This study aimed to investigate the impact of concept map training as well as the interaction between concept mapping and test type on EFL learners' listening comprehension. Sixty-four female second-term freshmen university students studying English Translation as their major were randomly divided into four groups. The first two groups, serving as the experimental group, received concept map training during a period consisting of six sessions but the other two groups, functioning as the control group, received no map training during this period. At the end of the term one of the groups in the experimental group and one of the groups in the control group were randomly given a concept map comprehension test type while the two remaining groups took a multiple choice test type. The obtained results revealed that concept mapping leads to an improvement in the students' comprehension; however, the effect of test type was not significant.
fahim, M. (2005). The impact of concept map training as a post- listening strategy on efl learners' listening comprehension. Literary Text Research, 8(24), 87-104. doi: 10.22054/ltr.2005.6710
fahim, M. . "The impact of concept map training as a post- listening strategy on efl learners' listening comprehension", Literary Text Research, 8, 24, 2005, 87-104. doi: 10.22054/ltr.2005.6710
fahim, M. (2005). 'The impact of concept map training as a post- listening strategy on efl learners' listening comprehension', Literary Text Research, 8(24), pp. 87-104. doi: 10.22054/ltr.2005.6710
M. fahim, "The impact of concept map training as a post- listening strategy on efl learners' listening comprehension," Literary Text Research, 8 24 (2005): 87-104, doi: 10.22054/ltr.2005.6710
fahim, M. The impact of concept map training as a post- listening strategy on efl learners' listening comprehension. Literary Text Research, 2005; 8(24): 87-104. doi: 10.22054/ltr.2005.6710