Literary criticism , a branch of literature which deals with the description and assessment of literary works , has been traditionally associated with Arahic Literature. "The History of the Ancient Arabic Literature" is a book which is concerned with issues on literature and literary criticism. By writing a book called " Tahaghato Shoara" (The classification of poets) , Ebnc Sanam, one of the most famous Arab narrators and critics pioneered the tradition of literary criticism and recording the history of literature, in Arabic literature. His book includes the classitication methods and procedures, bibliographical information about poets and critical considerations and judgments of poems. The most important feature of this hook is its various methods or criticism of poems, some or which are as follows: a ) Comparing a poet with his contemporaries b ) Comparing a poet with other poets in his city, town , or region. C) Distinguishing a poet among other poets of a certain era. d ) Distinguishing a c ) Distinguishing a poet on the basis of his specific methods or analysis. f) Praising a poet for his pocuce talent. g) Choosing and distinguishing one of the poet "s odes. Although the abovementioned methods and procedures had been in use in classical Arabic literary criticism, some critics belonging to the eras following that of Ebncsalum and even some of our contcmporaris have made use of them as well poet among others in terms of his use of literary techniques and styles.
dadkhah, H. (2000). The methods of Literary Criticism in "Tabaghato shoara ·· Mohammad Ebne Sanam Aljomahi. Literary Text Research, 3(11), 67-79. doi: 10.22054/ltr.2000.6218
dadkhah, H. . "The methods of Literary Criticism in "Tabaghato shoara ·· Mohammad Ebne Sanam Aljomahi", Literary Text Research, 3, 11, 2000, 67-79. doi: 10.22054/ltr.2000.6218
dadkhah, H. (2000). 'The methods of Literary Criticism in "Tabaghato shoara ·· Mohammad Ebne Sanam Aljomahi', Literary Text Research, 3(11), pp. 67-79. doi: 10.22054/ltr.2000.6218
H. dadkhah, "The methods of Literary Criticism in "Tabaghato shoara ·· Mohammad Ebne Sanam Aljomahi," Literary Text Research, 3 11 (2000): 67-79, doi: 10.22054/ltr.2000.6218
dadkhah, H. The methods of Literary Criticism in "Tabaghato shoara ·· Mohammad Ebne Sanam Aljomahi. Literary Text Research, 2000; 3(11): 67-79. doi: 10.22054/ltr.2000.6218