The Rise and Decline of Literary Schools

Document Type : Research Paper



The paper deals mainly with the definition of the term "literary schools" and the factors or elements that contribute to the rise or decline of a literary school. Considering the opinions expressed by various critics, one can conclude that despite discrepancy of opinion among critics on the name or label of literary schools, study of literary schools and movements can be helpful in the understanding and appreciation of different literary periods. Concerning the factors influencing the rise or decline of a -literary -school,: there , is no unanimity among critics. While some critics rega�4, socio-political factors as the most influential in the rise or decline of a literary school, others emphasize the role of philosophical and scientific theories; still others attribute the change of literary schools to literary causes. One may say that a combination of several factors rather than any single factor may bring about the rise or decline of a literary school. The extent of writers' commitment to the principles of literary schools varies in different schools. In realism, neo-classicism and naturalism the degree of commitmentseems to be higher than those of rumnnticisrn, svmbnlism of surrenlism