Colors, Planets and Seven Modes of the Heart

Document Type : Research Paper



From the ancient times till now, the sacredness and mysteriousness of number seven has led to creation of different heptad works in various cultures. Some heptad poems are created to achieve the objectives of their authors in line with their thoughts and teachings. Mystics are among the ones interested in number seven and its mysterious manifestations, and samples of such heptad poems can be found in their work. Najm Razi is a mystic who was quite fond of number seven. In his theory of modes of the heart, he refers to the parallelism between the seven modes of the heart and seven skies. He mentions features of each mode which are the same as their planet in the sky, indicative of his knowledge about planets. We believe that the final goal of mentioning such parallelism is expression of the significance of self-knowledge in line with knowledge about God, because God is inside man and the seven skies he must pass to reach Him are actually the seven modes of his heart. What is present in the world also exists in human beings. This paper explains the thought and objective of Najm Razi by showing each mode of heart and its related planet and also expressing similar features of them.
