 6, Issue 18, 2003, Pages 101-124]
  • SHAKESPEARE Common Themes and Correspondences in the Poem of "Hussina and Delaram" and the Play "Othello" [(Articles in Press)]
  • Shamloo Archaism in Shamloo’s Poetry [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2012, Pages 97-130]
  • Shams-e- Tabrizi The Inebriated Myth Tellers or the Sober Observers? Molavi and Shams' Different Views on Shath or Ecstatic Utterance [Volume 27, Issue 97, 2023, Pages 9-40]
  • Shams-e Tabrizi Divan The Semiotics of Rumi’s Literal Attitudes in Shams-e Tabrizi Divan [Volume 20, Issue 67, 2016, Pages 147-178]
  • Shams poems Semantic Study Of Orientated Metaphors In Shams Poems (According to Lakof and Johnson's theory) [Volume 22, Issue 75, 2018, Pages 207-228]
  • Shams' Sonnets Investigating the Images of Snake, Dragon and Their Accessories in Mowlavi's Sonnets [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 101-136]
  • Shams Tabrizi Rumi’s Private Life behind the Secret Layers of the First Masnavi Story [Volume 16, Issue 52, 2012, Pages 89-118]
  • Shams Tabrizi The Role of Ala'eddin Mohammad in Rumi's Life and Its Hidden Reflection in Mathnavi [Volume 17, Issue 58, 2013, Pages 135-151]
  • Sharh-e Shatahiat An Investigation into and Analysis of the Applications of the Qur'an Verses and Hadiths in Sharh-e Shatahiat of Ruzbahan Baqli [Volume 17, Issue 58, 2013, Pages 7-28]
  • Sharh-e Taarrof The Position of "Sharh-e Taarrof" Comparing to the other Sources of Tazkerat-ol Olyaa [Volume 14, Issue 44, 2010, Pages 9-28]
  • SHARIFZADEH The Elements of the Folklore Culture in the Story of Hanaye Soukhte and the Novel of Chenare Dalbati [Volume 23, Issue 81, 2019, Pages 39-68]
  • Shazdeh Ehtejab Analysis of the Concept of "Poetry" in the Novel "Shazdeh Ehtejab" [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 63-89]
  • Sheikh Ahmad Rouhi A Review of Two Ambiguities in the Novel "The Adventures of Hajji Baba Isfahani" [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 91-120]
  • Sheikh al-Maqamerin’s Nasihat-Nameh Parody in the Tradition of Farzand-Nameh-Newisi with Emphasis on Sheikh Al-Maqamerin’s Nasihat-Nameh [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 121-143]
  • Sheikh Bahai Analyzing the Function of Sheikh Bahai’s Cat and Mouse Based on Vladimir Propp’s Theory [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 283-318]
  • Sheikh-e Jām Power and Spiritual reign of holy fathers in opinion of Sheikh Ahmad Jām [Volume 18, Issue 62, 2014, Pages 59-80]
  • Shemiran Bus Time in “Shemiran Bus” from Gérard Genette viewpoint [Volume 22, Issue 76, 2018, Pages 165-190]
  • She Nasr Zohuri Torshizi’s “Seh Nasr” and Its Position in [Volume 23, Issue 79, 2019, Pages 158-127]
  • Shina’s Daughter The Process of Application of Female-Language Criteria in Two Selected Books, The Last Sunday and Shina’s Daughter, Looking at Sarah Mills' Linguistic Approach [Volume 25, Issue 89, 2021, Pages 59-85]
  • Shiraz school Yaie Ode and Mir Fendereski's Words of Wisdom [Volume 13, Issue 39, 2009, Pages 93-105]
  • Shiva Arastouei Study of Female Speech Patterns in the Textual Context of Shiva Arastouei's Novels "Khof" and "Neyna" based on the DSL Approach [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 289-317]
  • Shohare Ahoo khanoom A Comparative Study of “Shohare Ahoo Khanoom” and “Sister Carrie” Novels based on the Literary Creativity [Volume 26, Issue 93, 2022, Pages 123-147]
  • Shoja' The Influence Persian and Arabic Sources on Shoja' in Chapter Two of Anis al-Nas [Volume 18, Issue 61, 2014, Pages 135-167]
  • Short-circuit Classification of Metafictional Features: Focusing on Short Circuit and Exposing the Literary Technique [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 246-219]
  • Short Poems Investigating and Analyzing the Linguistic Structure and Classification of Khaghani's Short Poems [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 171-196]
  • Short Story of Yusuf Multi-Layered Position and Structure of Focalization Relationships in the Story; A Case Study of Three Short Stories of Viria, Survivor, and Sleep [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 203-228]
  • Shostakovich The Connection between Literature and Music in “Dead Symphony” by Abbas Maroufi [Volume 25, Issue 87, 2021, Pages 168-192]
  • Siavash The Configuration of “Time” in the Story of “Siavash” [Volume 18, Issue 61, 2014, Pages 21-40]
  • Siavash Examining the Similarities of Three Narratives "Siavash", "Hasanak Vazir", "Lion and Cow" from the Perspective of structuralism [(Articles in Press)]
  • Signifier Discourse Ambits of Hypocritical Lover in Hadiqat al-Haqiqa by Sanai Based on Laclau and Mouffe's Discourse Analysis Theory [Volume 25, Issue 88, 2021, Pages 248-265]
  • Signs The study of the time element effects in the underplotted anecdotes of Marzban-Nameh [Volume 22, Issue 76, 2018, Pages 240-215]
  • Simin Behbahani Excellence of Human Character in the Poems of Simin Behbahani Based on the Theory of Erich Fromm [Volume 26, Issue 91, 2022, Pages 235-261]
  • Simin Daneshvar A Post-colonial Reading of the Novel of ‘‘The Island of Wandering’’ [Volume 20, Issue 68, 2016, Pages 41-65]
  • Simin Daneshvar Display of Characters (Dramatic Characterization) in Savushun [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2012, Pages 33-52]
  • Simin Daneshvar The Meanings of Two Dream Symbols in Simin Daneshvar's Novel JAZIREYE SARGARDANI Based on Clarissa Pinkola Estes Views [(Articles in Press)]
  • Sirat-e Jalal Al-Dyn Affective Fallacy in Historiography A Critical Look at Shahab Al-Dyn Nasavi’s Sirat-e Jalal Al-Dyn and Nafsat Al-Masdovr [Volume 20, Issue 67, 2016, Pages 7-35]
  • Sir William Jones Sir William Jones and the Shahnameh [Volume 28, Issue 100, 2024, Pages 41-60]
  • Sister Carrie A Comparative Study of “Shohare Ahoo Khanoom” and “Sister Carrie” Novels based on the Literary Creativity [Volume 26, Issue 93, 2022, Pages 123-147]
  • Situational Irony A Study of Situational Irony in Bahan Forsie’s Story [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 285-308]
  • Situation specific anxiety The Relationship Between Preplanning Time For Task Performance And The Anxiety Level Of Iranian Efl Learners [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2006, Pages 36-51]
  • Sixth Century Poetry Investigating and Analyzing the Linguistic Structure and Classification of Khaghani's Short Poems [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 171-196]
  • Siyasat-Nameh Reading and Intellectual Comparison of Siyasat-Nameh and Qaboos-Nameh based on the P4C Theory [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 69-96]
  • Skill-based Syllabus A Historical and Methodological Investigation of Teaching Persian to Speakers of Other Languages [Volume 14, Issue 45, 2010, Pages 65-85]
  • Sluices A Study of the Information Structure of Wh-Questions in Modern Persian [Volume 20, Issue 67, 2016, Pages 51-83]
  • Social actors The Representation of Social Actors in Dar Boyer- Ahmad within Van Leeuwen's Framework (A CDA Approach) [Volume 23, Issue 82, 2019, Pages 139-166]
  • Social Poetry Sociology of Literature; Application of Sociological Imagination Pattern in Forough Farrokhzad's Poetry Analysis [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 33-66]
  • Social Symbolism A Comparative Study of Social Symbolism in Nimayooshij’s & Mahdi Akhavansales’ Poetry After the 28th Mordad Coup D’etat In 1332 [Volume 21, Issue 71, 2017, Pages 79-98]
  • Society From Rhetorical Methods to Social and Human Relations: Based on Asrar al-Tawhid of Abū-Sa'īd Abul-Khayr [Volume 24, Issue 85, 2020, Pages 37-68]
  • Sociolinguistics Investigating the influence of power on Safavid period prose based on the sociology of language based on the book Alam Arai Abbasi [(Articles in Press)]
  • Sociological Insight Sociology of Literature; Application of Sociological Imagination Pattern in Forough Farrokhzad's Poetry Analysis [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 33-66]
  • Sociology The Sociological Analysis of Characters in the Novel Bādbādak-Bāz [Volume 18, Issue 60, 2014, Pages 144-173]
  • Sociology Research on the Vocabulary Related to the Social Issues in Khamse of Nezami Based on Fairclough’s Critical Discourse Analysis Approach [Volume 23, Issue 80, 2019, Pages 60-33]
  • Sociology of Literature Sociology of Literature; Application of Sociological Imagination Pattern in Forough Farrokhzad's Poetry Analysis [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 33-66]
  • Sociology of Literature A Critique of the Social-Cultural Position of Women in Keyler's Novel [Volume 26, Issue 92, 2022, Pages 285-312]
  • Sociopolitical Issues Sohrab Sepehri's Poetic Utopia: A Silent Protest against the Policies of the Second Pahlavi Era [Volume 24, Issue 86, 2020, Pages 103-126]
  • Sohrab Sepehri Poetry of Epiphany: James Wright and Sohrab Sepehri [Volume 28, Issue 100, 2024, Pages 113-132]
  • Sohrāb Sepehri Sohrab Sepehri's Poetic Utopia: A Silent Protest against the Policies of the Second Pahlavi Era [Volume 24, Issue 86, 2020, Pages 103-126]
  • Sohrevardi Examination of Symbolic Imagery of Concept of the Perfect Man in Molana's Masnavi and Sohrevardi's Stories [Volume 26, Issue 92, 2022, Pages 31-57]
  • Sorceress Review of the Similarities of the Sprite and the Sorceress in the Post-Shahnama Epics [Volume 21, Issue 74, 2017, Pages 7-30]
  • Soudabeh Ashrafi Critical Discourse Analysis of the Novel Fish Sleep at Night Based on Norman Fairclough's Theory [Volume 24, Issue 85, 2020, Pages 285-314]
  • Soul Fall and Existence of Soul in the Works by Rumi and Ibn Sina [Volume 16, Issue 52, 2012, Pages 119-131]
  • Souls and Lusts An Analysis of the Structure and Content of the Novel "Souls and Lusts" by Reza Shabahari [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 235-260]
  • Southern fictional school Reflection of popular rituals and beliefs in the southern fictional school [(Articles in Press)]
  • Specificity Contrastive Rhetoric: A study of Introduction and Thesis Statement in the American English and Persian Expository Essays [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2006, Pages 52-69]
  • Speech Recognition of the Concept of "Speech" in Rumi's Masnavi, Relying on Contemporary Linguistics [Volume 23, Issue 79, 2019, Pages 126-103]
  • Speech The Study and Analysis of Verbal Thoughts of Attar Neishabouri (Looking at his Masnavi) [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 211-239]
  • Speech act Analysis of speech acts based on john Searle`s opinions in the three poem of Mahdi Akhavansales (Akhare shahnameh, zemestan and az in avesta). [(Articles in Press)]
  • Spirit The Scope of Man's Free Will [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2005, Pages 1-17]
  • Spiritual cinema Criticism of the Relationship between Iranian Cinema and Mystical Classic Literature [Volume 25, Issue 87, 2021, Pages 88-114]
  • Spirituality Fall and Existence of Soul in the Works by Rumi and Ibn Sina [Volume 16, Issue 52, 2012, Pages 119-131]
  • Spiritual mathnawi Review of Therapeutic Motifs in Mathnawi Narratives [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 97-123]
  • Spiritual music Analysis of the Amphibology of Proportion and its Semantic Fields in Masnavi [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 80-55]
  • Spiritual Power Power and Spiritual reign of holy fathers in opinion of Sheikh Ahmad Jām [Volume 18, Issue 62, 2014, Pages 59-80]
  • Spiritual reign Power and Spiritual reign of holy fathers in opinion of Sheikh Ahmad Jām [Volume 18, Issue 62, 2014, Pages 59-80]
  • Sprite Review of the Similarities of the Sprite and the Sorceress in the Post-Shahnama Epics [Volume 21, Issue 74, 2017, Pages 7-30]
  • SS A Contrastive Study of English, Persian and Turkish: Cross Over Effects at LF [Volume 5, Issue 16, 2002, Pages 1-12]
  • Stability Literature Analyzing Sign-Semantic Schema in the Discourse of “In the Waves of the Sand” and “Abd al-Sabar” Poems [Volume 25, Issue 89, 2021, Pages 167-189]
  • Stace Experiencing Maze (Taste) and Namaze (Untaste) [Volume 25, Issue 88, 2021, Pages 296-318]
  • Stanza Rumi's Innovations in Three Poetic Forms: Ghazal, Ruba'i, and Stanza [Volume 27, Issue 97, 2023, Pages 171-202]
  • Star Comparative Analysis of Transit through Heavens, its Mythological Foundations and Astrological Indications(in the treatises of ascension towards heavens (Me’raj Nameh), the worshippers’ path (Seir-ul-Ebad) and the Divine Comedy [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2007, Pages 22-43]
  • State anxiety The Relationship Between Preplanning Time For Task Performance And The Anxiety Level Of Iranian Efl Learners [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2006, Pages 36-51]
  • Station Investigating What a "Place of Safety" is in Mysticism [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 319-346]
  • Steiner Heteropoesia: Basil Bunting’s Translation of Obayd Zākānī’s Mush-o Gorbeh [(Articles in Press)]
  • Stimulation Semiotic Analysis of a Ghazal by Hafez [(Articles in Press)]
  • Story critique Multi-Layered Position and Structure of Focalization Relationships in the Story; A Case Study of Three Short Stories of Viria, Survivor, and Sleep [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 203-228]
  • Story of Masnavi's King and Maid A Psychological Analysis of the Personality Type of King in Masnavi’s Story of ‘King and Maid’ Based on the Model of Enneagram [Volume 21, Issue 71, 2017, Pages 169-192]
  • Storyteller Nizami’s Resources in Haft Peykar Versification [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 7-38]
  • Story-Telling A comparison of Hadighat Al-Hadighat and Shariat Al-Tarighat with the Sources of Narration [Volume 20, Issue 69, 2016, Pages 99-127]
  • Story Time An Investigation of the Pace of the Story Time in the Narrative of “Cloudy Years” Novel by Ali-Ashraf Darvishian [Volume 26, Issue 92, 2022, Pages 111-142]
  • Stream of Consciousness "Narrative Time" and its Relationship with the Element of "Suspension" in the Novel of "the Year of the Riots" by Abbas Maroufi based on Gerard Genette's theory [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 135-159]
  • Structural and discourse analysis Structural and discourse analysis of allegory in Mirsad-o-Ebad [Volume 22, Issue 75, 2018, Pages 151-174]
  • Structural arrangement Rhetoric of Syntax in the Historical Text of Nafsat Al Masdur by Zeydari Nasavi [(Articles in Press)]
  • Structural Conceptual Metaphor An Analysis of the Structural Conceptual Metaphor of "Being" in Biddle Dehlavi's Sonnets [Volume 26, Issue 92, 2022, Pages 253-283]
  • Structural Contrasts An Analysis of the Basic Textual Contrastsin the Literary and Cinematic Discourse The Case Study: A Comparison between the Story Ashghalduni (Dustbin) and the Adapted Movie Dayereh-ye Mina [Volume 22, Issue 75, 2018, Pages 85-104]
  • Structural Metaphor The Study of the Representation of Conceptual Metaphors in “Siyavash” Story of Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh: A Cognitive Approach [Volume 26, Issue 92, 2022, Pages 313-337]
  • Structure Analysis of the Structure and form of narration in the Persian lyric [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2007, Pages 24-38]
  • Structure On Semantic Structure of Hafez's Ghazals [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2008, Pages 33-56]
  • Structure Review of Panegyric Poems by Hafez [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2012, Pages 9-32]
  • Structure Narrative Functions of Dialog in Sa'di's Bustan [Volume 20, Issue 70, 2016, Pages 47-71]
  • Structure The Structure of the Vâže-atf (Dvandva) and its Distinction from the Syntactic Phrase Based on Several Persian Literary Texts [Volume 26, Issue 92, 2022, Pages 87-109]
  • Structured input-based activities The Effect of a Procedural Way of Teaching Grammar on Students' Writing skill [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2004, Pages 76-88]
  • Structure of story Analysis of the Structure of Ahl-e Gharq [Volume 18, Issue 60, 2014, Pages 7-23]
  • Structure of story Structure of the story in Qasas ul-Anbiya of Kisa'i (Stories of the Prophets) [Volume 19, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 55-81]
  • Struggle Artistic and Aesthetic Functions of "Tanazo" in Poetry [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 235-252]
  • Study of Books&rdquo Some Notes on the Explanation and Correction of Kelileh o Demneh by Master Minovi [(Articles in Press)]
  • Style Obstacles To Literary Translation: Challenges and [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2005, Pages 103-128]
  • Style Masoud Nikpey's History [Volume 12, Issue 35, 2008, Pages 84-98]
  • Style A study of unusual aesthetic symbols in Persian Literature [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2008, Pages 49-81]
  • Style Literary Stylistics The Nature of Literary Words, Prominence and Personalizing Language [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2009, Pages 23-40]
  • Style Phonetic Layer Stylistics of Kamal-al-Din Ismail and Athir Umani’s Poems Based on Layer Stylistics [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 297-334]
  • Style Stylistics of Syntactic Layer in the Story of Samak-e Ayyar [Volume 26, Issue 91, 2022, Pages 289-313]
  • Style Mystic Symbolism in the Fazel Nazari’s Poetic [(Articles in Press)]
  • Stylistic The Usage of Inferential Statistics in Stylistics (Case Study: the Literal Similes in Sixth Century) [Volume 19, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 89-121]
  • Stylistic Stylistic Comparison and Analysis of Linguistic, Rhetorical and Content Elements of Ballade and a Letter of Khaghani [Volume 25, Issue 89, 2021, Pages 307-331]
  • Stylistics Power and Spiritual reign of holy fathers in opinion of Sheikh Ahmad Jām [Volume 18, Issue 62, 2014, Pages 59-80]
  • Stylistics A Critical Analysis of the Poetic Style of the Restoration Period [Volume 20, Issue 68, 2016, Pages 7-39]
  • Stylistics Mystical symbolism in the poetry of Sa'Ib of Tabriz [Volume 12, Issue 35, 2008, Pages 130-156]
  • Stylistics Literary Stylistics The Nature of Literary Words, Prominence and Personalizing Language [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2009, Pages 23-40]
  • Stylistics Phonetic Layer Stylistics of Kamal-al-Din Ismail and Athir Umani’s Poems Based on Layer Stylistics [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 297-334]
  • Stylistics Some of the Symmetrical Patterns in Attār's Works [Volume 26, Issue 92, 2022, Pages 7-29]
  • Stylistics Review of Stylistic Properties of Ancient Persian Texts Based on Pahlavi Texts [Volume 26, Issue 91, 2022, Pages 153-178]
  • Stylistics The Stylistic Investigation of Prepositions and Their Meanings in Khaqani’s Qasidas [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 33-61]
  • Subcategorization Iranian EFL Learners' Approach to Text Reconstruction: Lexicon-based or Grammar-based? [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 127-159]
  • Subculture Review of the Youth Subcultures in the Story of Zal and Rodabeh [Volume 23, Issue 82, 2019, Pages 167-190]
  • Sub-world A Study of the Narrative Construction of the Tarikh Jahangooshay-e- Jowayni based on Text World Theory [Volume 27, Issue 98, 2023, Pages 9-34]
  • Sufi Hermeneutics Transformational Analysis of (Abqir wa Se Mahi)’s Anecdote in Masnavi [(Articles in Press)]
  • Sufi prose The Semantic and Aesthetic Function of Music in Hujwiri's Kashf al-Mahjub [Volume 27, Issue 98, 2023, Pages 393-425]
  • Sufism The Nature of Sufism and Its Language from the Point of View of Rumi in Masnavi [Volume 23, Issue 79, 2019, Pages 102-77]
  • Sufism Imagery Techniques in the Prose of Mystical Preaching in the 5th Century [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 117-150]
  • Sufis of Kashmir Introducing the "Dar al-Salaam" Diwan poetry of Sheikh Abdul Razzaq Naqshbandi along with its structural and content analysis [(Articles in Press)]
  • Sufist thoughts Reflection of Sufist Thoughts in the Lyric Poem of Jamshid O Khorshid [Volume 19, Issue 66, 2015, Pages 153-169]
  • Suhrawardiyeh The Concept of "Wilayat" in the Works of Fakhreddin Iraqi and Abdul Ghani Nablusi [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 229-254]
  • Summarizing The impact of summerizing & self-questioning on the improvement of iranian efl learners' reading Comprehension ability [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 40-59]
  • Sun Examination of Symbolic Imagery of Concept of the Perfect Man in Molana's Masnavi and Sohrevardi's Stories [Volume 26, Issue 92, 2022, Pages 31-57]
  • Superiority Self-Actualization and Ideal Self in the Novel "The Fig Tree of Temples" from Horney's Perspective [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 241-264]
  • Surprise An Investigation of Demonstrative, Interrogative, and Exclamatory Adjectives in Persian Literary Texts [Volume 21, Issue 74, 2017, Pages 99-122]
  • Surreal fictions Freudian reading of the course of neurosis to psychosis in surreal fictions [(Articles in Press)]
  • Surreal Novel A Study of the Areas of Origin and Destination of the Metaphors of Surrealist novels from a Cognitive Linguistic Perspective Based on Koveces's Theories [Volume 26, Issue 93, 2022, Pages 233-284]
  • Susan Ferguson Analysis of Narrative Structure in Bijan Najdi's Stories Based on Poetics of Modernism (with Emphasis on Charles May and Susan Ferguson's Theories) [Volume 20, Issue 70, 2016, Pages 143-168]
  • Susmar od-Doleh A Study of the Comic in Mirza Agha-Khan Kermani's Susmar od-Doleh [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 218-197]
  • Suspension The Configuration of “Time” in the Story of “Siavash” [Volume 18, Issue 61, 2014, Pages 21-40]
  • Suspension "Narrative Time" and its Relationship with the Element of "Suspension" in the Novel of "the Year of the Riots" by Abbas Maroufi based on Gerard Genette's theory [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 135-159]
  • Sword “Dirham Stealing By Sword’’ In a Couplet of Abu Hanifah Eskafi [Volume 19, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 149-163]
  • Symbolism Investigating and Analyzing the Symbols in Haft Khan-e Rostam [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 211-234]
  • Symbolism Source of Symbols Inspiration in Tahereh Safarzadeh’s Poetry [Volume 26, Issue 91, 2022, Pages 203-234]
  • Symbolism A Research in Persian Literature: Continuity of Horse Descriptions in Persian Poetry based on the Role of Sasanian Seals (from Mohsen Foroughi Collection) [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 161-187]
  • Symbol of the soul Soul and Related Symbols in Attar Neyshabouri's Poem [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 223-256]
  • Symbols Analyzing Various Aspects of the Animus Archetype in Iranian Legends (Based on the Book Dictionary of the Legends of the Iranian People) [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 196-173]
  • Symmetrical pattern Some of the Symmetrical Patterns in Attār's Works [Volume 26, Issue 92, 2022, Pages 7-29]
  • Symmetry Linguistic Analysis of Zidari Nasavi's Nafathat al-Masdoor [Volume 17, Issue 58, 2013, Pages 115-133]
  • Syntactic errors Written Errors of Kurdish Learners of Persian: A Case ofMahabadi Dialect [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2005, Pages 10-37]
  • Syntagmatic Collocation An Overview of Collocations in Saeb Tabrizi's Sonnets [Volume 27, Issue 98, 2023, Pages 205-234]
  • Syntagmatic Relations The Rhetorical Apposition: A Way to Integrate Simile and Metaphor [Volume 25, Issue 88, 2021, Pages 34-58]
  • Syntax Iranian EFL Learners' Approach to Text Reconstruction: Lexicon-based or Grammar-based? [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 127-159]
  • Syntax Rhetoric of Syntax in the Historical Text of Nafsat Al Masdur by Zeydari Nasavi [(Articles in Press)]
  • Synthesis A Formalistic Criticism on sohrab Sepehri's "ta enteha - ye hozur" Poem [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2006, Pages 61-75]
  • Systematic Linguistics An Investigation of the Poem “Notes of Immortality Pain” by Qeysar Aminpour based on Halliday’s Theory of Functionalism [Volume 19, Issue 65, 2015, Pages 7-22]
  • System of Existence Review and Analysis of Nezami Ganjavi's Theological-Literary Perspective [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 9-40]


  • Tabari’s History An Intertextual Analysis of the Story of “The Jewish King who killed the Christians because of prejudice’’ from Masnavi [Volume 20, Issue 68, 2016, Pages 167-189]
  • Tag Questions The Study of Gender Differences in the Use of Linguistic Forms in the Speech of Iranian Men and Women: A Comparative Study of Persian and English [Volume 7, Issue 20, 2004, Pages 135-152]
  • Tahereh Safarzadeh Source of Symbols Inspiration in Tahereh Safarzadeh’s Poetry [Volume 26, Issue 91, 2022, Pages 203-234]
  • Tahereh Saffarzadeh Visual (Concrete) Poetry at a Analytical, Critical and Comparative Glance [Volume 21, Issue 72, 2017, Pages 183-206]
  • Tajikistan The Evolution of Homeland’s Concept in Tajik Contemporary Literature: From Acquaintance to Independence and National Self-consciousness [Volume 23, Issue 82, 2019, Pages 35-60]
  • Tamashaye yek royaye tabah shode Metafiction, a Postmodernism Method: Case Study of Tamashaye Yek Royaye Tabah Shode (Watching a Wrecked Dream) Novel by Bijan Bijari [Volume 25, Issue 89, 2021, Pages 191-215]
  • Taqi Modarresi The Mythological Analysis of Yakolia va Tanhaei ‘Ou and Malakout with Focus on the Effect of 28 Mordad Coup on Recreating the Myth [Volume 18, Issue 60, 2014, Pages 25-50]
  • Taraghi Time in “Shemiran Bus” from Gérard Genette viewpoint [Volume 22, Issue 76, 2018, Pages 165-190]
  • Tarajji Investigation of the Function of Tarajji and Eshfagh in Persian Language and Rhetoric Using the Language of Hafez [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 363-394]
  • Target Language Use (TLU) Task An Evaluation of Language Subtests of the Entrance Examinations at the Ph.D. Level [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2005, Pages 47-69]
  • Tarighatnameh Conceptual Metaphor of Love in the Tarighatnameh of Emad Faqih Kermani [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 91-122]
  • Tarikh-e Jahan-Gusha-i-Juwayni History A study of the sources and references for the hadiths included in Tarikh-e Jahan-Gusha-yc Juwayni [Volume 12, Issue 35, 2008, Pages 7-26]
  • Tarikh Jahangooshay-e- Jowayn A Study of the Narrative Construction of the Tarikh Jahangooshay-e- Jowayni based on Text World Theory [Volume 27, Issue 98, 2023, Pages 9-34]
  • Task The Relationship Between Preplanning Time For Task Performance And The Anxiety Level Of Iranian Efl Learners [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2006, Pages 36-51]
  • Task complexity The Relationship Between Preplanning Time For Task Performance And The Anxiety Level Of Iranian Efl Learners [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2006, Pages 36-51]
  • Task difficulty The Relationship Between Preplanning Time For Task Performance And The Anxiety Level Of Iranian Efl Learners [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2006, Pages 36-51]
  • Taste and Untaste Experiencing Maze (Taste) and Namaze (Untaste) [Volume 25, Issue 88, 2021, Pages 296-318]
  • Tavallali’s Al-Tafasil The Aesthetics of the Satiric Language of “Tanz Al-Tafasil” by Fereydoun Tavallali with an Emphasis on Saadi’s “Golestan” [(Articles in Press)]
  • Taxonomy On The Relationship between Inferential and Referential test type:The Case of EFL Learners [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2004, Pages 89-119]
  • Tayeb Salih An Analytical Study of Narrative Pace in the Novels ‘Missing Soluch’ and ‘Season of Migration to the North’ Using Gérard Genette’s Narratology Theory [Volume 19, Issue 66, 2015, Pages 37-64]
  • Tazkerat-ol 0/ya The Position of "Sharh-e Taarrof" Comparing to the other Sources of Tazkerat-ol Olyaa [Volume 14, Issue 44, 2010, Pages 9-28]
  • Tazkereh Three Different Approaches (Hostile, Mythical, and Admiring) to Nasir Khusraw in the History of Persian Literature [Volume 27, Issue 97, 2023, Pages 301-336]
  • Technical Prose Olfati Savoji and Rawaih Gulshan Qutbshahi [(Articles in Press)]
  • Technique of Making Polysemic Text Study of Hafez's Techniques in Making of Polysemy Text [Volume 23, Issue 79, 2019, Pages 30-7]
  • Teenage novels A Study of the Otherness of Identity in Teen Novels (A Case Study of Jamila Govin’s Novel the Horse’s Eye) [Volume 24, Issue 85, 2020, Pages 341-368]
  • Tehran Tehran in the Mirror of Novel: Sociological Thinking about Representation of Tehran in Persian Novels [Volume 25, Issue 89, 2021, Pages 7-32]
  • Tendency to Iran Shahnameh in Vassaf's History [Volume 20, Issue 70, 2016, Pages 117-141]
  • Tense Interlanguage and Free Variation: A Case Study [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2006, Pages 71-110]
  • Tension An Analysis of the Discourse Systems in the Story "Pirchangi" [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 7-32]
  • Test Task An Evaluation of Language Subtests of the Entrance Examinations at the Ph.D. Level [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2005, Pages 47-69]
  • Text The impact of summerizing & self-questioning on the improvement of iranian efl learners' reading Comprehension ability [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 40-59]
  • Text An Explanation of the Differences between Narrative and Non-Narrative Texts [Volume 21, Issue 71, 2017, Pages 29-47]
  • Text Code Analysis of the Short Story “Merry Go Round” by Sepideh Shamloo [Volume 26, Issue 93, 2022, Pages 179-207]
  • Text Comparative Study of Text and Image in the Lithographed Manuscript of Amir Arsalan Namdar with Cultural Identity [(Articles in Press)]
  • Text analysis A Narratological Study of Tooti Nameh [Volume 21, Issue 74, 2017, Pages 53-78]
  • Text-based Hermeneutics in the Writings of Shams-e Tabrizi [Volume 18, Issue 61, 2014, Pages 41-61]
  • Text-dynamism Literary-Text Research from the Perspective of Literary-Translation Research: Criticizing Overtly Erroneous Errors in Literary Translations Based on Text Linguistic Models [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 293-322]
  • Text levels Inquiry-Based Paradigm in the Interpretation of Poetry [Volume 21, Issue 71, 2017, Pages 49-77]
  • Text-research Literary-Text Research from the Perspective of Literary-Translation Research: Criticizing Overtly Erroneous Errors in Literary Translations Based on Text Linguistic Models [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 293-322]
  • Textual analysis Inquiry-Based Paradigm in the Interpretation of Poetry [Volume 21, Issue 71, 2017, Pages 49-77]
  • Textual interpretation Inquiry-Based Paradigm in the Interpretation of Poetry [Volume 21, Issue 71, 2017, Pages 49-77]
  • The adventure of haji baba of Isfahan The Adventure of Haji Baba of Isfahan: A Step Towards Combining the Tradition and Innovation in Iranian Fiction [Volume 25, Issue 87, 2021, Pages 116-138]
  • The Adventures of Hajji Baba Isfahani A Review of Two Ambiguities in the Novel "The Adventures of Hajji Baba Isfahani" [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 91-120]
  • Theater Reading the Tragic Events of Beyhagi's History Based on the Characteristics of the Aristotelian and Brecht Theater [Volume 23, Issue 81, 2019, Pages 101-134]
  • The “Cold sooran” novel Freudian Reading of the “Cold Sooran” Novel [Volume 23, Issue 80, 2019, Pages 84-61]
  • The ego Animal Symbols of the Ego in the Mystical Works of Sanāi, Attār and Rumi [Volume 18, Issue 62, 2014, Pages 147-173]
  • The first man Decoding Two Legends of Nezami’s Seven Domes Based on the Myth of Creation [Volume 20, Issue 68, 2016, Pages 67-91]
  • The Gaumart story An Inquiry into Lexical Cohesive Elements in the Story of Gaumart [Volume 21, Issue 73, 2017, Pages 29-52]
  • The Last Sunday The Process of Application of Female-Language Criteria in Two Selected Books, The Last Sunday and Shina’s Daughter, Looking at Sarah Mills' Linguistic Approach [Volume 25, Issue 89, 2021, Pages 59-85]
  • The magic of proximity Investigating the methods of creating proximity magic in the collection of a child named Shadi Shafii Kodkani's song [(Articles in Press)]
  • The meaning and enthusiasm of life Analysis of the Meaning and Enthusiasm of Life in Mathnawi Manavi (by Victor Frankel's Theory) [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 281-304]
  • The Missing Soluch An Analysis of the Position of Religion in the Novel Missing Soluch of Mahmoud Dolatabadi Based on the theoriy of Erich Fromm [(Articles in Press)]
  • The Mountain A Study of the Sublime in Rumi's Masnavi and Diwan-e Shams in Light of Kant's Sublime Theory [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 89-120]
  • The myth of creation Decoding Two Legends of Nezami’s Seven Domes Based on the Myth of Creation [Volume 20, Issue 68, 2016, Pages 67-91]
  • The names of slaves The Function of the Terms of Slaves and Bondwomen in Creating Hidden Ambiguity in Persian Literature [Volume 21, Issue 71, 2017, Pages 131-168]
  • The Old Burzō-Nāma The Study of the Authenticity of the Old Burzō-nāma Sections and its Relation with Ferdowsi's Shāh-nāma (Based on the Textual Criticism of its Manuscripts) [Volume 26, Issue 91, 2022, Pages 179-202]
  • Theology Review and Analysis of Nezami Ganjavi's Theological-Literary Perspective [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 9-40]
  • Theory of reception The Analysis of the Reflection of Kalileh and Demneh in the Five Volumes of Vassaf History from the Perspective of the Theory of Reception [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 143-164]
  • The Pear Tree Psychological Analysis of Character in the Short Story "The Pear Tree" by Goli Taraghi Based on Enneagram Theory [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 377-405]
  • The prose tale Investigating the Reasons of Vanguard pros Tale in the Safavid era [(Articles in Press)]
  • The quantitative difference of valid printed texts of Shahnameh A New Study on the Number of Shahnameh’s Verses Another Answer to the Reason for the Difference between the Known Number and the Actual Quantity of Shahnameh [Volume 26, Issue 91, 2022, Pages 89-123]
  • The Restoration Period of literature A Critical Analysis of the Poetic Style of the Restoration Period [Volume 20, Issue 68, 2016, Pages 7-39]
  • The Sea A Study of the Sublime in Rumi's Masnavi and Diwan-e Shams in Light of Kant's Sublime Theory [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 89-120]
  • The Shahnameh He Sealed the Tomb in Red and Dark Blue (An Analysis of a Verse from the Forood Story) [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 243-264]
  • The Shahnameh Translations and Imitations of the Shahnameh in Turkish Lands [Volume 28, Issue 100, 2024, Pages 9-40]
  • Thesis A Formalistic Criticism on sohrab Sepehri's "ta enteha - ye hozur" Poem [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2006, Pages 61-75]
  • Thesis Statement Contrastive Rhetoric: A study of Introduction and Thesis Statement in the American English and Persian Expository Essays [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2006, Pages 52-69]
  • The Sociology of Literature.Marxism Criticism A Look at Georges Lokacs' Ideas on Marxist Criticism [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2007, Pages 122-136]
  • The story of a mistake Nietzsche's manifestation in the form of an old man (as xenzer penzeri man) [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2007, Pages 62-86]
  • The Study of narratives Analysis of the Narrative Structure of the Story of Bahram and Gol-andam Based on Greimas Theory [Volume 18, Issue 61, 2014, Pages 83-105]
  • The Sun A Study of the Sublime in Rumi's Masnavi and Diwan-e Shams in Light of Kant's Sublime Theory [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 89-120]
  • The Textual Criticism The Study of the Authenticity of the Old Burzō-nāma Sections and its Relation with Ferdowsi's Shāh-nāma (Based on the Textual Criticism of its Manuscripts) [Volume 26, Issue 91, 2022, Pages 179-202]
  • The Zero Degree Orbit A Study of the Novel Zero Degree Orbit in light of Gerard Genette's Narrative Discourse [Volume 24, Issue 86, 2020, Pages 81-101]
  • Three Drops of Blood Aesthetics of Surrealist Elements In the works of "Nadia" by Andre Burton and "Three Drops of Blood" by Sadegh Hedayat [(Articles in Press)]
  • Threshold and Interdependence Hypothesis The Interdependence between the Process and the Product of Reading in English and Persian [Volume 7, Issue 20, 2004, Pages 21-41]
  • Time The Configuration of “Time” in the Story of “Siavash” [Volume 18, Issue 61, 2014, Pages 21-40]
  • Time The study of the signs of time and place in Kashf ul-mahjoob, Resale-ye Ghoshairie and Tazkirat al-Awliya [Volume 18, Issue 62, 2014, Pages 125-145]
  • Time Linking the Eastern and Western Sea The Dialogue of "Hakime Onsi" with Hafiz and Heidegger [Volume 14, Issue 44, 2010, Pages 129-159]
  • Time Analytic Investigation of the Rhythm and speed of Narration in the Novel of "The Empty Place of Salouch" [Volume 14, Issue 45, 2010, Pages 37-63]
  • Time Time in “Shemiran Bus” from Gérard Genette viewpoint [Volume 22, Issue 76, 2018, Pages 165-190]
  • Time The study of the time element effects in the underplotted anecdotes of Marzban-Nameh [Volume 22, Issue 76, 2018, Pages 240-215]
  • Time A Study of the Novel Zero Degree Orbit in light of Gerard Genette's Narrative Discourse [Volume 24, Issue 86, 2020, Pages 81-101]
  • Time The Imagination of "Arash Kamangir" (Arash Bowman) Story Written by Siavash Kasrai, Relying on the Concept of "Fear of the Time" from the Perspective of the Gilbert Durand [Volume 26, Issue 91, 2022, Pages 33-60]
  • Time in narration A Study of Narration Temporality in Salmargi Novel based on Gerard Genette’s Theory [Volume 18, Issue 60, 2014, Pages 125-144]
  • Timurid era Sociological Analysis of Shahrashoob as a Local Poetry History in the Timurid Era [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 67-92]
  • Todorov Fantastic Literature and Obeid Zakani [Volume 12, Issue 35, 2008, Pages 54-83]
  • Todorov Analysis of Dah-nāmeh (Ten letters) in Persian Literature from a Literary Genre Perspective [Volume 15, Issue 50, 2011, Pages 9-36]
  • TOEFL The Performance of Iranian IELTS Candidates: A Descriptive Study [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 71-86]
  • Tolerance The Analysis of Psychological Functions of “Mystical Love” in Masnavi-ye-Ma’navi Using the Positivist Approach of Martin Seligman [Volume 24, Issue 85, 2020, Pages 69-112]
  • Tomasheveskey An Analysis of Narrative Elements Used in Jami's poem Yusouf and Zoleikha [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 33-58]
  • Tomb He Sealed the Tomb in Red and Dark Blue (An Analysis of a Verse from the Forood Story) [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 243-264]
  • Toopchi Bash Toopchi Bashof and Meskowich [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2007, Pages 79-88]
  • Tootiname A Narratological Study of Tooti Nameh [Volume 21, Issue 74, 2017, Pages 53-78]
  • Topicalization Survey on Informative Function of Topicalization and Passivization in Persian; A Functional perspective [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2006, Pages 7-30]
  • Total individuality The Apollonian and Dionysian Psychological Types in Iranian Mythology and Mysticism [Volume 21, Issue 72, 2017, Pages 7-34]
  • Traditional and Modern Women Examining the Main Components of Traditional and Modern Womens’ Personality in the Works of Zoya Pirzad and Farkhondeh Aghaei [Volume 25, Issue 88, 2021, Pages 170-191]
  • Traditional poetry Visual (Concrete) Poetry at a Analytical, Critical and Comparative Glance [Volume 21, Issue 72, 2017, Pages 183-206]
  • Tragedy Comparative Analysis of Father and Son's Confrontation in Iranian and Greek Tragedies (Rostam and Esfandiar, Rostam and Sohrab and Oedipus Shahriar) [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 125-142]
  • Tragedy Mitosi's Critique of the Story of Rostam and Sohrab According to Northrop Frye's Theories [Volume 26, Issue 93, 2022, Pages 285-305]
  • Trait anxiety The Relationship Between Preplanning Time For Task Performance And The Anxiety Level Of Iranian Efl Learners [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2006, Pages 36-51]
  • Transformation The Effect of Transformation on Changing the Role of Characters in a Selection of Folk Tales [Volume 27, Issue 97, 2023, Pages 41-70]
  • Transformation of the anecdote Transformational Analysis of (Abqir wa Se Mahi)’s Anecdote in Masnavi [(Articles in Press)]
  • Translation Criticism Literary-Text Research from the Perspective of Literary-Translation Research: Criticizing Overtly Erroneous Errors in Literary Translations Based on Text Linguistic Models [Volume 26, Issue 94, 2022, Pages 293-322]
  • Transtextualite Study of effects of Ferdowsi's Shāhnāme on Shāhkār of Rahim Moini-e Kermānshāhi based on transtextualite theory [Volume 18, Issue 62, 2014, Pages 7-38]
  • Transtextuality Boustan of Saádi and Transtextuality of Genette: A Research on Saadi’s Boustan with Genette’s Approach of Transtextuality from the Perspective of Comparative Literature [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 172-149]
  • Transtextuality Transtextuality in the Novel The Red Manes Mare by Mahmoud Dowlatabadi [Volume 24, Issue 85, 2020, Pages 261-284]
  • Transtextuality The Analysis of the Basics of Gerard Genette’s Intertextuality in Farhad Hassanzadeh's The Bambak Ship’s Scorpions for Young Adults [Volume 25, Issue 88, 2021, Pages 142-168]
  • Travelogue Content Analysis of Travelogues from the Qajar Era [(Articles in Press)]
  • Tree Planting The Evaluation of Ten Narrations in the Proverb Story of “Afforesting for Others” [Volume 25, Issue 88, 2021, Pages 194-216]
  • Troy battle The Summary of the Comparison between the story of Siavosh, in Shahnameh and the epic of Iliad and the story of Helen [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2007, Pages 129-148]
  • T S Eliot Domestication Strategies in the Poem "Let Us Believe in the Beginning of the Cold Season" Based on Lotman's Theory [Volume 27, Issue 97, 2023, Pages 203-236]
  • Tufan Quatrain of the Epigraph and Preface of Farrokhi Yazdi’s Work Published in the Newspaper “Tufan” [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 335-374]
  • Turkish lands Translations and Imitations of the Shahnameh in Turkish Lands [Volume 28, Issue 100, 2024, Pages 9-40]
  • Type ruler A Psychological Analysis of the Personality Type of King in Masnavi’s Story of ‘King and Maid’ Based on the Model of Enneagram [Volume 21, Issue 71, 2017, Pages 169-192]
  • Typology liguisticfields The Application of Typology in Determining the Authenticity of the Manuscripts [Volume 13, Issue 40, 2009, Pages 101-115]
  • Typology of bilingualism- bilinguality- simultaneous- interpreting consecutive interpreting Factors Determining the Success of an Interpreter and His Performance [Volume 5, Issue 16, 2002, Pages 63-77]


  • Unconscience A Clear Past and a Dark Future [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2007, Pages 7-21]
  • Under the Devil’s Umbrella A Modernist Approach to the Novel of Under the Devil’s Umbrella [Volume 23, Issue 82, 2019, Pages 89-114]
  • Unique individuality The Apollonian and Dionysian Psychological Types in Iranian Mythology and Mysticism [Volume 21, Issue 72, 2017, Pages 7-34]
  • Uraynab Analysis and Comparison of the Story of Uraynab in Praising Karbala Poetry with the Historical Story of IbnQutaybah [Volume 16, Issue 54, 2012, Pages 65-88]
  • Urban sociology Sociological Analysis of Shahrashoob as a Local Poetry History in the Timurid Era [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 67-92]
  • Utilitarianism Pragmatism in Kalileh & Demneh [Volume 18, Issue 61, 2014, Pages 63-82]
  • Utopia Sohrab Sepehri's Poetic Utopia: A Silent Protest against the Policies of the Second Pahlavi Era [Volume 24, Issue 86, 2020, Pages 103-126]


  • Vaghe'e Vaghe'e and Moqbel Esfahani [Volume 18, Issue 62, 2014, Pages 41-57]
  • Van Leeuwen Reading the First Chapter of Sa’di's Bustan by Legitimation in Governmental Discourse Approach [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 193-222]
  • Van Leeuwen The Representation of Social Actors in Dar Boyer- Ahmad within Van Leeuwen's Framework (A CDA Approach) [Volume 23, Issue 82, 2019, Pages 139-166]
  • Van Leeuwen The Exclusion and its Components in Al-e Ahmad's "Nefrin-e Zamin" based on Van Leeuwen's Theory [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 255-280]
  • Vassaf history The Analysis of the Reflection of Kalileh and Demneh in the Five Volumes of Vassaf History from the Perspective of the Theory of Reception [Volume 22, Issue 77, 2018, Pages 143-164]
  • Vassaf's History Shahnameh in Vassaf's History [Volume 20, Issue 70, 2016, Pages 117-141]
  • Verb An Examination of the Structure of Verb Phrases in Persian Language [Volume 14, Issue 46, 2010, Pages 47-70]
  • Verb The Critical Analysis of Verb Position in Power Discourse in Panegyric Poem [Volume 26, Issue 93, 2022, Pages 65-95]
  • Verb Contradiction The Comprehensive Review of Using the Conflicting Verbs in Sa’di’s Sonnets [Volume 24, Issue 83, 2020, Pages 137-174]
  • Verse Rhetorical Substitute: A Context for Creating Ambiguity from Hafez [Volume 21, Issue 73, 2017, Pages 151-173]
  • Victor Frankel Analysis of the Meaning and Enthusiasm of Life in Mathnawi Manavi (by Victor Frankel's Theory) [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 281-304]
  • Virtue And Indecency The Study and Analysis of Verbal Thoughts of Attar Neishabouri (Looking at his Masnavi) [Volume 27, Issue 95, 2023, Pages 211-239]
  • Visual (Concrete) poetry Visual (Concrete) Poetry at a Analytical, Critical and Comparative Glance [Volume 21, Issue 72, 2017, Pages 183-206]
  • Vladimir Prop The Morphology of Mahan Mesry's Legend Based on the Theory of Vladimir Prop [Volume 20, Issue 70, 2016, Pages 73-89]
  • Vladimir Propp A Structural Investigation of Plot in the Anecdotes of Marzban-Namah [Volume 20, Issue 69, 2016, Pages 129-152]
  • Vladimir Propp Analyzing the Function of Sheikh Bahai’s Cat and Mouse Based on Vladimir Propp’s Theory [Volume 28, Issue 99, 2024, Pages 283-318]
  • Voice Analysis of the Narrative Structure of the Novel Beloved Chameleon [Volume 18, Issue 59, 2014, Pages 85-100]
  • Vulture's feather The Meaning and Interpretation of the "Vulture's Feather" in the Shahnameh [Volume 18, Issue 61, 2014, Pages 7-20]


  • Walter Benjamin Basil Bunting and the Challenges of Literary Translation from Persian into English: A Case of Rūdhakī [Volume 28, Issue 100, 2024, Pages 61-90]
  • War Novel The Novel of War in Iran from the Perspective of the "Other" Presence Based on Bakhtin's Votes [Volume 23, Issue 79, 2019, Pages 54-31]
  • Wasteland Domestication Strategies in the Poem "Let Us Believe in the Beginning of the Cold Season" Based on Lotman's Theory [Volume 27, Issue 97, 2023, Pages 203-236]
  • Water Water and Its Various Forms in Persian Mystical Literature (Based on Ibn Arabi's School from the 7th to 9th centuries) [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 265-300]
  • Water The myth of water in folktales based on the Abu Moslem Name and the Geran e Habashi [(Articles in Press)]
  • Wave Water and Its Various Forms in Persian Mystical Literature (Based on Ibn Arabi's School from the 7th to 9th centuries) [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 265-300]
  • WCO A Contrastive Study of English, Persian and Turkish: Cross Over Effects at LF [Volume 5, Issue 16, 2002, Pages 1-12]
  • Westernization of Language An Investigation of Western Cultures’ Presence in the Language and Expression of some Contemporary Iranian Novelists (Case Study: Six Novels of the 80s) [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 31-57]
  • Wilayat The Concept of "Wilayat" in the Works of Fakhreddin Iraqi and Abdul Ghani Nablusi [Volume 27, Issue 96, 2023, Pages 229-254]
  • Winter 62 A Sociological Reading of EsmāʿIl FaṣIḥ’s Winter 62 Using Genetic Structuralism [Volume 24, Issue 86, 2020, Pages 241-262]
  • Wise old man A ''Wise Old Man'' Archetype Criticism in Maqāmāt Hamidi [Volume 22, Issue 78, 2018, Pages 98-81]
  • Woman angels born in fruit Common Mythic Motif between Woman Angels Born in Fruit in the "Risālah al-Ghofrān" and Orange Girls in "Doxtar-e Nārenj o Toranj" Story [Volume 18, Issue 60, 2014, Pages 73-103]
  • Women Memories The Process of Application of Female-Language Criteria in Two Selected Books, The Last Sunday and Shina’s Daughter, Looking at Sarah Mills' Linguistic Approach [Volume 25, Issue 89, 2021, Pages 59-85]
  • Women's Town Women’s Town in the Sāmnameh and Its Footprints in Persian Literature [Volume 24, Issue 84, 2020, Pages 211-242]
  • Works of Sheikh ahmad Jam The concept of "knowledge" in the works of Sheikh Ahmad Jam Namghi based on the concept of conceptual metaphor [(Articles in Press)]
  • Writing errors Written Errors of Kurdish Learners of Persian: A Case ofMahabadi Dialect [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2005, Pages 10-37]


  • Yaie parable treatise Isfahan's scbool Yaie Ode and Mir Fendereski's Words of Wisdom [Volume 13, Issue 39, 2009, Pages 93-105]
  • Yakolia va Tanhaei ‘Ou The Mythological Analysis of Yakolia va Tanhaei ‘Ou and Malakout with Focus on the Effect of 28 Mordad Coup on Recreating the Myth [Volume 18, Issue 60, 2014, Pages 25-50]
  • Yazid Analysis and Comparison of the Story of Uraynab in Praising Karbala Poetry with the Historical Story of IbnQutaybah [Volume 16, Issue 54, 2012, Pages 65-88]
  • Year of Riot "Narrative Time" and its Relationship with the Element of "Suspension" in the Novel of "the Year of the Riots" by Abbas Maroufi based on Gerard Genette's theory [Volume 25, Issue 90, 2021, Pages 135-159]
  • Yeats- Symbol- interpenetrating gyres of history second coming Symbolic Significance of Yeats's "The Second Coming" [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2006, Pages 21-40]
  • Young Adult Novel Reproducing the Archetype of the Conflict between Good and Evil in Four Young Adult Novels Using the Method of Measuring Imagination by Gilbert Durand [Volume 23, Issue 81, 2019, Pages 69-100]
  • Young Adult Novel The Analysis of the Basics of Gerard Genette’s Intertextuality in Farhad Hassanzadeh's The Bambak Ship’s Scorpions for Young Adults [Volume 25, Issue 88, 2021, Pages 142-168]
  • Yuri Lotman Domestication Strategies in the Poem "Let Us Believe in the Beginning of the Cold Season" Based on Lotman's Theory [Volume 27, Issue 97, 2023, Pages 203-236]


  • Zab (Zaw) The connection between the kingdom of Zab e Tahmaseb and the myth of Arash the archer [(Articles in Press)]
  • Zahak (Dhahak) Ferdowsi's Shahnameh on the scahes of criticism in diffetent sources [(Articles in Press)]
  • Zahiry Samarghandy Correction Some Distortions and Falsifications in Aghraz Al-Seyasah by Emphasizing on Meshkat᾿s Transcript [Volume 26, Issue 92, 2022, Pages 143-168]
  • ZakiMashhadi Analysis and Comparison of the Story of Uraynab in Praising Karbala Poetry with the Historical Story of IbnQutaybah [Volume 16, Issue 54, 2012, Pages 65-88]
  • Zal Review of the Youth Subcultures in the Story of Zal and Rodabeh [Volume 23, Issue 82, 2019, Pages 167-190]
  • Zavar “Dirham Stealing By Sword’’ In a Couplet of Abu Hanifah Eskafi [Volume 19, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 149-163]
  • Zemestan Analysis of speech acts based on john Searle`s opinions in the three poem of Mahdi Akhavansales (Akhare shahnameh, zemestan and az in avesta). [(Articles in Press)]
  • Ziae Nakhshabi A Narratological Study of Tooti Nameh [Volume 21, Issue 74, 2017, Pages 53-78]
  • Zohuri Torshizi Zohuri Torshizi’s “Seh Nasr” and Its Position in [Volume 23, Issue 79, 2019, Pages 158-127]
  • Zoroaster Ideas Theory and Allegorical literature With com parative study of Zoroaster, Plato, Rumi and Jung's thoughts [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2007, Pages 39-61]
  • Zoroastrian beliefs Review of the Similarities of the Sprite and the Sorceress in the Post-Shahnama Epics [Volume 21, Issue 74, 2017, Pages 7-30]
  • Zoroastrianism Ideas Theory and Allegorical literature With com parative study of Zoroaster, Plato, Rumi and Jung's thoughts [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2007, Pages 39-61]
  • Zoya Pirzad Examining the Main Components of Traditional and Modern Womens’ Personality in the Works of Zoya Pirzad and Farkhondeh Aghaei [Volume 25, Issue 88, 2021, Pages 170-191]