Although both English and Persian languages arc of lndo-European source, due to the passage of time and the fact that they belong to different cultures, there is a large gap between them. On the other hand, Iranian learners of English as a foreign language encounter a lot of difficulties because of the wrong methods of language teaching in Iran. This article attempts to first analyze th_e errors made by students and probe the are involved factors that responsible for them; then some categories in both languages will be studied. This study has led into the conclusion that as both English and Persian belong to the same language family, the Iranian Learners of English do not face much difficulty, and in order to improve language teaching in Iran the similarities and differences between these two languages are to be investigated and taken advantage of, Audio-visual facilities are to be provided and knowledgeable, enthusiastic teachers should be employed.
kakavand, J. (2000). On the problems of English language Acqision for Iranian Learners. Literary Text Research, 3(12), 15-36. doi: 10.22054/ltr.2000.6228
kakavand, J. . "On the problems of English language Acqision for Iranian Learners", Literary Text Research, 3, 12, 2000, 15-36. doi: 10.22054/ltr.2000.6228
kakavand, J. (2000). 'On the problems of English language Acqision for Iranian Learners', Literary Text Research, 3(12), pp. 15-36. doi: 10.22054/ltr.2000.6228
J. kakavand, "On the problems of English language Acqision for Iranian Learners," Literary Text Research, 3 12 (2000): 15-36, doi: 10.22054/ltr.2000.6228
kakavand, J. On the problems of English language Acqision for Iranian Learners. Literary Text Research, 2000; 3(12): 15-36. doi: 10.22054/ltr.2000.6228