Collaboration in Classroom

Document Type : Research Paper



Due to their nature, writing classes are often boring for the students and teachers find it so challenging and still the least rewarding. For sometime now studies that focus on the processes a learner enguges in when constructing meaning are best valued among researchers. Seen in this light , collaboration is a useful too/for reinforcing student language abilities and a good vehicle for increasing student confidence. Collaboration provides conditions for students lo learn WITH each other. The interactions that lead to a final solution are in this way more important than the final solution. Teachers often find it difficult to implement theories in their classes. So any attempt to describe ways to encourage student interaction is worth undertaking. The present paper aims at introducing collaboration. In so doing, it characteriz. es collaboratione classes. Next, a detailed revelance is made to the new roles defined for teachers and learners, both. The article comes to an end with the theoretical foundations of collaboration.
