Nietzsche's manifestation in the form of an old man (as xenzer penzeri man)

Document Type : Research Paper



The way Nihilism is portrayed in Hedayat's works has regularly been stud• ied by researchers in literature. This paper tries to look at the six stays of Nihilism as portrayed by Nietzsche and the compare them to the style used the story of Human Mistake to depict Nihilism. By careful reading of "Buof-e koor", one realizes that the six phase Nihilism as stated by Nietzsche is Present in Hedayat's work. Hedayat has tried to portray the six phase Nihilism in the character of shabby old man ("pirmard-e xenzer penzerii"): Authore of "bouf-e koor" follows this old man to come out of the end of the story and to reach wisdom; the only difference is that in the end, contrary to Nietzsche, Hedayat is still engulfed in a mystic and misty world, whose fate and entity is a mystery to him. He is not as accomplished as Nietzsche in any of the sixth steps and his Nihilism never becomes practical
