Semiotic analysis of a lyric by Hafez

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Persian Literature and Studies of Arak University

2 Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Arak University, Arak, Iran


The present article entiteld “Semantic analysis of a lyric by Hafez” has presented a semantic analysis of selected sonnet among the studied sonnets due to the more comprehensive methods of semantic analysis in the filed of lyrical literature than the other literary types, considering the multi-layered nature of Hafez poems and the possibility of achieving various levels of meaning by discovering coeds and relations governing the signifiers and signifeds of each sonnet through the study of Hafez poetry collection.

At the end of the article٫ the author by emphasizing on the effect of sign entanglement in multi-layered of meaning and creating new semantic levels٫ opening the role of cryptographic elements in creating poetic imagination٫ as well as creating artistic words with reader-centered approach, shows and analyzes the central core of cryptocurrencies and its reinforcing codes in the sonnet٫ in addition to analyzing the relations of signifiers and meanings by explaining each one and examining the factors that cause signaling in signifiers. The author also achieves a general and coherent interpretation of the sonnet and the selected method while answering research questions. The analysis method used in this research is intra- textual analysis٫ library method by using first- hand sources.


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