Correction of Monsha'at Amir Nezam under the Supervision of Professor Ghazi

Document Type : Research Paper



I had the opportunity of being one of the students of Professor Seyyed Hasan Agha Ghazi Tabatabaii in Faculty of Literature at Tabriz University some seventeen years ago. Once we happened to talk about Monsha 'at Amir Nezam Garrousi and its correction, and the professor eagerly recommended that I correct this book under his supervision. To start with, he provided me with a lithographic copy of his Monsha 'at so that I could rewrite the text and take down its difficulties. Unfortunately, after his demise, the task remained unfinished, though I treasure his book. Now, after all these years, I have extracted his remarks recorded on the margins of the book to be published in "Zaban va A dab".
