The Meanings of Two Dream Symbols in Simin Daneshvar's Novel JAZIREYE SARGARDANI Based on Clarissa Pinkola Estes Views

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student, Persian Language and Literature, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.


This essay examines two dreams symbols of Simin Daneshvar’s novel JAZIREYE SARGARDANI based on the post-Jungian psychoanalyst Clarissa Pinkola Estes views. Dreams have always been a source of great wonder for human beings. The emergence of modern psychology opened a new era of discussion about the meanings of dreams images. Jung and his followers, with their great emphasis on the importance of dreams, caused an unprecedented expansion of interest in the topic and established a strong connection with the field of literary criticism. The literature of the past one hundred years of Iran and the world was affected by these developments and witnessed the increase of the entry of all kinds of dreams into literary creations. Simin Daneshvar is one of the writers who has used abundantly of dream technique in her stories. Despite the high frequency of dreams in Daneshvar’s stories, their review has been short and few and there is no analysis of them according post-Jungians and Estes views, so this essay is completely new. This article, with descriptive and analytical method and with the aim of achieving a deeper understanding of this novel, examined two main dreams of JAZIREYE SARGARDANI and tried to decode their meanings and show their importance in the overall story line. It is concluded that these archetypal dreams are an integral part of the story and have provided important points regarding the female protagonist character and the course of events.

Keywords: Post-Jungian psychology, Clarissa Pinkola Estes, dreams, Simin Daneshvar, Jazireye Sargardani


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