Freudian reading of the course of neurosis to psychosis in surreal fictions

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph D. In Persion Language and Literature, Birjand University, Birjand, Iran.

2 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Birjand University, Birjand, Iran

3 birjand university



By describing the structure of the mind and explaining a new framework of the human psyche, Freud showed that there is two-way relationship between the interaction of unconscious impulses and mental disorders; Because unconscious-centeredness is considered the most important principle in surreal fictions; The remarkable similarities between these works with some types of mental disorders can be seen. In other words, in surreal fictions, a wide range of symptoms of mental disorders are repeated in a circular cycle; and it can be said that the narrator in this type of works is a subject who goes from neurosis to psychosis in confronting with the world around them. Relying on Freud's findings in order to find out the origin of mental disorders and their similarities in surreal fictions, this research shows that the cause of these similarities is the sharing of the origin and manner of occurrence of these disorders and the deep construction of dreams. Therefore, although the combination of creativity and madness in the meaning of illness can be used to create surreal works, but the reflection of the symptoms of mental disorders in these works does not necessarily have a pathological aspect and can be caused by the centrality of dreams in the text.


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