Aesthetics of Surrealist Elements In the works of "Nadia" by Andre Burton and "Three Drops of Blood" by Sadegh Hedayat

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Persian Language and Literature,Faculty of Literature and Foreign Languages Shahid Beheshti University,

2 Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


Art and aesthetics are open and broad components in which the world is interpreted and in a perceptual process, it affects imagination, creation and expression. Aesthetic experience and knowledge challenge new methods and perspectives of the mind. "Nadia" by Andre Burton and "Three Drops of Blood" by Sadegh Hedayat as a formal and semantic reality are clear examples of objective and mental beauty elements that show the hidden reality of the deep mental state of man in his subconscious mind And have an ontological reality of which our consciousness has reached only a small part. The purpose of analyzing the aesthetic elements of these works that represent the needs of different areas of human life through intuition, reflection and attention to the transcendental world and create a kind of interactive connection between human feelings, thoughts, wisdom and imagination, is to know and understand how these works are written and why they are valuable. In this research, with a descriptive and analytical method and the approach of comparative literature and Relying on the American Critical school In qualitative analysis in the surrealistic aesthetic aspects of the works, we have reached the conclusion that The beauty of language and imagination in the superstructure part, and the beauty of the content in the deep construction part using the techniques of surrealism, are the constructive foundations of the beauty of these works that lead to the creation of spaces that is a rebellion to free the mind from limitations.


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