A text cannot be created without relation with literary heritage and previous texts. Novel and contemporary short Persian story is a relatively new genre. The relation between this newly-founded genre and the ancient Iranian culture is of great importance. In literary criticism, a modern approach called intertextuality is used to study the relation between texts. The theoretical framework of this study is based on the view of Gerard Genette, one of the most influential theorists in the field of itnertextuality. According to his theory, any relation of the text with something other than the text itself is called paratextuality which includes different aspects. Intertextuality is about the relation between two texts. In this study, This paper analyses the relation between cultural heritage as hypotext and the stories in A City like Heaven and Who Shall I Greet?and the novels Savushun, Wandering Island and Wandering Cameleer. Furthermore, the present study discusses the role of cultural background in the technique of story-telling used by Daneshvar. Using a descriptive-analytic method, this paper attempts to analyze the said story absed on the theory of itnertextuality. The results indicate the
ghobadi, H. (2013). Analysis of the Relation between Themes of the Works by SiminDaneshvar and Iran’s Cultural Background. Literary Text Research, 16(54), 123-146. doi: 10.22054/ltr.2013.6595
ghobadi, H. . "Analysis of the Relation between Themes of the Works by SiminDaneshvar and Iran’s Cultural Background", Literary Text Research, 16, 54, 2013, 123-146. doi: 10.22054/ltr.2013.6595
ghobadi, H. (2013). 'Analysis of the Relation between Themes of the Works by SiminDaneshvar and Iran’s Cultural Background', Literary Text Research, 16(54), pp. 123-146. doi: 10.22054/ltr.2013.6595
H. ghobadi, "Analysis of the Relation between Themes of the Works by SiminDaneshvar and Iran’s Cultural Background," Literary Text Research, 16 54 (2013): 123-146, doi: 10.22054/ltr.2013.6595
ghobadi, H. Analysis of the Relation between Themes of the Works by SiminDaneshvar and Iran’s Cultural Background. Literary Text Research, 2013; 16(54): 123-146. doi: 10.22054/ltr.2013.6595