Studying Eqbal's viewpoints with regard to German culture, through his works both prose and verse, can help students and researchers study, analyze, and criticize foreign cultures especially modem European cultures as well as rise and fall of civilizations. The present paper is aiming to show the effect of cultures on one another and determine their similarities and differences through comparing symbols, allegories, and metaphors
jazayeri musavi, F. (2004). Eqbal's Viewpoints on German Culture: An Survey of the Relationship Between, and Exchange of Cultures. Literary Text Research, 7(21), 120-146. doi: 10.22054/ltr.2004.6280
jazayeri musavi, F. . "Eqbal's Viewpoints on German Culture: An Survey of the Relationship Between, and Exchange of Cultures", Literary Text Research, 7, 21, 2004, 120-146. doi: 10.22054/ltr.2004.6280
jazayeri musavi, F. (2004). 'Eqbal's Viewpoints on German Culture: An Survey of the Relationship Between, and Exchange of Cultures', Literary Text Research, 7(21), pp. 120-146. doi: 10.22054/ltr.2004.6280
F. jazayeri musavi, "Eqbal's Viewpoints on German Culture: An Survey of the Relationship Between, and Exchange of Cultures," Literary Text Research, 7 21 (2004): 120-146, doi: 10.22054/ltr.2004.6280
jazayeri musavi, F. Eqbal's Viewpoints on German Culture: An Survey of the Relationship Between, and Exchange of Cultures. Literary Text Research, 2004; 7(21): 120-146. doi: 10.22054/ltr.2004.6280