Critical analysis of the novel Bagh-e-Teloo based on Fairclough theory

Document Type : Research Paper


1 persian language and literature Dept,Faculty of Literature and Human sciences,ShahidBeheshti University,Tehran,Iran

2 Prsian Language and Literature Dept,Faculty of Literature and Human science,Tehran,Iran

3 Persian Language andLiterature Dept,Faculty of Literature and Human science,ShahidBeheshti University,Tehran,Iran


As one of the novels within the realm of resistance literature, Baghe Telo is one of the novels written in the decades after the Iran-Iraq War and compared to previous works, it illustrates a fundamental metamorphosis. One of the most important aspects of this work which is worth examining is its representation of female identity, especially within war years, under the influence of a relatively new discourse. In this new discourse, the gender stereotype of participation in war and the issue of captivity in the field of sustainability was also broken. The present study examines the discourses in this novel through a descriptive-analytic method by making use of Fairclough’s critical approach in order to find if the dominant discourse of this novel serve the maintenance of power relations and the female status in social structures, or if it tries to metamorphosize them. The results of this study show that through representation of female status within patriarchal discourses and metagender and human discourse, this novel attempts to metamorphosize the dominant power relations and change female status within the layers of social structures.


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