Analyzing the Historical reports of the Ghoz Sedition with the Approach of Narratology

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Persian language and literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department od Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran



There is an inseparable link between history and narrative, Narration plays an important role in the representation of history. In this research with descriptive analytical method and narratological approach we are trying to evaluate the quality of narration of three important historical texts of the Seljuq period: Seljuq-name Zahir al-Din Neishaburi, Rahat al-Sodour va Ayat al-Sarur Rawandi, Mosamerat Al-Akhbar va Mosayerat al-Akhyar Aqsarai by reading the historical reports of these historians. We explained the"The sedition of Ghoz, the captivity of Sanjar Seljuq "event and show which author-historian was able to turn the eventful history into a lasting historical narrative and what factors cause this success. In order to explain the level of narration in these three narratives, we have used four elements: description-place, time and characters, conflict and transition from one situation to another, completeness and having a teleological feature in the direction of the narratives and concluded that history writing in this period is weaker than other eras due to reasons such as historians' reluctance to record historical reports at the same time, Seljuk rulers' lack of support for historians, and the transition from the era of wisdom to the era of emotion and the rule of multiple ideologies. Among these three narratives, Rawandi's narrative is more detailed due to the presence of suspense, The narration of Seljuq-nameh is placed in the next order and it represents the fluidity of the narrator between the two sides of reporting and creation, and the narrative of Aqsarayi is the least narrative.


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