Nostalgic Analysis in the Poems of Hamid Mosadegh

Document Type : Research Paper



Nostalgia is one of the great issues of discussion in psychology which has a strong relationship with memory and rememberance. Regretting over the sweet past events and the contrast between the present time and the past is called nostalgia. The concept of nostalgia has a history as old as the fall of Adam which has devoted the credit of so many literary works since a long time ago. Hamid Mosadegh is one of the contemporary poets and nostalgia is prominent in his poems. In fact, nostalgia has been represented in Mosadegh’s lyric poems and in the form of individual nostalgia. On the other hand, collective nostolgia can be seen in the socio-political poems of this poet and remembering the period of just sovereignty, liberty and safety, also regretting about the lifetime of Adam in paradise and tendency to return to the primary eras of human beings and a period away from nastiness and impurity. This study is aimed at examining the different aspects of nostalgia in Mosadegh’s poems.
