Content study of travelogues of Qajar era

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Persian literature group Faculty of Literature and Humanities University of Tehran Iran

2 Professor of Persian Language and Literature, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Travelogues are in fact valuable and first-hand treasures and documents of some historical, social, cultural, religious and literary events, which can be examined from various aspects. Travel writing in the ancient history of Persian literature has a long history. Nearly a thousand years have passed since the writing of Nasser Khosrow's travelogue. Since then, many travelogues have been written, all of which is a clear proof of the attention of the creators and the serious interest of the audience in this kind of literature. In the Qajar period, travel writing has a special place. Travel writing has never been as common as it was in this period. In these travelogues, each of the authors looks at the issues and events of the journey from a specific perspective and they have taken special care. In the Qajar period, with the spread of this type of literature, many intellectuals used travelogues as a written form to inform people and record historical events. The present study has extracted and examined the common themes and themes in the travelogues of this period. To this end, it has selected a number of important and complete travelogues of this period, and by examining their content, we have revealed the common features and themes in them. Studies show that these topics are common to most travelogues: 1. Praise to God 2. Description 3. Criticism 4. Contradiction 5. Giving incomplete information 6. Expression of self and spiritual states 7. Feeling pity for one’s homeland


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