Iliad epic is one of the oldest epic in the world, but from the point of the subject and extension of the story, it could be compared to only one of the stories of Shahnameh. In this comparison, on one hand, the story of Siavosh is compared to Troy Battle and on the other hand, to the situation and the character of Helen. From the most of the personal characteristics and the situation in Shahname, Siavosh could be well compared to Helen. Siavosh is not only the most handsome prince in Shahnemeh, but also is so honest, truthful, kindly, faithful, grateful, good-tempered, nice and sinless and yet warlike, corpulent and brave athlete, but in addition to other things, one of the characteristic that makes him similar to Helen is his handsome- ness and obligation to go to the territory of enemy. After the Siavosh’s obligation to choose the alien land for the rest of the life, Siavosh is killed by Afrasiab in that land. And this athlete and prince’death causes many full-scale and total battles between the peoples of tow territories (Iran and Turan) in order to take the revenge of Siavosh’death. But after the death of the most well-known and powerful Turanies athlete especially “Pirane- Vise” and “Shide” the son of king Afrasiab is ended to capture and destruc- tion of Turany land by the expedition of Iranian army towards the turan and the kiling of Afrasiab by keikhosrow. During this event, keikhosrow that from the point of most characteristics could be assumed the second part of the Siavosh character is repatriated to Iran. Either in Iliad, after queen’s obligation or her choice to choose the other land to live in, the great ex- pedition of Greece armies towards the Troy begins during this long and boring war, so many popular athletes like hector, Paris and Perham (the king of Troy) is killed by Greece and their homeland and their town is destructed as well, and Helen repatriated to Greece.
narimani, E. (2007). The Summary of the Comparison between the story of Siavosh, in Shahnameh and the epic of Iliad and the story of Helen. Literary Text Research, 11(33), 129-148. doi: 10.22054/ltr.2007.6438
narimani, E. . "The Summary of the Comparison between the story of Siavosh, in Shahnameh and the epic of Iliad and the story of Helen", Literary Text Research, 11, 33, 2007, 129-148. doi: 10.22054/ltr.2007.6438
narimani, E. (2007). 'The Summary of the Comparison between the story of Siavosh, in Shahnameh and the epic of Iliad and the story of Helen', Literary Text Research, 11(33), pp. 129-148. doi: 10.22054/ltr.2007.6438
E. narimani, "The Summary of the Comparison between the story of Siavosh, in Shahnameh and the epic of Iliad and the story of Helen," Literary Text Research, 11 33 (2007): 129-148, doi: 10.22054/ltr.2007.6438
narimani, E. The Summary of the Comparison between the story of Siavosh, in Shahnameh and the epic of Iliad and the story of Helen. Literary Text Research, 2007; 11(33): 129-148. doi: 10.22054/ltr.2007.6438