A Look at Georges Lokacs' Ideas on Marxist Criticism

Document Type : Research Paper



Georges Lokacs, the great critic and theoretician ofthe Marxist Criticism, with emphasizing the form of literary work,criticized the Trite Marxist which stresses the content of literary work.On the other hand,by emphasizing that the art must originate from life and have human content,he rejected For• malism.He says that art originates from life and reconstrncts it creatively. The intervention of the creative mind of the author in reconstructing the !ife realities refers to this point that,for Lokacs ,Naturalism which reports the mere realities,has a passive response towards life.He also criticized Modernism.According to him,in this kind of novel,the reality is repre• sented piece by piecc,the characters are problematic and separate from the world.For him,the realist novel must be a coherent whole with typical characters whose life and specific problems display their specific and fun• damental problems of humanity.He was the first to talk about "strnctures". Later,Goldman bcnefittcd from them in developing "The Genetic Strnctur• alism".For Lokacs.the relationship between Literature and Society exists not in content but in strucfures.N amely,there is a relationship between the literary work structures and the mental strnctures of a society,which forms the society's Collective Conscience.
