A study of the sources and references for the hadiths included in Tarikh-e Jahan-Gusha-yc Juwayni

Document Type : Research Paper



Hadiths In Tarikh-e Jahan Gushay, the famous work of Alaeddoleh Ata Malek Juwayni (623-681 A.H.), Which is undoubtedly one of the most prominent examples of Persian literary prose and historical references of the Mogul period, have a special importance alongside of the Koran's verses and Arabic poems and proverbs. The Author has, in numerous parts of his book, used verses and hadiths as confirmation in different forms and for various reasons. Acquaintance with hadiths and familiarization with their sources and references can help the reader to distinguish them from quotations and proverbs that are usually mixed up while reading, and realize the author's mastery of narrative references. In this paper, attemts have been made to review the documentations of the hadiths included in the book, and to present a report of the most important Shiite and Sunnite references and sources.
