The Methods of Application of Qur’anic Verses and Hadith in Jahangosha History

Document Type : Research Paper



The analysis of literary works relying on the speech array and any literary trick that raises the word of the language to that of literature and art is important in the process of meaning-creation. The discovery of such tricks and hidden layers of texts can lead to a new understanding of them. Verses and Hadiths as literary tools have been applied for different purposes in all periods of Persian language and literature by poets and writers. Jahangosha Juwayni history is one of the most prominent historical-literary works of this type. In this descriptive-analytic research, it has been tried to have an artistic and interact analysis of how Juwayni has adopted verses and hadiths in his book. The two questions under discussions were A), which methods have been more frequently applied by Juwayni in the reflection of verses and hadiths? And B) what are Juwayni’s main purposes and motivations for the application of this artistic style? The results of this study shows that verses and hadiths have been applied variously to express the author’s ideas. Therefore, it is acceptable to consider verses and hadiths as a way for analyzing a text. The main purposes for the application of verses and hadiths are explanation, comment, documentation, argumentation, justification and humor.


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